Foil Sale MOBILE HOME Claan 75 B'aa.tmooO 2 bedroom 2 bath 14 > 70. *9500 6*7 BBS*VL7 ML UNO: TWIN SiZE HO. t» CBI 747BW1 •H«r5om 11-6 Q o Computer lounge i _enue^i TERM PASSES 256/HR. X4353/4354 Ground Floor EMU Buy St Sell | THE BUY 4 SELL CENTEB Buy>$aH*Trade Musical Instruments, starso tools. Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 W. 5th. Bicycles MOTOBECANE 'SUPER MIRAGE" 25. good Shape *275 OBO Myke 3459391 114 SECOND NATURE BICYCLES This Wask's Spaclal: Nlshiki Sport Uspd. cromo Irama allor eqwpad. was $239 Sala SIM BUY-SELL TRADE NEXT TO THE BIJOU Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling <0 50% o« 11*1 prices •T*»tbooks*Clilf Notes»Magarlnsa» USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 70S East 13th Cars a Cycles 1971 LeSABRE. 2 door 4 barrel Needs pMnt. 9000 464-10577787 tin 1971 BMW 2002, new paint, new brakes BESTOFFERJ428423 11-6 HONDA ELITE SCOOTER (Digital, liquid cooled, pop-up light, etc.) Wind shield. Mlchetln lire Showroom condl lion $900 or ottejr _74M 248 11-4 77 WHITE ALFA ROMEO SPIDER 5 speed, new tires, brakes, eslra top Quick, lun! $4,295 OBO 345 5040 11-5 1902 HONDA PASSPORT Great oondt tlon Call 686-0100 11-7 Computers o o Computer lounge . "QT a£IML -emu Ground Floor LASER PRINT your PC-Compatible, Apple lie, A Mac Documents RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED 686-4353/4354 COMFUTEKS APPLE l*C. 2 disk art*** mown, modem ana monitor i retail over 117001 *895 J42J030 1111 INVITATION TO WO OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONAL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OSU la pleased lo offer la ttw general public, ths following PC. equipment Appta III computer* 11 *a HP-87 compulor*. 22 a* NEC compute! PC-S001A IBM Diaplaywnie! ayatem Corvua ayatem Weng PC*. 4 ea Graphic boaraa for Wang PC. 2 ea Communicattona board tor Wang PC • Seated bid* will be accepted from S am Tue*. Oct 28 to 4 30 pm Tuee. • Equipment will be avallabto to view to-s Set 12-5 Sun. M30 weekday* • For official bid form*, appointment to new. or further Into, plaaaa contact Property Control Office Oregon Slate University Corvallis. OP 97331 Phone 754-3102 • OSU reserve* the right to sell all or pan of the above more hand!** lo other aisle agencies prior lo the sal* closing del* UPGRADE SPECIAL ADD MEMORY TO YOUR PC FROM EMU GROUND FLOOR Pets FREE: ONE FUN LOVINO. blandly mat* ala moolh-cW klttan Stripad with col lar Call 486 9857 Ask lor Maathar or Suaan 11-4 Ski Stuff MOVING. MUST SELL XC skis and polos. groat condition. $80 (Woman a. 5# ho 342-6018 DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP Services NEED A LOCKER? EMU R*c Ctr ■3711. EMU Ground Flow on campus Tanning 5un5hower on campus Faca it your summar tan la fading FAST That waame ol an Oragon aun la no halp So |om lha 1000 a ol smart paopla who hava lound that INDOOR TANNING IS lha attordabla. comtor labia CONVENIENT way lo maka thosa kniaf Ian linaa raappaar in NO TIME AT ALU SunShower Tanning Salon 488-3333 874 E 13th upf ram naat to Klnkot M-F 7 am-8 pm : Sal Sun • aai4 pm u ■ r air conditions) _ Services s*fl»y‘0‘ Computer Lounge Oroaod Floes -emu NEED ACCESS? FALL HOURS: Mon-Fri 8 am-11 pm Sat & Sun Noon-11 pm Mac’s, 2e’s, PC’s, X4&3/4354 T Episcopal Campus Ministries Tuesday Evening Eucharist 6 30 Sarwca. Kotnoma Can tar 1414 Kmcaid Street Supper and dttcua Sion group following Everyone watcoma Travel FLY TMANKSOIVINOI Round trip tickets 10 Son Diego lor Mil I1«S each Coll John 34SS139doyo. 343-SISft eves___11/ ALASKA ONE WAV TICKET Femele Leave Nov 12 From Eugene Fairbanks 34S-24S7IIS FOR SALE ROUND TWF Eugene OR lo Honolulu, HI through Sen Francisco leaving Dec 12, reluming Jan S Maeaaga tor Krlt 6M 3S34 or late nights 3*\rm 117 Wanted WANTED: MACINTOSH COMPUTES. 