C harlotte Continued from Page 10 causes him to leave a tranquil life to hit the road with a wanted woman. Perhaps it is something else in her personali ty. The film never really gives us too many hints; it just skims along the surface of their per sonalities as they move from one adventure to another, and if that’s what you're looking for then this should fit the bill fine. “Sincerely Charlotte” is lightweight cinema, stylish, colorful and cute, much like the ballad she sings to open the pic ture There isn't much substance to it, but then, who really expected it? Plays through next week at Cinema 7. Soul Man' Continued from Page 10 dishonesty. Mark makes plans to rectify his situation, but un fortunately. time has run out. In the end, the various subplots converge in an unexpected climax when Mark faces the consequences of his actions. “Soul Man” will not win an Academy Award for bust pic “Soul Man ’, rated PG-13. is now playing at the West 11th Tri-Cinema. Because of the film’s controversial nature, some legal issues are being rais ed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. ture because it s not a well made movie. There are too many divergent subplots and not enough attention is given to the main story. However, it will provide the viewer with many humorous moments that give the movie a certain entertain ment value. 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