It's artwork to those who have them Tattooing: when skin is the artist's canvas By Mark McCann CM the tawiM Vickie got her first tattoo at 14 .She and a friend were fool ing around with a needle and India Ink. Now. at 19. she is having her childish experiment "repaired.” "I did it mostly because my parents told me I couldn't. I thought it would be cool.” Her husband. Toby, supported her decision to change the small Repairs • Buy and Sell STEREO WORKSHOP 1«M Main SprmgtMM 741*1597 black cross to a more appealing flower. But when she came home with a second tattoo. Toby was furious. ''1 didn’t mind the one on her finger but I didn't like the one on her breast. 1 guess it wasn't so much the tattoo, but she got it after I asked her not to.” With the staccato buzz of the needle Vickie flinched in an ticipation. As the needle touch ed her skin she grimaced and HALLEY'S COMET New York £*/V Seltzer OU Across •fomUOBookstofs □ □□□ COUPON (k 9 CONDOMS CONTRACEPTIVE CREAMS ft JELLIES 10-40% Belor* Retail • Out Regular Price Send *4 00 lot a prepaid 4.44 oa tab* ol V®" choice and/or *5 00 lot a variety pack o» I* e Koromei Jelly Koiomei Cream Ollkofynol Condom Variety O Ortfcocreme □ Gynol It Jelly Q Koromea Cryetal Clear □ Mall Order Form Only ZPOW%STMO SEATtUl. WA 90103 One order pet cnatomer Hair Styling for Men & Women diaihcuii $10.00 Cato bv Mtcltd Prl»onn*l Int ludv* khampoo (ondlKnMt A Mow Av 1239 Alder 485-1202 2833 Willamette 686-1496 1461 19th St. 484-2565 Book Views “Old Wives’ Tales” by Susan M. Dodd. One* In a great while a writer come* along, seemingly out of nowhere, to reeatabllah the standards ot storytelling In this case It is a writer ot Intense compassion whose uniqueness * desire to create believable, empathlc characters and situations that capture the commonalities of a modem human corn dition Her name is Susan M Dodd and 'Old Wives Tales is her stunning first volume ot stories In her story. "Snowbird." an elderly man living In a small aparV ment complex having many times retused the polite dances ot h,s next door neighbor, relinquishes his need tor privacy and is drawn to her when a family tragedy shatters her spirit and proper demeanor A lew hours alter hearing of her plight the old man reluo unity checks In on his neighbor and discovers the Immensity ot the emotional blow the woman has received NaMd Myra QlandsootoQ m im atramhl toackad chair, hug fling h#»»ait An ornata barheada of pillowa and family portraits and music boias knitting bags and knlck knacks and candy di.lwx enclosed her Met elite Hghl .pilled ecroee the Itoor trorn th« isievition. Dul the *omen *e» no! kxkiinp .“.TT Sha was not looking at har astonishing hoard of tnnkats in tact, aha saamad to ba looking at nothing at alt " Snowbird" brings together two equally attractive characters (a pattern repeated numerous times In the volume) by showing the basic necessity ot companionship (however briet it may be), not as a healing source, but much deeper, as a way ot averting the tear ot ultimate loneliness Susan M Dodd s "Old Wives' Tales renews and attirms the tradition ot good, solid fiction writing in an age where the mere abititv to manipulate the written word ottentimes takes precedence Sve! an author s imagination and .deals A skillful and unforget, table debut Reviewed by - Kerry Paul May Available in the General Book Dept. *9.95 Your stors sines 1920 uo BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 5 30 SAT 10 00 4 00 686 4331 said “If you want to know if it hurts, the answer is yes. I wouldn't have got another one because my husband wouldn’t let me. but I guess I’m still a rebel." Her husband piped in, “I don’t think they’re right I wouldn't want anything that I couldn't get rid of if I didn’t want it." Vickie replied. "I think they're sexy, they're art." Allen, also 19. had different reasons for getting a tattoo. "Adornment. Just because I wanted it." The University engineering major continued. “There are lots of tattoos in my family. All my uncles have one. I'm a diabetic and take four shots a day so the pain won’t be a problem." Having a tattoo in the profes sional world doesn’t bother Allen "One third of the people in the country have tattoos. It's more of a personal