Antagonistic artists essential in today's society, poet says By Stan Nelson Of tfc* Km*r*ld The poet as an antagonistic force in socie ty is needed more keenly today than ever before, said John Witte, a University English instructor who will give a poetry reading tonight. "The poet and artist and musician, dancer and playright is the guardian of the spirit and provides a vital and viable outlet for expres sion of the spirit.” he said. Witte currently is editor of the Northwest Review, an English department tri-annual literary publication. "Our society is engaged in a virtual orgy of materialism, it shouldn’t be surprising that society at large regards poets as peculiar and outlandish and bizarre." he said. By us"tng intuition. Witte said he is better able to recognize poem ideas than by using the more traditional sense of inspiration. And like other literary forms, poetry is 5 percent inspiration and *»5 percent editing and continued learning. Witte said. "When an idea for a poem occurs to me. elements of all of my experience and all of my understanding are drawn into that thought almost as if the particular word or event or im age creates a magnetic field, he said. Witte expressed his dislike of the current developments in contemporary poetry, which is deviating from its traditional characteristics. “More and more, artists are engaged with a passive attitude toward society. In the last few years, we are seeing a proliferation of very elegant and handified poetry, which is disasterous and a betrayal of the essential obligation of a poet to l>e an antagonist and critical of society and her achievements.” Witte, who was bom and raised in the Northeast, said Eugene is a relief from New York and the inevitable sense of competition and the unhealthy pressure to write in the ac cepted style of writing. Eugene's setback for writing is the absence of literary excitement generated by major writers. Witte said. Hut Witte added that local writers such as author Ken kesev. science fiction writers Kate Wilhelm and Damon Knight and non-fiction writer Barry Lopez all are well-known in their fields. Internationally renowned South |ohn Witte American poet |uan Eplev is a member of the l Iniversity faculty. The l,ane Literary (luild has provided readings and workshops for writers. Witte said. Likewise, the group Poetic Space lias contributed to literary advancement in lane County. The Lane Regional Arts Council has begun to interact w ith University programs and break down the ‘'town gown” division between writers and artists in the community, he said. "What results from that is a vory vjtal ex change of viewpoints and attitudes about writing, which benefits everyone." Witte said In addition. Eugene attracts some writers who just want to be left alone with their work. "Writing is a solitary occupation, and writers tend to be solitary by nature,” Witte said. Witte will give a free poetry reading tonight at 7 in Room T1H (.ilbert Hall. He will read from works in progress and poetry recent ly or soon to be published in the New Yorker and Ploughshare magazines, and "The Norton Introduction to Literature" journal. IT’S NEW! Watch for it every Thursday I 1 Spectrum iiiuiiii iiiiiiii ... Zouch of Class Clothing I We Pay More For Clothes!! Quality Resale (or women and children. Specializing in a natural libers S] for women. Mon-fri. 10:00-5:10 Sal 10:00-5:00 - 2650 Willamette • 343-0005 Call lor appointment J\ I Repairs • Buy and Sell STEREO WORKSHOP IW Main SprlngtlaM 741 *1 597 HALLEY'S COMET ALLAMM BROS. COPPCC 404 (toi.) 504 (12m ) rnee naif a Hair Aciom from tho UO Boohstort High Quality COPIES All Day * Every Day Collating Binding Opw •:304:30 M F 104 Sal. 4pm4pm Sun Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 s49 Quality eyewear need not be expensive SINGLE VISION PRESCRIPTION LENSES AND FRAMES • Choose hom a spec aiiy selected gioup 0* I ash on frames • FT 25-28 Bifocals S20 Extra • Extra charge for high powers EYE EXAMS.*32 Dr Dan Caldwell. Optometrist Santa Clara Square koj 689-1115 r - -i w . "j p5ump^Ti»umwin^iime!;nj!j:irmP5rPKume«;rBsumH^rM^urrin«iW!>uir iiness cardsbuaimss cardsbusiness cardsbusiness cardsbusir erheadsletlerheadsTallarhaadaielierheadslettefheadsletterhoac /icesgraphic servicesgraphic servicesgraphic sarvicasgrapnic sei TM»am Bmuann emu.'lOQ emu300 emJM emii3QQ «mu3QQ amu3 Open 7 Days A Week Mon.-Sat. 10-9 Sun. 12-6 VISA M/CDiKovef Accepted 33 EE! Album or Cassette HEAR TOMORROW. HUNTERS & COLLECTORS I.R.S. RECORDS: PROVIDING CONSISTENTLY SOUND INVESTMENTS. Also From I.R.S. For Just *5" Timbuk 3—Greetings From Timbuk 3 and Beat Rodeo—Home In The Heart Of The Beat Album or Ciudlt I"* 11/23/i*