High Quality COPIES All Day ★ Every Day Collating Binding Opan • 30-00 M F 104 Sal. •pm-Spm Sun Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 Fair to feature health information By Tonnio Dakin Of the tmer.ld The second annuel Health Celebration will take place Tuesday in Room 167 EMU to better inform students of the various resources available at the University Student Health Center. “We want to inform students of the educa tional and service aspects of the Student Health Center," said Liz Goeke, coordinator of the Lifestyle Planning Program. "This is a way to let students know about what is happening in the health center." Coeke said. "We want students to learn preventative health measures " The Health Celebration will concentrate on five areas that constitute a student's health and well-being: fitness, nutrition, sexuality, health habits and stress management. There will be different tables set up for each area, with University students and faculty to answer questions. Students can learn how to weigh their body fat with the University's hydrostatic weighing machine, which can be helpful in determining a correct fitness plan, she said. There will be videotapes on the subject of AIDS available throughout the day. One videotape was made by Dr. lames Jackson, director of the Health Onter. A representative from the new dental facilities on campus will be available to pro vide information about dental care. "The neal thing is... they are going to be responsible for dental health and education, not only for prevention." Goeke said. Peer health advisers also will be available to make appointments and answer questions. "Peer health advisers are students helping students," Goeke said. "If needed, they can work out a health program for students and help change behavior through support.” —I JQ~Rnokstore= SANYO SUPER SALE I. . . - ... 90 Days Good as Ca Instant Urea It available on request • NO Interest • NO Finance Charge AUDIO COMPONENT SYSTEMS SYSTEM 580 • IS Function Intrarod Remote • SO Watte Par Channel • AM/FM Stereo Synth Tuner • Dual Transport Caaaefta Deck • Semi Automatic Turntable • 10" S way Speaker Sytlemt LIST $599 OURS $499 sX$449 SYSTEM 1664 • 100 Watti Pa» Channal • 5 Band Graphic Equalliar • Compact Otic Playai • AM/EM Slaiao Synth Tuna. • Dual Caaaalta Back ml Dolby • Sami Automatic Tumtabta • 12" S-Way Spaakaf Syatama LIST $999 OURS $699 *^s639 ★ ONLY 1 LEFT ★ SYSTEM 1877 • 120 Watta Par Channel • Spaclrum Analyiei • 14-Band Oraphlc Equaiitet • Compact (Mac Player • AM/PM Synlh lunar • Dual Tranaporl Caaaalla Deck • Sami Automatic Turn labia • IS" 3 Way Speaker Syatama LIST $1099 OURS $799 sXs729 SYSTEM 760 • Full Intrarod ftamota Control • 100 Watt* Pot Charm*! • AM/FM Starao Synth Timor • Dual Transport Cmootto Dock , • S Band Graphic Equallm . • 12" J Way Spoafcor Syatoma I LIST $699 OURS $699 Special *649 PORTABLES SANYO AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder • Automatic music select system I • Stereo espender circuitry • Multt voltage operation (M 7110K only) • 2 SW bends (KM 10* only) • 5 Band graphic equalizer < LIST 99.95 s69.95 M7110 SANYO AM/FM Stereo Radio/ Double Cassette Recorder MW580 • High ipMd dubbing • Continuous playback circuit* • Phono Input* • 2 Tap* Iranaport machamamt • 5 Band graphic agualuar • Automatic mualc aatact ayatam • DalachaMa *-«ay LIST 249.95 S129.95 SANYO AM/FM Starao Radio/ Double Caaaatt* Record*? • 2 Caaaatt* transport machamamt • High apaad dubbmg • Automatic level control • Built m condanaar miciopttonaa • Auto atop machamam LIST 99.95 s59.95 MW 200 LIST 449.95 s349.95 MCD40 SANYO Portable AM/PM Stereo Cessette Recorder w/CD Player • FuH aulo rtvttu (rec/play) • S tand graphic aqualiiar • Automatic music saloct system • AC/OC operation • Built In compact dl»c player with iS-soioctlon programmable operation • Soil touch transport controls • Limited to stock on hand Uih 4 Kincaid M F 7:30-5-30 SAT 1000400 6444331 Jury Continued from Page 15 signature to get out of grade school for the seventh game of the World Series. Arriving at a meeting room at City Hall, my eyes met up with a diverse assortment of the Eugene community. Some were retired citizens who were look ing forward to this experience like eager patriots, others were career men and women ner vously looking at their watches. I sat through the entire pro cess. The judge was a calm, middle-aged man. He was very warm and friendly, and made everyone (except me) feel as though it were a privilege to be there. After the meeting, he pardon ed me from this terrible November destiny. Other students might keep a few things in mind. Most jury clerks will attempt to work around the academic year and will, upon the student's request for a deferral, postpone the call for duty until summer, accor ding to Michaud. If a student asks for an ex cusal. the judge comes in to play. The judge may deny ex cusal and grant deferral, or may shorten the assigned time and defer the remainder, depending on the circumstances. Also, the courts no longer use the registered voters list to pick participants, thanks to ORS 10.110 passed last January. "We have broadened the pro gram out to licensed drivers and homeowners," Michaud said. They are also looking for other modes for variety’s sake, such as records from the Fish and Wildlife Commission. Special Malaysian Hot Dish Laksa $350 Serving for lunch CHINA BLUE Restaurant 879 E. 13th. 343-2832 Next to the VO Bookstore, upstairs