51 2K 343 *423 115 OARAGE OR WORKSHOP urgently nNdtd lot wood cr»lt manufacturing If you naad 53040.Tionlh call 342 4061 116* Opportunities GIVE ME AN N! Tha NEW Naw Sludant Hoal Program invitaa you lo apply to bacoma a NSMP coordinator! Thla yea. a program la go Ing lo ba bellar man evet and wa warn you lo help with the changee Appa are available in 364 Oregon Hall and are due back in 364 Oregon Hall by Frl, Nov 7 al 5 pm 5120114 STUDENT SENATE OPPORTUNITIES IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Your Student Senate has Immediate Senate seat positions open tor the 1906 87 school year representing the following departments No 1 Lew and graduate students No 2 Education No 11 Computer scienc e/math/physics No 13 Architecture A allied arts/ PPPM/economics No 14 Architecture A allied arts/ PPPM/economics No Ifj Dance/PE/recreation No 17 Undeicared if you have declared one of ihese departments as your maior this is your chance to get involved m stu dent government and university policy making As a Student Senator you will represent your held be a member of University Senate and the University Assembly and sit m on Student/Faculty Committees Senator* receive a $35 month sti pend Applications and more inform* non are available in Suite 4. EMU Deadline for applications IS Friday November 14 10 31* Opportunities | T SHIRT LOOO CONTEST to- UO Dante Department Entry deadline. Nov 14 to t«t am.PruM ««ft438r mut ts Help Wanted HARDWORKING, intelligent tommumcellone-oriented student tor port lime potMtton to develop and imple men! on going news release program Eugrrna based national radio program »v—Jicato- should quality lor mtam credits Pay negotiates Call 687 2068 tor appointment tt-4 ACCTQflAW CNF SPECIAL AGENT Prolaaaional caraart in law enforce mant for man and woman under aga 38 Raqunaa Bachetora dagraa in cluding minimum of 38 qtr hour* ac counting and raialad subiecta or 3 years substantive accounting and related tMiainaa* experience Intan live training provided m tan law and tacnniquaa ot criminal invaatigation Special Aganta investigate caaaa In votving tai fraud and otnar related criminal violation! develop and document evidence lor. and are often a Lay witness In. government pro secutton of las law caaaa Starting salary *14.300 *17 800 depending on qualtftceltona Full ctvtl service benefits Creel lent advancement and professional development program Written test required For application package call 1503)321 3203 IRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer 8U60 11 12' WRESTLING REFEREES HS and Jr HS Maats *20 MAM a metcfi No experience required Contact: Jo*ui Sappl nylon Sheldon HS (ST-SMt 1st meeting Nov 10 r pm. Sheldon HS WORK-STUDY in the CULTURAL FORUM Posittong«r Aimoa Food a Drink TACO TUESDAY 35* HtiitAim TRinCtlflCKUIft' Hot Fudge ■* Sundaes : 99^ EVERY TUESDAY *m E urn Ml WIMemette Entertainment PETER Jfr THORPE Jr' 8 pm use c i»t* 19th 9 Agete «tt ( tith tM»U Ends Thun Nov 6 Son Thurt 9.15 A 9:30 RATED A FOR LANGUAGE. VIOLENCE. SEX. AND NUDITY Gon Adm S3 TVSludonL wrtO S3 2ft Mlm Mon 13/Froo popcorn Toot NEXT Homo ol tho Bravo l our to Andorton It's t*nt*/ on th* bta »cr**n I at* Mi mghlTt Ends Thurs Nov 6 ■iHAI THfWMOOtOCNMi FERRIS BUELLER*S TAKE IT EASY Tonight IS.46 Adm M50 SOON Big TioutM* In Ultlo Chino Late Nile at the BIJOU Grizzlies Cinnamon - Almond Granola *1.49 re*. SI HI Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.-l 1 p.m. 24th & Hilyard • 343-9142 DISKS 3%” DS/DD 100% Error Free s200 EMU Ground Floor JlBROKEre ■ 683-7355 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed so. ycm 6aMb vmmy ^Mrurruaa f..mi mucinr ■; V 'Jr\ m*rru » ZdikZA my en *3 mtmi 0VWU LOLA VOVMAtfT TO *W!Kr i* f -S. / I mi.MHtr Xoktum * I /t me xom r I - -v / » V . MOM* /