Bicycles Cannondalo Ml Bika Exac Cond Sail for $350 Call 485-8054 Aak for Ban WOMEN’S 104PEED. Excellent con* lion $200 now, asking $125 686 1412 114 NISHIKI tl" 10-SPEED Includes tender*. rack and lock Mark 342-5107 106400 BOOKS IN STOCK Ail Sailing 4040% off Hal prtcaa •Tsxtbooks*C!lff Notes-MagaHnes USED BOOKS BOUGHT ANDSOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTOKE 70S East 13111 Outs* Cycles 1071 LaSASBE. 2 door. 4 banal Naads painl $600 484-1067 _ 7767 lfn tost HONDA PASSPORT Gnat condi Hon. Call 8880100117 M HONDA CUTE 1(0 Daluxa acoolar Pari act condition, garaged always 683-7111.11-7 1984 HONDA AERO $695 OBO 344-5117 11-10 1(78 MAZDA OLC. AM FM cassatta. 5spend, excellent condition TWO OBO. 343-5036114 74 KARMANN OMIA. Haw paint, great con Pit 345-8667117 73 VOLVO 164E Automatic, fuel mine lion Runs very wall WOO 7464000 117 1(70 TOYOTA Crown Wagon Runs wall Looks good Must sail $500 484 4056117 76 HONDA CIVIC (1.800 or beat offer Fabulous condition. 344-2306 11 12 AM LEAVING - Need to sail 75 Honda Civic quick) Runs great, excellent MPG top compression, brakes $900 OBO 3439959 11 7 Clothing 1 MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for man and woman For appt: 344-7039 340 E. 11th Pets AKC COCKER SPANIEL, black female. 10 months, shots, raised on Nutro Max. basic training, loves people. $170 485 1300 tin Computers APPLE IIC, 2 disk drives, mouse modem and monitor (retail over $1,700) Asking $896 342-3030 11-11 MAQNAVOX VIDEO WHITE A Excellent wordprocessing machine, built-in quali ty printer Used only 6 months, carrying case, portable Priced to sell at $496 344 8914 or 686 5163 11 11 UPGRADE SPECIAL ADD MEMORY TO YOUR PC FROM $75 EMU GROUND FLOOR_ Ski Stuff MOVING. MUST SELL: X C skis snd poles great condition. SSO (Women s. 5 6 hi) 342 5018 NEED A LOCKER? EMU R#c Ctr 13711. EMU Qraund Floor Sound Systems JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1457 W 6th 34*7663 Monday trwu Friday t am 6 p m Saturday 9 a m 4 30 d m SAI SOM PREAMP *165 AR IS speakers (paid *165 Technics turntable with stylus 106 346-9740 11 7 EMU ARCADE features “GAUNTLET” “RAMPAGE” “PLAY CHOICE 10” “WORLD SERIES” “RAVEN” “SPYHUNTER” Oroo«d Floor EMU FLV THANK SOI VINO I Round trip tickets 10 San Otago lor sate - SIM each Call John 3434139 days 343 3165 aval _ lt-7 ALASKA - ONI WAV TICKET. Female Laata Nor 12 From Eugene Fairbanks 345 2467 114 FOR SALE - ROUND TRIP Euoana' OR to Honolulu. HI through San Francisco leaving Dec 12. reluming Jan 6 Message tor Kris 696-3434 or lata nights 343-77SK_Ti-T Rides a Riders DRIVING TO SALT LAKE for Thanksgiving? I lf pay 1/2 gas tot ride 345*728 Wanted WANTED MACINTOSH COMPUTER 512K 3424423 11-5 OARAGE OR WORKSHOP urgently needed tor wood cratt manufacturing If you need S30-40lmonth. call 342-4061. 114* Opportunities T-SHIRT LOGO CONTEST for UO Dance Department Entry deadline Nov t4 to 161 GRX. Prizes 686 3367 7981 11 13 STUDENT SENATE OPPORTUNITIES IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Your Student Senate hat immediate Senate seat positions open for the 1986 87 school year representing the following departments No 1 Law and graduate students No 2 Education No 11 Computer science/math/ physics No 13 Architecture & allied artsJ PPPM/economics No 14 Architecture & allied arts/ PPPM/economics No. 15 Dance/PEvrecreation No 17 Undelcared If you have declared one of these departments as your maior this is your chance to get involved in stu dent government and university policy making As a Student Senator you will represent your field be a member of University Senate and the University Assembly, and sit in on Student/Faculty Committees Senators receive a $35 month sti