Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Sailing 40-00% ott Hat puces • *eilboo»»*Ciill Note*»Maganne*> USED BOOKS BOUGHT AHDSOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE ros Eaal lltti Cams a Cycles FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR STUOENTS A FACULTY tmtside FOREIGN AUTO Maintenance and RspMr f llONWM Vw*/4844830 10T4 LaSABRE. 2 door. 4 barrat Heads paint 1000 484-1057_ 77871fn 1071 BMW 20051, new paint, new brake* BEST OFFER 342-8423 11-S 77 WHITE ALFA ROMEO SPIDER S spaed new liras, brakes, extra lop Quick, lunt S4.29S OBO 34S5040 11-S 1SS1 HONDA PASSPORT Grsal condt tkm Call 608-0100117 OS HONDA ELITE ISO OMuaa scooter Petlacl condition, garaged always 083711111-7 1984 HON DA AERO $695 OBO 344-5117 _11-10 1S7S MAZDA OLC, AM-FM cassette. Sspeed. excellent condition $990 OBO, 343-5935 11-0 74 KARMANN QHIA New paint, grsal eon PH 34S86571V7 71 VOLVO 104E Automatic, fuel Injec lion Runs very well $900 7464080 11 7 Computers o o Computer Lounge , THE ULTIMATE COMPUTER RENTAL SERVICE Over SO Software Programs on MacPlus, Kaypro, & Apple lie Systems LASER & COLOR PRINTING TERM PASSES & HOURLY RATES ★HOURS* 8-11 Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat & Sun RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 686-4353/4354 11 GioundFloof LIT •Amu Computers lie. 2 disk drives rnoun modem and monitor (retail over (1 7001 34?3030 n il UPGRADE SPECIAL ADO MEMORY TO YOUR PC FROM $75 EMU GROUND FLOOR Clothing MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES boys, consigns and Iradas secondhand Clothing fof man and woman For appt: 344 7039 360 f Hlh Pets AKC COCKER SPANIEL. black. female 10 month*. »hot», raised on Nulro Ma> basic training, lova* people *170 «5-1300 tin Ski Stuff MOVING, MUST SELL »C ski* and pole*, great condition. *S0 (Women s. 5S" hi) 342-5016 Recreation EMU ARCADE features “GAUNTLET” “RAMPAGE” “PLAY CHOICE 10” “WORLD SERIES” “RAVEN” “SPYHUNTER” Ground Floor. EMU Services or -emu. o o Computer Lounge Ground Floor -emit NEED COMPUTER ACCESS? FALL HOURS: Mon-Fri 8 am-11 pm Sat & Sun Noon-11 pm For Rent: Mac’s, 2e’s, PC’s, X4353/4354 Services NEED A LOCKER? EMU Roc Ctr s37T1. EMU Ground Floor Travel FLY THANKSQIVINOI Hound trip Uckoi* to Son Diego tor MM SIM •ocn Cell John 343413S deys 343 31S5 •M» 117 ALASKA OWE WAY TICKET Femele Loom Nov 12 From Eugene Fetrbenks 345-2487_ITS FOR SALE ROUNO TRIP ( ugene OR to Honolulu. Ml through Son Frencieco Moving Doc 12. returning Jon 8 Messego tot Krt» 60S 3834 or lot* nights 343 77* 11 7 Rides* Riders DRIVING TO SALT LAKE iot ThanUtglvmg? I ll p«y 1Q g*« lor Wanted WANTED MACINTOSH COMPUTER 512K 342 8423 11$ QARAQE OR WORKSHOP urgently needed tor wood crett menufeclurlng It you need S3O40tmonth. coil 342-4081 I1« Opportunities T SHIRT LOGO CONTEST lor UO Done# Deport mom Entry deadline Nov 14 to 181 ORX, Prues 888 338 7 7981 11 13 GIVE ME AN S! The NEW New Student Host Progrem Invitee you to eppty to become e NSHP Coordlnetorl Thie year's progrem re go Ing to be bettor then over end we went you to help with the chengee Appe ore ovelloble in 384 Oregon Hell end ere due bee* In 384 Oregon Hell by Frt, Nov 7 ot 5 pm_ 8128 II S OVERSEAS JOSS. Summer, yr round. Europe. S Amor, Auetrolta. Aele All fields 89002000 mo Sightseeing Froe Into Write IJC. PO Bi S20R3, Corona Del Mor, CA 92825 1120 STUDENT SENATE OPPORTUNITIES IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Your Student Senate has immediate Senate seat positions open tor the 1986 87 school year, representing the following departments No 1 Law and graduate students No 2 Education No 11 Computer science/math/physics No 13 Architecture & allied ads/ PPPM/ec onomic s No 14 Architecture & allied arts/ PPPM/economics No 15 Dance/PE/recreation No 17 Undeicared If you have declared one of these depadments as your maior this is your chance to get involved m stu dent government and university policy making As a Student Senator you will represent your field be a member of University Senate and the University Assembly and sit in on Sludent/Faculty Committees Senators receive a $35 month sti pend Applications and more informs lion are available in Suite 4 EMU Deadline for applications » Friday November 14 Help Wanted WORK-STUDY in the CULTURAL FORUM Position^) available now for recep liomst that involves typing and general pffict' work We are looking for someone who onfoys the eacitement of an active office can maintain a work focus and work in dependently throughout our programm mg cycles Come by Suite 2. EMU or call M6 4373 8106 tl 14 SKI COACHES Hoodoo Ski Bowl is hir ng race coaches beginning Nov 29 Con lac I Hoodoo at 342 5540 tt 14 Help Wanted WAITERS/WAITRESSES Accepting applications lot aspenanced waiter* m a lormal Chinese resleu'enl Cell Mon Fn 3 304 30 1*6 9*W H 7 DRIVERS NEEDED Kn me Piui Anterei Oey am) night positions avanahta Must be 18 yrs otd and have o«m cat and ina Also looking tot com missary help Accpetmg applications between 11 am and 5 pm dally Apply in person at 1431 Orchard No 3 or call 867 6600 WF 117 ACCT0A.AW ENF SPECIAl AGENT A unique opportunity In criminal investigation with me Internal Aevenue Eervtee Protessional careers In law enforce mem for men and women under age 33 Requires Bachelors degree In eluding minimum ot 36 qtr hour* ac counting and rotated subtec Is of 3 year* substantive accounting and related business espenence Inten ante training provided in tan law and techniques of criminal investigation Special Agents investigate case* in voiving tan fraud and other related criminal violations develop and document evidence for and are often a key witness in. government pro secution ot las law case* Starting salary 11* 300 117 800 depending on qualification* Full civil service benefit* C. reliant advancement and protessional development program Written test required For application package call lSt>3) 331 3303 IRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer __ 806011 tr Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Profession el screening end matching Quality home* available suitable room metes 0*11667 6313 7976 tin TO SNARE J BEDROOM nous* dose to campus, quiet area. 3 bathrooms modern kitchen, fireplace wall to wall carpet, washer and dryer Rant *300 a month Call 3*3 73*6 kaao tryinq 117 Fox Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING, UO Westmoreland t bedroom furnished. St15/mo. 2 bedroom furnished SI 44/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom I!20/mo Future openings si peeled Winter end Fell Terms Merned couples and single parent■ eligible Cell UO Housing 4*04277 lor inform* Hon_TSBDtfn CAMPUt LARGE FURNISHED i/2 bedrooms 12