Sports Equestrian team looks ahead to show season Photo hr Baku* to Leslie Probst and horse Beav compete for the club equestrian team. Probet is a student coor dinator and veteran of the team. By Candi Carlson Of IH* Kmvrald “Of horses and horseman ship" is the little-known mean ing of the word equestrian. This definition, however, is well engrained in the 12 members of the University equestrian team. Coached by Patty barren and co-coordinated by University students Molly Mullen and Leslie Probst, the club tiegan lessons this week in the indoor arena at Foxridge Farms, about 10 miles west of Kugene. Probst. one of the few team veterans, says all the team members have at least two years jumping experience and were chosen during tryouts for en thusiasm. dedication and deter mination rather than pure abili ty. These traits are crucial because of the taxing mental and physical strain of the sport. The learn does not practice together, instead participating individually In lessons once a week at Foxridge, Three team members own their own horses, and the other members ride school horses. During lessons, the team members ride Knglish style on ly. developing hunter-jumper techniques as well as basic dressage, or flat work. The hunter-jumper events are the team's main concentration in shows. Although both events involve jumping, there is a big difference in the two classes, ac cording to Mullen. In the hunter class, a smooth ride and a precise stepping pat tern are the keys. ’ You're supposed to look really pretty," Mullen says. lumper classes, however, in volve height, speed and "just (getting! over the fences." The jumper class is "pun! athletic ability instead of style," Mullen says. According to f'mbst, last year was unorganized, and resulted in only two shows on the com petition schedule. This year, in addition to working for the fourth consecutive victory at the Oregon State University show, the team hopes to organize and compete in a Washington State University show along with osu. Other meets the dub will at tend include open shows around Oregon and some schooling shows. Several fund-raising activities have been organizer! by the club to help meet the expensive season. The team is involved in McArthur Court cleanups through the club sports program and along with Ikmglas Dorm, is sponsoring a "Casino Night Dance" Dec. 5. NMDjMNNMRS The NOID" Iovm to ruin pizza wherever. whenever and however ha can. So avoid tha NOID " Call Domino's Pizza, tha pizza delivery system designed to avoid tha NOID." Your local Domino's Pizza store craw mafcaa that system work for you everytime. You pat Fast. Free Delivery" of quality pizza In 30 mlnutea or lees One call doea It alii* Call Us! Eugene 683-7325 1856 E 13th Avanua tarring U of O Campus 485-5675 2280 W. 18th Avanua 461-0842 1610 North Park 344-2904 1566 Coburg Road 4:30pm-1:00am Sun.-Thura. 4:30pm-2:00am Frt. 8 Sat Menu TIm CxtraaaganZZa*' Limited portion* of 9 Item* for tha prleo of 5: Popparonl, Mushroom*. Black OHva*. Ground Ba*f. Onion*. 8au*aga. Groan Pap pan; Ham and Extra Chaaaa 12“ ExtravoganZZa"* 910.80 16* ExtravaganZZa** 914.85 5 Itema for tha prlca of 4: Papparonl. Mushroom*, Onions. Groan Poppors. and Sausap* 12“ Ooluxa 9 9.85 16” Ooluxa 913.50 Our lupwb ChNM Ptan 12" cheese $6 05 16" chMM (8 10 Pepperonl, Mushroom#, Black Olivas, Onions, Orson Pap part, Ground Bssf, Sausage. Ham. Tomato*#. Plnaappl*. Double Chaaas and Extra Thick Crust 12" pizza 9 .96 par Ham 16" pizza 91.35 par Nam We accept chocks. Our drivers carry lass than 920.00. LfcnMod doMvery areas. •1SSS Donno'i PUxa. me 2 Oat HOC off any 16 large pizza. Orta coupon par pizza. Expires 11 19-86 I Gooc Qood at listed locations.