pend Applications and more informa lion are available in Suite 4 EMU Deadline tor applications is Friday November 14 _ io M* GIVE ME AN H! It's that Irma ol year again end Ihe NEW New student Hoi! Program is looking tor atudenta worthy ot carrying on tha terrltic NSAP name1 Pick up a coor dinator application m 364 Or agon Mall It's due back in 364 Oregon Hall Fn. N.iv TOMOHHOW. In '■ l>m #141 116 EARN A YMCA MEMBERSHIP Be e childcare worker For more into, call 666YMCA 1H2 Opportunities OVERSEAS JOSS Summer yr found Europe S Amei Australia Asia All Helds *900 XXX) mo Siam seeing Free Info Write UC. PO B> M OR3. Cor on* Del Mar CAMUS ft 20 Help Wanted ACCTOflAW ENF SPECIAL AGENT Professional careers In law enforce menr for men and women under age 34 Requires Becnelors degree in cluding minimum of 3* qlr hours ac counting and 'elated subtec tl or 3 years substantive accounting and relaiad business a.parlance mien sure training provided In tai law and technique* of criminal tnveellgation Special Agents investigate cases in volving las fraud and other folded criminal violations develop and document evidence for and are often a Say witness in. government pro secution of tas law cases Starting salary tie 300 St F «on depending on quallficattuns Full cum service benefits Eiceftent advancement and professional development program Wntten test required For application package call (4031MI 3203 IRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer BOBO 11-12* WORK-STUDY in the CULTURAL FORUM Po*»hon<»} available now lot recap t>om*t that involve* typing and general office work We are looking for *om#on« who an loya the excitement of an active ol fica can maintain a work focus and work independently throughout our programming cycle* Come by Suita 2. EMU or caN MMS71 _ 8106 11 M* 8K‘ COACHES Hoodoo Ski Bowi i* htr •ng race coache* beginning Nov 29 Contact Hoodoo at 342 5640 11 14 WAITERS/WAITRESSES Accepting applications for experienced waiters m a format Chinese restaurant Call Mon Fri, 3 306 30 746 9952 11 7 DRIVERS NEEDED for the Wiia Answer Day and night positions available Must be 18 yrs old and have own car and ins Also looking for com missary help Accpettng applications between 11 am and 5 pm daily Apply in person at 1432 Orchard No 5 or call 687 8600 WF 11 7 COURSE GUIDE TYPIST $4 SO hr Work study only Editing and typing skills (45-60 wpm) Application deadline Nov u 5 pm Applications available at the ASUO Suite 4, EMU The ASUO is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportune ty Employer Women minorities end differently abled students are en couraged to apply 8140116 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional screening end matching Quality homes available, suitable room mates Call 68/8213 79 TO SHARE 3 BEDROOM house to campus quiet area. 2 bathrooms modern kitchen, fireplace wall to wall carpel washer and dryer Rent $200 a month Call 342-7396 keep trying ft 7 FEMALE OR MALE, non smoking $70 month plus $80 deposit plus 1/5 share of heat utilities 1/4 phone Call 34 3 7868 or 6836659._IMP 2 ROOMS $127 per month each Great house near 5th St. Market 485 5039 117 For Rent FAMILY MOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished $115/mo 2 bedroom Itirnished. 1144/mo Amuon unfurnished 2 bedroom t!20rmo Future openings ea peeled W/nier and Fell Terms Married couples and single perenis eligible Cell UO Housing AM-4277 lor mlorme lion muis CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED 1/2 bedrooms S24S/S42S 4M2B23 7M0 I'n ONE.TWO A THREE Bedroom House rentals 4850 Franklin Blvd Also 3 bedroom country mobile Phone 9373400 11 7 r 3*8 E 30TM 3 Mim Oupto Carpal diapa» ap pllancat carport ultimo* hookup. 