Sports Photo b« | mi Vt4rk% Club sport cyclist Kevin Klein (center) leads the pack in the recent 45-mile Wolf Creek Tour rate along the Oregon coast range. Club sport cycling offers fellowship and a workout By Randy Elliott Of the Kmc raid While cycling in this country has not traditonally enjoyed the same position of celebrity that it has in Europe, the sport’s popularity is increasing, say local cycling enthusiasts. Many take it up with a single image in mind: a lean, sinewy athlete atop a construction of the most recently-developed alloys, pedaling along the side of the road, legs driving in cessantly like the piston rods on a civil war locomotive. Hut riding alone can become tedious, making it difficult to maintain the required level of motivation. Must discourage ment inevitably follow? No. The University Cycling Club offers an alternative to those cyclists who enjoy a little fellowship in addition to a good workout. The 35-member club is open to anyone interested in cycling, from beginning to experienced cyclists. The phrase "club sport" car ries with it connotations of an intensely competitive at mosphere, but that is not entire ly accurate in this instance, says Cycling Club president jackie Mann. “We do have some very good cyclists in the club, such us ken Allen, who has trained ut the Olympic Training Facilities in Colorado, and Doug Clark, win ner of last year's Criterion race,” Mann said. "But we also have some triathletes and some people interested in touring." While Eugene and all its rain might seem like a dubious locale for outdoor sports to thrive, the area does have its ad vantages, Mann said. "Eugene is an excellent place Continued on Page 20 ASU claims bid By The Associated Press Everything's coming up roses for Arizona State University, tite first college football team to gain a l>owl berth. By clinching the Pacific-to Conference title Saturday with a 40-0 romp over California, the fifth-ranked Sun Devils art! set for the Rose Howl on New Year's Day against the Big Ten champion. "We have two goals this season - to win the Pac-10 cham pionship and to win the national championship." said ASU's quarterback Jeff Van Raaphorst. “We got one and got one to go” UO Bookstore— NEW Freestyle Watches by Jacques Ferel Leather $31 00 • Fabric $30 50«Nylon $30 00 Your store since 1920 13th & Ktncoict M r 7 30 5 30 SAT 1000400 M6 4331 KEEP THIN AND LIGHT... SAVE 50^ ON ANY Silver Lights- j CIGARETTE PAPERS J RETArjrn Wu n autooruad to ad a* ou> apart kx radamobon o> ton coupon *• art laanbuaaa you S0« ptua M handina pranOmg that you and toy conaumai ha*a compiiad wdh too latma o* ou» ofl« Vbto atom pfohrtutod Into » laainctod Oy tow Good only in U S A Catoi «lua 1/I0« flw conaumai naito pay any aatoa Uu Any o*w« uaa conatoutoa baud Mail coupon to HapuOAc tobacco Co PO Hoi 730335 El Paao TXTM73 l«n« ona coupon par puicftaaa 7*1063 1000*13