Travel FLY THANKSGIVING1 Round trip lickMF to San Dwoo lew tata *t9e aach Call JeWin 343dtMdav* 34MISS daw. H-T Opportunities T SHIRT LOGO CONTEST lew UO Oanca Dapartmanl Entry daadlina Nov t4 to ’ll 0«* SSS33ST T981I1I3 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer »r round Europe S Amer Australia Asia AII lialda *900 2000 mo Siam seeing Free info Write UC, PO B» S2-OR3 Corona Dei Mar CA 92S» _It 20 EARN A YMCA MEMBERSHIP Be a ctiitdcara wprko* For more into, call 68SYMCA 1112 GIVE ME A P! It i not too late' Pick up your apphea tion to be a New Student Most Program coordinator today Apps are available in 364 Oregon Hall and are due back there by 5 pm TODAY!! Don't mtas out on be mg involved with the NEW New Student Host Program' 8152 117 DECISION RESEARCH w iM pay college students and stall $5 lor about one hour of paper and pencil decision tasks Come to Chapman Hall. Room 207 on Sat Nov S anytime between 9 am and 12 15 pm If you need further details call 485 2400 8145 117 PEER ADVISERS WANTED FOR WINTER 87 The following departments are accep ting applications for winter term This is an exciting opportunity to work with and help fellow students in your maior department A one year commitment is required, along with the desire to help fellow students In addition credit is available lor the rewarding experience Interested1’? You may pick up an ap plication at the following departments College of Business Administration <271 Gilbert) Physical Education and Human Movement Studies (PE Office. 161 Gerlinger annex) Math (333 or 218 Fenton), and Teacher Education (175 Education) 8153 11-14 Help Wanted WAITERS/WAITRESSES Accepting applications tor experienced waiters in a formal Chinese restaurant Call Mon Fri, 3:305:30, 746*9952. 117 DRIVERS NEEDED for the P»*2a Answer Day and night positions available Must be 18 yrs old and have own car and ins Also looking for com missary help Accpetmg applications between 11 am and 5 pm daily Apply in person at 1432 Orchard No 5 or call 687 8600 _WF 11-7 DECISION RESEARCH a students and staff $5 for about one hour of paper and pencil decision tasks Come to Chapman Hall Room 207 on Sat Nov 8 anytime between 9 am and 12 15 pm If you need further details call 485 2400 8145 11 7 EUGENE QUALITY CAR WASH 115 W 29th near Willamette Presently inter viewing honest, reliable neat per sonable. and hard working individuals Part time/full time Apply in person _11 11 SKI COACHES Hoodoo Ski Bowl is htr mg race coaches beginning Nov 29 Contact Hoodoo at 342 5540 11 14 ACCTG/LAW ENF SPECIAL AGENT A unique opportunity in criminal investigation with the Internal Revenue Service Professional careers in law enforce ment for men and women under age 35 Requires Bachelors degree in cluding minimum of 36 qtr hours ac counting and related sobfects or 3 years substantive accounting and related business experience Inten sive training provided in tax law and techniques of criminal investigation Special Agents investigate cases in volving tax fraud and other related criminal violations develop and document evidence for. and are often a Key witness in. government pro secution of tax law cases Starling salary $14,300 $17,800 depending on qualifications Full civil service benefits Excellent advancement and professional development program Written test required For application package call (503) 221 3203 IRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer 8080 11-12* Help Wanted WORKSTUDY in th« CULTURAL FORUM Positionf*) avaitabia no* for racap ttontst that mvoivas typing and ganarai off tea work Wa ara looking for somaon# aho an joys tha axcttamant of an activa of ftca. can maintain a aor* focus and wot* indapandantiy throughout ouf programming cyclas Coma by Suita 2. EMU or call •••4373 8106 11 14* Sun Vatlay Co. it hiring for positions in tha food dapt for tha $6 87 atntar saason tntarvtaws aril! ba conducted on Nov 13th Full tima wot* with banafits including