8329 I PM Co. 1111 Pa art 485825? __ 813* I t 12 FEMALE ONAO STUDENT WANTED 10 »har* houM Prtvata room arfealh and loll, aaparalo antranca. If door*, vauttod coiling* H8S plua ultimo* Mim__ HW CAMPUS COU Quads IOUPT QUADS, iu fully fumrah ad all ulil tncludad Pnvar* 112 bath *1*9 34544*0 4 Ifn Don* Contracts DOOM CONTNACT tor aata Will pm CaM JMPSlaphania W3 0«n 11 2 SUV MV CONTNACT dapoail nogotial 312 or 343-1*00 Gat a caaa of 4a CaM Travt*. »1-2 DOOM CONTNACT lor'aata MU) pay daoowi CaM Holt) MOW 14 112 4;! WOMEN'S QOLF TEAM Mooting lor UO loam try-out* Friday. Nov 2, 130 pm. 110 Gorttngor Any quoailon*. caM Scott Krtagar MO3322 Events NINE DAYS WONDER TAYLORS 114 SO YOU THINK YOU’RE FUNNY? If you can make us laugh, we can make you richer! Details available in the EMU Cultural Forum, Suit* Two, EMU. 812* II7* Committea lor Musical Arts presents the film ORNETTE: MADE IN AMERICA Fri, Nov 7th 7:30 & 9:15 Room 198 School of Music FREE Umllvd Seating DANCERS U of O Dane* uepenmefli Master Classes with Sam Weber of the JAZZ TAP ENSEMBLE Saturday November 8 Jazz Rhythms 10:30-12:30 Tap 2:30-4 U U o« 0 ttudwila UOtkoi _m OirSwur Ano Events MHO If AOf RSMIP WOMKSHOf PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE Vldao-baaad prasanialion by CO author Tom Patara, arttl tughiighi this tilth laadaratup Workshop Spaciat (jusst Oary McNaught Praal dant ot lha 1440 foundation which pruaantad Kan and Marga Blanchard as pan ot CataOtaM CicaHanca 19M win spaas about sicaltanca DATE: THURS NOV • TIME: 44 pm ROOM 110 EMU SpoMMM’Ml toy yMMf StoOml Ac initial Nasaurea Offtca (SAKOI Suita 2 EMU X400C Food a Deink CauncH to. Human Bights In Latin Amartca HARD TIMES LUNCH Thurs 11:30-2 GREAT LATIN MEALS SOUP. ENTREE. SALAD ONLY $2.50 EAT WONDERFUL ETHNIC FOOD AND SU FRONT HUMAN MOHTE 1236 KINCAID 484-5867 Falto dWIngfTMaouH TONIGHT 25$ Gourmet HOT DOGS *th » A«*M I Pin l iMh Entertainment Reel Changes Cinema presents RESURGENCE: The Movement for Equality vs The KKK Thursday Nov 6 8:00 PM EMU FORUM ROOM FREE Entertainment UnMnllf nmln proaonfa ANIMAL FARM The new muitcal neralon ot George Orwell > cl mi ic Mill* II like a Setui day morning cartoon with a maaaaga! Tht* it me NW premiere ot me ahoer mat km bean a amain mi tn London lor cwar a year NOV 7, 8, 13-15. 21. 22 Ttckata are IS 96. 14 SO tor lemon and .indenti and only U.M tar UO •tudenti Saaaon ttckata are atm on late and can aava you anon more aak ui about lltam Celt M»at«1 lor ticket reeeniallone and information sue n r i it* Ends Thun Nov 6 fkm-Ttwr* *tl • »*> AATEO N FOA LANGUAGE VIOLENCE. SCX. AND NUDITY Oan Adm M TVStudenl. wrio UTS Mtaar Mon UtFrae popcorn Time STARTS FRI NOV 7 HOME OF THE BRRUE HFIIMBV LRURIF RNUIHS J >t)N W ' '’Joyful. There 9 no denying I hr beat energy and drive of Laurie Andrton t performam* Gene StsKei At trie Movies "Stunning visual Imagery .. more than a i. oncer I film a Kind nt gorgeous technological paradise _Tree/ Young Vogue kTEL% Late Nila at the BIJOU on /he hrg screen re/e el nigh/" Ends Thurs Nov 6 MBBMAt THCWMOOIIUCM ■■ FERRIS BUELLER’S ONTO TAKE IT EASY Tonight 10 «S Adm S2 SO SOON Sig Trouble w Uttlo Chino Hapry Birthday MARK 0. HOWERTON 1 Shilui Selected Shampoos and Conditioners Sait poked at 25% off or more white iuppliw tea. Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.-ll 24th & Hilyard • 343-9142 DISKS 3V2” DS/DD 100% Error Free s2.00 EMU Ground Floor BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed 1 POUT HXbOPi 3A& ' SAT IT. LOLA Mr A mone* pimm.' > i Mouse, HOMtr. XU MO* moot zs, maws xmcmo rveccror omtimnis MMPMfN KMM MM HEJ&KS ooovrnm TDUPO/ l OH.YOU KNOW me my wrmmrme \ rooty.m mmmH* how man •me scum hmt otamy* v ^