commit ment. I would classify myself as a non-conformist, but it's up to the individual if their tattoo is going to lie non-conformist. This tatt(x) is going to be art." he said. The design he had was a family sign and was his first tattoo. Nan Savage, the owner of Tat too by Design in Fugene. does more "repair" work than anything else. "Tattoos are like sex. Once you get one, It's OK to get more." Savage has four tattoos herself. "Once you get a tattoo, the stigmas and fears are wash ed away, and you get another." As an art student at the University of Minnesota. Savage thought it was natural that she become a tattoo artist. "1 went to visit a friend in Alaska who was doing tattoos, and I got one Pretty soon I was doing tattoos." That was 12 years ago. Savage didn’t like her first tattoo and had it changed. A small black butterfly is now the center of a Japanese flower over her left breast. She also has a Foo dog on her shoulder because she was bom in the year of the dog On her right ankle is a Phoenix surrounded by bats and clouds, and on her left ankle is a rose in a whirlpool. The scenes were rnoio Dy :>i*enyn njoruRrrn Nan Savage, owner of Tattoo by Design, reproduces an elaborate design on a customer’s arm. done by several different artists at different times. On the wall of Savage’s business are the typical Harley wings, hearts, roses and ‘‘In memory of Mom" inscriptions, but Savage said most people br ing in their own designs. "Eagles are popular because they’re American. I do dragons, flowers and butterflies the most. Unicorns are real popular. Everybody loves dragons. "Tattoos have no gender." Savage continued."there is no male or female separation. Hut talk to a biker, and he’ll tell you there is. Usually a person gets a tatt(H) because a friend has one. and just as many professionals get tattoos as anybody.” In Japan tattooing is con sidered an art form. Some men get elaborate tattoos that cover their entire bodies. Japanese men with tattoos have formed clubs and even have their own festival. The main picture goes on the back, and the rest of the work stays within the bounds of a central theme. According to Savage. "Japanese tattoos have a lot of symbolism, and Americans’ are pretty loose.” When a customer calls on Continued on Page 7 Et al. MEETINGS The Herpes Information and Support Group will present Roger Rohloff, pharmaceutical representative from Burroughs Wellcome. Discussion will focus on current research in drug-related prevention and treatment of herpes, tonight. 7 to 9 at Sacred Heart Hospital. Conference Room 5-Main. Mortar Board meets tonight at 6:30 in Room 108 Gilbert. Faith Center College-Age Bi ble Study meets tonight at 7:30 in the EMU Forum Room. PRSSA will have a chapter meeting and a guest speaker to day at 4:30 in Room 221 Allen Hall. MISCELLANEOUS Gary McNaught will be the guest speaker at the "Passion for Excellence" leadership workshop tonight from 4 to 6 in SECURITY FIRST Child Development Center Close to U of O Small home-like selling. Flexible scheduling Cognitive learning with emphasis on Fun/Outdoots INFANT CENTER TOOOLER CENTER PRESCHOOL SICK CHILD CARE MAIN OFFICE 1677 Pearl~$2 2Smr of $346 00 Full Time 1689 Peatf-$2 00/hr Of $285 00 Full Time 1531 Pearl-Sliding Scale $1 30 10 $1 60/Tu $195 00 10 $225 00 Full Time 1647 Pearl-Sliding Scale. 50 to $3 00/hr Pre arranged Drop-in care lor mildly III kids (colds flu. etc ) 345 0758 Please call (or more information Room 110 EMU. Photographer Dan Root and reporter lames Thalman of The Register-Guard will address how to establish a good working relationship today at 3:30 in the EMU Forum Room. The College of Business Ad ministration is accepting ap plications for peer advisers. Applications should be turned in to Room 271 Gilbert by Fri day, Nov. 14. The University Outdoor Pro gram is sponsoring a rock climbing slide show at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 13 in 150 (ieology. The Career Planning and Placement Service is offering a workshop on internship options today from 2 to 2:30 in Room 237 Hendricks Hall. A workshop entitled "Choos ing a Major." sponsored by Academic Advising and Stu dent Services, takes place today at 3:30 in 104 Oregon H#U-. .. .