World beat International Hostage, family WIESBADEN. West Germany (AP)— David Jacobsen wept for joy Tuesday on seeing his children again and said he long ed for the day other Americans held in Lebanon also are free. Jacobsen's three grown children arrived in nearby Frankfurt on Tuesday morning to see their father. He was released by his Shiite Moslem kidnappers in Beirut on Sunday after more than 17 months of captivity and now is undergo ing medical tests at the U S. Air Force Hospital in Wiesbaden. Court asked to be fair MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)— A captured American mercenary said Tuesday he would ask the Nicaraguan government to show compas sion if he is found guilty by a revolutionary court of terrorism and other crimes against the state. Eugene Hasenfus, 45, of Marinette, Wis., made the state ment while being questioned by the prosecution and then his chief defense attorney in the afternoon session of the San dinista People’s Tribunal. Hasenfus acknowledged that he was aboard a U.S.-made C-123 cargo plane that was fly ing arms to Nicaraguan rebels when the plane was shot down by Sandinista troops in Southern Nicaragua on Oct. 5. National Iran arms deal denied WASHINGTON (AP)- The White House, seeking to curb speculation that an arms deal with Iran might have freed an American hostage in Beirut, on Tuesday reaffirmed a U.S. ban on weapons sales to that nation. "As long as Iran advocates the use of terrorism, the U.S. embargo will continue." White House spokesman I.arry Speakes told reporters aboard Air Force One. Speakes was responding to reports that the United States might have sent an emissary to Iran to offer arms or com munications equipment to help UmVIRMTV TNI AT III MIHNTI ANIMAL FARM HOVEI HPI7-1-I3-I4-IS-2I-22 ROBINSON THEATRE • 0o» O cmTAMiMM‘M«omeiui'4i*i win the release ot David Jacobsen, a hostage who was freed over the weekend after 17 months in the hands of a pro Iranian group in Lebanon. Regional Restraining order PORTLAND (APJ— A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order Tuesday, preventing a company from log ging old-growth timber in a sec tion of the Willamette National Forest near Detroit. U.S. District Judge James Burns, acting on a request by two environmental groups, ordered the Bugaboo Timber Co. to halt its logging of trees in an area where it is building a road. The road would be used to allow the clear-cutting of 7.6 million board foot of timber in a 63-acre area 12 miles east of Detroit. Loose rock kills man MT. VERNON (APJ— A rock the size of a cantaloupe came off an Oregon Highway Division truck and slammed through the windshield of a car. killing a passenger in the vehicle, the state police said Tuesday. The dead man was identified as 77-year-old Edward (’.astle of Dale. A dispatcher in the state police office in John Day said that the truck was northbound on U.S. Highway 395 four miles north of Mt. Vernon, and the vehicle in which Dale was riding was traveling south hound on the highway when the accident occurred at 2 p.m Monday. ROBERT A. BENDER. M.D. INTERNAL MEDICINE GENERAL PRACTICE PROVIDING COMPLETE & PERSONALIZED CARE PHONE DAY OR NIGHT 342-4644 475 OAKWAY RD. THE FUTURE IS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS A representative will be on campus WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1986 to discuss GRADUATE STUDY THUNDERB1RD AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL Of INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT GLENDALE. ARIZONA 8S306 Interviews may be scheduled at CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT CENTER A101 Freshman Orientation Nothing could have prepared me for the first few moments with my roommate. “Atuque”—nothing more, just “Aniquc”—was her name. Change the “A” to a“LTand you’ve got a description. When they asked what type of roommate I wanted, I didn’t know that I needed to he more specific than non smoker. I could swear I saw a picture of Aniquc on a postcard I got from London. Within five minutes, I found out that she was an Art History stu dent, into the Psychedelic Furs, and totally totally against the domesti cation or animals. I was just about ready to put in for a rm transfer when she reached into her leather backpack, pulled out a can of Suisse Mocha and offered me a cup. Okay, I decided I’d keep an open mind. As we sipped our cups, I found out that Aniquc and I share the same fondness tor Cary Grant movies, the same disdain for wine coolers, and the same ex-bovfriend. That gave us plenty to talk about. V General Foods* International Coffees. Share the feeling. C IVHf* (irnrril Food* ( orp