Hospice Continued from Page 7 Enthusiasm, flexibility and a sincere interest in peo ple are also essential. Curry and Howell said. But both believe the rewards of working with hospice patients are worth the effort. “We are here to help people realize that death is not an enemy, but a part of life,” Curry said. "Our goal is to help people do what they want to do and live fully as long as they are still living.” "Working with hospice patients has taught me that you can’t put things off." Howell said. “We truly do have to live in the present and express how we feel, especially about other people. Life is very short, and you realize that you may not get a chance to say and do what you want to later.*' Currently, the hospice centers both have active volunteers. But Curry and Howell said they welcome student interest and participation in the program. Both hospice centers plan to train new people in the spring, and for students majoring in counseling, nursing and other helping and health professions, practicum credits or internships are also possible. “Many people who have taken our training say that they learned more about the process of dying from us than they had from other courses.” Howell said. 1 think that is because hospice staff teaches from per sonal. practical and emotional experience as well as a knowledge of textbook procedures.” Anyone interested in becoming a hospice volunteer should contact Linda Curry at 726-4581 or Donna Howell at 086-6879 or 686-6442. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Otftc*. 300 EMU UO Boofciton Stamp Count* EMU Main tfMk MtMNT AU ad* mill M paid 'O' m advanca uniaaa a billing arrangnmanl has baan aatabiiahad *01 WWJl ar tangatnania. plaaaa call m oil « (lop By lha Ematald CMaaMad olltca. 300 EMU (UTSS: 17 carta pat wotd lot lha Ural day and 14 canla pat atotd lot con aacutiva daya tha ad la run without changa Happy 1J§ Birthday TERRI QLIDDEN i Personals PROBLEMS? Crtala Canlat. U o* O lataphona hotlme 24 houra J daya Stnclty conlidantrai Call (aC-4444 3144 Hn IF YOUAE IN DOUBT about praonanc, call Birthtighi M7 MSI 3162 W KAREN We are going to have a BALL I LOVE YOU, BJ TO THE BLONDE •crott tha room, rafrath my mamory' Whic h party and what was I waarmy’’ From A DARK HAIREO STRANGER lift* AZ XW ICDE We had a great time Friday night. Thanks for a super Halloween! THE KAPPA’S 115 TELEPHONE SOOXS Pick up you> I'** copy Of to* P*giun*l Tuophone Dlf*c lory *1 SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE /ME 13lh l»" RASTAMAN S.E. 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