Photo b* Maria (orvallu At the DeBusk Center graduate students get real-world experience under strict supervision counseling clients from the community who have been referred to the center. Counselors learn real trade at campus DeBusk Center NORTH BANK RESTAURANT & LOUNGE TWILIGHT SPECIALS Si ln t .HIV of 4HV tfa\ i»t tin* vvirk |mu ludmu MH»p. *alatl, l», rur ami I roll vryrlablol l»v 0:00 p.m. at tl»»- follow iiijj mltivni pn» SMALL SIRLOIN. FILE! OF HALIBUT. FRESH RED SNAPPER. BROCHETTE OF BEEF. CHICKEN TERIYAKI. FRESH RAINBOW TROUT •7.50 •7.75 *6.50 •6.95 •6.95 •6.50 22 CLUB ROAD (tkm ikt Mi filth ulrr/irtatifttf tk* r»*t r I RKSt R VA I IONS ACCI I* l> l> PHONK 34.1-5622 J By Frale de Guzman Of IIm KmrralH Each year at the DeBusk Counseling Center, 40 graduate students gain experience counseling real clients through a rigorous 72-hour practicum program, said John Loughary. director of the center. "It’s a place where students and faculty from the counseling fields can come together and work in a practicum setting." Loughary said. The participants are full-time graduate students who will undergo one term of coursework and first level prac ticum study and two terms of field work, Loughary said. The graduate students are chosen from among 200 ap plicants from the counseling psychology department. Student counselors work under intense supervision. l.aughary said. Every counsel ing session is videotaped, and each counselor's technique is evaluated by both the student and the supervisor. Many clients schedule ap pointments with counselors to help them cope with loneliness, relationship problems, or depression. Counselors are assigned three clients who are normally refer red to the center by outside agencies. These agencies in clude the l^tne County Mental Health Division, Children's Ser vices and private practitioners. The clients’ problems are assessed during an intake inter view before they are assigned to a student counselor, said Loughary. Clients suffering from long-term alcohol or drug abuse problems or psychological problems are often referred to outside agencies. "Two things always hap pen," Loughary said. "Either we take the client or we make sure that the client has someplace else to go that we think is more appropriate." "We want to provide good service but our primary purpose is training for beginning counselors." Loughary added. Along with the; hour-long ses sions with their clients, student counselors also attend weekly supervisory meetings and prac ticum seminars conducted by faculty members. At the end of every counsel ing session, student counselors evaluate themselves and also receive a progress evaluation from their supervisor ami a separate evaluation from the client. Having sessions videotaped is a good training tool, said Isa lennings, counseling psychology counselor. Clients pay S15 per term for the service, but this fee is waiv ed for college students. For more information about the Debusk Counseling ('.enter contact John l.oughary. direc tor. at 888-3418. 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