pass discounts, maal allowancas and ampioyaa hous tog Contact Emmatt Williams. JOA 686M14 11 10 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional screening end matching Quality homes available suitable room <■ _tmm TO SHARE 3 BEDROOM house close to campus Quiet area. 2 bathrooms modern Kitchen fireplace, wall to-wait carpet, washer and dryer Rent $200 a month Call 342 7396 keep trying 1J 7 FEMALE OR MALL month plus $80 deposit plus 1/S share of heat utilities 1/4 phone Call 343 7068 or 683^659 11 10 2 ROOMS $127 per ■ nth ea f G it house near 5th St Market 485 5039 117 ORIENTAL FEMALE graduate student looking for decent room in 2 4 bdrm house with grads from Jan. $140 $180. preferred souttvsouthwest of campus 343 0045 or 683 3777 imessagel 118 For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished $115/mo 2 bedroom furnished $t44/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $120/mo Future openings e« peeled Winter and Fall Terms Mamed couples and single parents eligible Call UO Housing 686 4277 lor informa tion 7569 tfn CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED i bedrooms $245/$425 485 2823 7940 tfn ONE.TWO 6 THREE rentals. 4850 Franklin Bivd Also 3 bedroom country mobile Phone 937 3400 II 7 385 I. 30 TH 3 txlrm duple* Carpet drapes ap pliances. carport utilities hook up $329 l PM Co 1111 Pearl 485 8252 _, 8139 1112 FEMALE GRAD STUDENT WANTED share house Private room w'balh and ♦oft separate entrance fr doors vaulted ceilings $165 plus utilities 342 8606 11 10 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS, 'ully furnish ad alt util Included Private t/2 bath «5««80 _6064 tin Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT tor sale Will pay deposit Call Jill/Stephanie 6630911 _11^7 BUY MY CONTRACT beer, deposit negotiable Call Travis 686 6617 o- 343 1889 11*7 DORM CONTRACT tor sale Will pay deposit Cab Holii 686 6214 11 7 DORM CONTRACT tor sate I II pa deposit Call Susan 345 8174 11-10 DORM CONTRACT < .ale Buy it and get two free cases ot beer Cell Steve 683 0827 11H Meetings WOMEN’S GOLF TEAM Meeting for UO teem try outs Friday. Nov 7. 130 pm 110 Gertinoer Any questions call Scott Knagar 686 3372 8128 11 7 SHABBAT HMHM/JSU Join u» 6 pm at »he Komoma Center to* a pottock service and meeting S»gn up to bring things in Suite 5 EMU if po*»*bto Ml Events DANCERS U of O Dance Department PrHtHtl Master Classes with Sam Weber of the JAZZ TAP ENSEMBLE Saturday November 8 Jazz Rhythms 10:30-12:30 Tap 2:30-4 13 U of O Student* IS Others 353 Qa*linger Anna. 11 ?4 SO YOU THINK YOU’RE FUNNY? If you can make us laugh, we can make you richer! Details available in the EMU Cultural Forum, Suite Two, EMU. | I___I Committee (or Musical Arts presents the film ORNETTE: MADE IN AMERICA Fri, Nov 7th 7:30 & 9:15 Room 198 School of Music FREE Umitad Seating 8084 117 ANNIE HALL NOV 7 180 PLC Children $1 ASUO Films 8149 II ?• Events DISCOVER YOUR SISTER UNIVERSITY The University Protect Mill be fl»> »ng a slid# show pretentetion followed by e panel discussion of the conditiont fecmg the University of El Salvador UO » sister university The event wilt be held m the EMU S form Room at 7 pm on Wednesday November 11th Tafc* this opportunity to meet the members of the Sister University Pro i#ct and to learn more about the UfWver sdy of Et Salvador Admission is tree attso 11 »? BEER GARDEN TODAY featuring DEOVOX 4-7 PM EMU DINING ROOM FOOD AND ALTER NATIVE BEVERAGE AVAILABLE ID REQUIRED 78?) t 103 Recycle This Paper Food a Drink PURE MINNESOTA long grain *tld nt e $3 30 for i1 pound us (XX)/ It 10 EU.EVE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY vwvwwvwwwww NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST $1 7 30 10 00 FEATURING Croissant or Cftam chnesa pastry and colf«N> or tea MONDAY FRIDAY Mf 1304-00 tun t 13th Saturday » 3 4H4 tee? miner rocium Euphoria » Ultra-Choc. Sundaes £ S1.25 EVERY FRIDAY M« E 13th M1 Wiltamttte 8Wppe« < «•)(••