Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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Release me
I was wondering if some kind
intruder could break into our
building and release me. After
all, !‘ve been in the University
of Oregon experiment since
Henry Dizney
Professor, educational
I just wanted to commend all
of you who are smart enough
not to wear a helmet when
riding your scooter or
I watched you all summer,
and now I understand why not
wearing a helmet is so much
better than wearing one. Like,
your hair doesn't get messed
up. You can wear some pink
bows in it while you cruise,
thus looking massively cute.
And I can't think of a cooler
way to dry your hair.
You can see and hear better
(since my peripheral vision
doesn't cover the back of my
head. I wear a helmet anyway).
You can hold conversations
with your passenger while
traveling, and even turn around
to see them while you talk.
Another real biggie is the bit
chin’ tan you get when you ride
scantily clad. A helmet would
look pretty stupid with a bikini,
wouldn't it?
Besides that, who can afford
to lay out 80 bucks for a plastic
hat that's only good for one
Anyway, how could you get
hurt on anything with an in
nocuous sounding name like
"scooter"? (Isn't that what they
call those things little kids ride
In fact, one guy showed me
exactly how smart it is to ride
sans helmet this summer. I met
him while I was riding on the
freeway, and 1 know that he was
truly smart because I could see
his brains on the road and on
the wheels of the truck that hit
|ulie Crist
Bad news
l was sitting outside the
fishbowl area last fall and had
just opened up a Commentator
for the first time. Before I could
even scan a page, an uniden
tified student walked by. snat
ched the paper from my hands,
said ‘‘Don’t read that crap.”
and actually threw it away.
Having never had the pleasure
of an acquaintance with the
Commentator. I was shocked by
his reaction, but interested too.
So I promptly pulled the paper
out of the trash can. 1 picked
through the paper, was suffi
Oriental Buffet Lunch
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ciently horrified and resolved to
take a closer look at other
University publications.
Has the Willamette Valley
nothing better to offer than The
Register-Guard? Journalism is
supposedly a U of O specialty,
but so far there isn't a
reasonably "objective” news
outlet to be found. Try keeping
intelligently informed with no
television and only The
Register-Guard to read! Your
patience is taxed every day.
Michael Dawson had it right
when he mentioned "USA To
day,” "the Emerald." and
"swill” all in one breath (ODE.
Oct. 22). A half-page complete
with graphic dedicated to "Fear
of bugs evident in college
students?" Seriously? Sadly,
this makes one lose faith in the
human interest story and the
Emerald's potential.
Diane Beck
Romance languages
Nuke waste
It’s very hard to find any kind
of rational discussion on
nuclear waste. This mainly
stems from the fact that most
people know nothing about it in
the first place, and this allows
others to present outright lies
and half-truths about waste and
get away with it. This becomes
evident in the Emerald's
editorial on Oct. 23. Here is
what was stated:
1. “Re-racking spent fuel rods
close together in the same pool
may cause them to 'go critical'
and go off in a nuclear explo
sion.” Fact: The only way this
could happen is if the
plutonium and uranium were
extracted from the rods,
purified, surrounded by tons of
TNT and exploded. The only
result of re-racking the rods
closer together is that the water
in the pool gets warmer, and
warmth does not cause the
waste to "go critical.”
2. "There Is serious doubt
whether we have the
technology to safely dispose of
nuclear waste.” Fact: The
technology already exists! The
waste can be solidified, fused
with glass and made into rods
one foot in diameter and placed
in sealed steel cylinders They
are then buried in natural salt
flats, which are known to be
stable for many millions of
I would encourage anyone
who wants a rational discussion
on nuclear waste and is really
concerned about other nuclear
issues to read two articles in
Scientific American magazine
(Jan.. 1976 and June. 1977).
They can be found in the
science library.
Frederick Leff
Just Say
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