Measure 9 raises controversy over tax rates By Tonnie Dakin Mtfc* ImM If Ballot Measure 9 is passed in today's election, the Oregon Constitution would be amended to set property taxes at a max imum rate, changing the future of Oregon's economy. The measure would repeal the former method of determin ing tax bases for units such as school districts, counties, and cities. These units would be enabled to levy taxes baaed on either the lesser of the 1985 rate or a percentage limitation. In 1987, the property tax rate would be limited to the lesser of the 1985 rate or 2 percent of the assessed value. In the following years, this rate would become the lesser of the 1985 rate or 1.5 percent of the assessed value. This amount of the tax rate can be increased only by a vote of the people, and elections can be held only twice a year Opponents of the measure believe it is unfair because it will jeopardize school districts, public services and state programs. “It cuts the budgets and 'They (the schools) have plenty of excess money. There are plenty of things they can cut and still give a good education. ’ —Tonie Nathan 'It’s so poorly drafted that it doesn ft account for all of its effects. * —Margaret Hal lock _ forgets about the conse quences,” said I)r. Margaret Haliock. economist and director of research at the Oregon Public Employees Union. ”lt's so poorly drafted that it doesn't account for all of its ef fects." she added. One effect of the measure is that it would repeal Oregon schools' only measure of stabili ty. their tax base, she said. In addition, there is no plan for mulated to equalize the losses the school districts would suffer under the measure, Haliock said. "It cuts revenues but it doesn't salve the problem of unstable schools," she said. "Uniformity of quality educa tion would be impossible under Ballot Measure 9,” she said. Tonie Nathan, l^ne County representative to the state com mittee. disagrees with this. "They (the schools) have plenty of excess money." Nathan said. "There are plenty of things they can cut and still give a good education." in addition, if Ballot Measure 7 was passed along with Ballot Measure 9. schools would be able to receive a portion of their support from a 5 percent sales tax. she said. Nathan believes there is a growing bureaucracy in schools because many of the employees within the school system are not teachers, she said. "There's a lot of extra help that doesn’t need to be there," Nathan said. Hallock believes there is a consensus in Oregon to stabilize the schools, and proponents of the measure are not considering this, she said. "The proponents of this measure, in my opinion, do not care about the quality of educa tion. they care about cutting property taxes." Hallock said. In addition to restricting school funding, the measure would restrict funding for local services such as health, library, and bus services, as well as police and fire departments. “To just blatantly take the meat ax and say we’re not going to fund programs (is ridiculous).” Haliock said. Nathan believes that by cut ting property taxes. Ihe money that is earned in the private sec tor will stay there, producing a boom in the economy, she said. "Another thing about (Ballot Measure) 9 that 1 think is good is that when you cut taxes you leave more money in the pockets of those who make it." Nathan said. Although similar measures have been put on the ballot and defeated five times in the past eight years. Nathan believes this measure will pass. “It's less restrictive than the other ones.” she said. “Last time it rolled back the rates to it's roiling them back to 1985. "Each time it was barely defeated," Nathan added. “It passed in (almost) every county in Oregon except Lane Coun ty." she said. "If we wake up on November 5th and Measure 9 is passed, this state will never (survive),” Hal lock said. | Personals PROBLEMS? Critl* Ctnl#r U ol 0 faiaphoo* notitflc. ?4 hours- 7 day* Strictly conltdantm Call MS44M 1441th PSIVATI MiLF MO* FRIENDS Fr„ praQhancy t—Ithfl Birthright_3tS?'U KAREN Wa in going to hava a BALL I LOVE YOU. BJ m Congratulations DY’MEN OF DYMENT Wb win mc you toon Lovb Tb« Okto ol Dym#«t ana H4 TO THE BLONDE jcroo room, rafraah my mamocyl Afhich party and what was I vraartng? rom A DARK HAIRED STRANGER 11-5* JEFF, Happy Annivaraary! tmra ya. I lov*ya, baby MRS. TIONA It 4* J AZ xvy ATO We had a great time Friday night. Thanks tor a super Halloween! 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