Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 10, 1986, Page 20, Image 19

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Women's water polo develops
By Roberta Altstadt
Of III* tanrralrf
Water polo is best known in
California, bui the sport's
popularity is expanding
throughout the United States,
according to Michelle Canard,
interim coach of the Oregon
women's water polo team.
Men's water polo has been a
club sport at the University for
62 years, but the women's team
is launching into only its se
cond year.
Although the University team
played against area high school
club sports teams last year.
Canard said the team showed its
strength in a H league college
tournament in Berkeley. Clalif..
by placing second.
Water polo games consist of
four seven-minute quarters with
the clock running continuously
through the quarter.
The game is played with
13-member teams and seven
person lineups. Helping to
make up a team are two "main
drivers." who try to drive the
ball and shoot; a goalie; a
sprinter, who rates to get the
ball at the beginning of each
quarter; and a “lefty," position
ed on the side of the pool.
Two "holemen." who Canard
described as the "brains of the
game," are positioned in front
of the goal. Other players try to
feed the ball to these two. who
try to make goals.
Players cannot touch the bot
tom of the pool with their feet
and only can touch the ball with
one hand. The goalie, however,
may use both hands in defen
ding the goal. Canard said.
Scoring is similar to soccer,
with one point being awarded
for each goal.
The University’s starting
lineup consists of women with
four to five years of experience.
Canard said. All have a national
ranking at the high school or
college level according to
Canard, and many have placed
on an all-star team at some
Maindrtver Rhonda Parker, a
selection to the first all-state
team, made the women's na
tional water polo team this past
summer, Canard said.
Although the team does not
lack experience. "The team is
made up of freshmen and
sophomores, so we are basically
a young team." Canard said.
Starting players include:
goalie. Karin Steinslant: main
drivers. Parker and Canard; lef
ty. Laurie Crampton; sprinter.
Trish Kessler; and holeman,
Kirsten Steinslant. The other
starting holeman has not yet
been chosen.
Canard is the temporary
coach, with men's coach.
Chuck Weiglin acting as coach
at tournaments.
Canard said the goal for this
year is to "go to the inter
collegiate championships and
place." Competition trips to
Canada. California and
Washington are planned.
Continued from Page 19
for cycling,” she said. "The ex
tensive system of bike paths
here makes it convenient and
safe for riders to get out of the
city without having to confront
any heavy traffic."
And out of the city is exactly
where they go. Riding to such
places as Harrisburg. Coburg,
Crow and other surrounding
areas, the club covers approx
imately 30 to 50 miles per ride,
which will probably increase in
December in anticipation of spr
ing’s competitive schedule.
When the weather does
become less-than-agreeable,
many riders in the area will
move indoors and work out on
wind trainers.
For those interested, the club
schedules four rides every week
(Wednesday and Thursday at 3
p.m. and Saturday and Sunday
at 10 a.m.), meeting at the
gazebo on 13th and University
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