Goldschmidt promises broad changes if elected By Eric Bottjer 0t the Eaarald Democrat Neil Goldschmidt's campaign for governor has been run on a platform of economic and political change. "If you like the way things are, if you like the way our economy is headed, then vote for Norma Paulus.” Gold schmidt said. "But If you want to see some changes, then I'm your candidate. "If I’m elected, the old rules are going in the garbage cam." he said "We re going to sell our product* to anyone who want* them. We're going to work for people who are here, and work to create job* for peo ple who want to come here." Goldschmidt, a University graduate, said higher education is one of his top priorities "It should be possible to take a great education and put it to work in Oregon," he said. "That's what this election is all about." Goldschmidt will try to raise $10 million to endow faculty positions at the University. RAINWEAR WM HINO SIRIICH OOttTlX SUITS 199.95 i Great buys on men's and women's rain suits. NIKE WIND SUITS Jackets -«g ?/ *» . 1*.*§ Pants >*o w«s. TONIX RAIN SUITS Nylon Toledo ■•■j nos .. ADIDAS RAIN SUITS Nylon Jackets 17.tS-$t.M Nylon Pants tt.N>tl.N NEW BALANCE RAIN SUITS Supplex Nylon Jacket 4#.tS Supplex Nylon Pant JSSS HIND RAIN SUIT Supplex Nylon Jacket Supples Nylon Pont 4t.N AaoM«oni> SUITS iEZBj SUN 11-S I ATHLETIC ] SAT. 9 6.30 MON THRU THURS 9 30-6:30, FRI 9 30 9 00 94 West Broadway, Eugene, OR 343-12§jB Oregon State University and Portland State University, he said. "The first three million will come from private contribu tions. and then 1 will ask the state Legislature for three million." he said. "We will en courage the institutions themselves to raise the rest. "We want to create a different attitude. We want to build a habit of private giving in Oregon," Goldschmidt said. "Neil has the ability to attract the private sector." said Ted Kulongoski. Gov. Vic Atiyeh’s unsuccessful challenger in the 1982 gubernatorial race. "He will build partnerships between the public sector, private sector and government." "Neil sees the governor as so meone who should be very ag gressive in collecting en dowments and grants from private business, saio uavia Bragdon. issues manager for the Goldschmidt campaign. "He will also go after additional federal grants from the National Science Foundation.” Oregon's economy will be Goldschmidt's main focus as governor, he said. "Last year 429.000 people waited in lines for free food. That's 15 percent of our population." he said. "In no period since the depression has our economy been this bad off, according to this ad ministration's statistics." Goldschmidt’s first action would be to get every county to take stock of its assists and develop an economic plan within one year, he said. He believes there are ap propriate times for government to intervene in business, he said. As former President Carter's transportation M2**Ti / ±*** 7-r ->r *5C*W$-iflUf;B*»;S B *«*****»», f6 rS¥±OTfc*>0>tt*t**j* umae* i i to 01$ November 5,1986 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. *i$T Best Western Green T>ees 1759 Franklin Bivd. Eugene, OR aaus^AL‘^<7)«e. western: «{r>tr j r-fc«i«L 1t An employment seminar conducted m Japanese tor Japanese/ English bilingual students fciUK'fcMrii O RECRUIT U.S.A., INC. Ho S Klottrr Si Suito UlU Li#. AnitrlvK. f A ‘*0017 IVI 17M.1) MU IUHt Ifiyj : TOLL KKKK California fHnoi ; W7 (Xhrr (man 97j» Neil Goldschmidt secretary, Goldschmidt was one of the architects of the Chrysler bail-out. "I believe the governor should take action when there is a real reason for management to do their job better, and for workers to be more produc tive,” Goldschmidt said. “With Neil, there will be more community development rather than industrial promo tions like trips to )apan,” Bragdon said. Goldschmidt believes his past work experience gives him an advantage over opponent Nor ma Paulus. he said. "I think it’s a choice of so meone who has done difficult things and someone who has not,” he said. Paulus said, however, that Goldschmidt’s only experience in government has been "spen ding its money.” Goldschmidt was mayor of Portland from 1972 to 1979. U.S. Secretary of Transporta tion from 1979 to 1981 and most x REMEMBER HALLOWEEN WITH QUALITY PHOTOFINISHING COUPON1 4.00 OFF 36 EXP 2.00 OFF 24 EXP SVTT A 1.00 off 12 exp l 1.00 OFF SHOE PROCESSING 4 * *P >TP* *•»<*** '-*»» O c .f~*» «< »*• K I CAMPUStro*f SPNMfOVtClO raceiiiiy vice president of Nike Inc. in Poriloud. Since he announced his can didacy in June of 1985. polls show that Goldschmidt has been gaining slowly on Paulus. He also has gained en dorsements from major labor organizations and the National Organization for Women. Despite recent polls which show Goldschmidt with a slim lead, Paulus said Goldschmidt's momentum peaked two weeks ago. "I'm going to win,” she said. "I can just feel it." Kulongoski also believes Goldschmidt has won already. "All the undecideds are fall ing his way. The last nail in the coffin is going to be a large voter turnout, which will be the big gest in 20 years," he said. Goldschmidt is not as optimistic. "I feel better than I did 60 days ago, but I still don't have any confidence in the out come," he said. "This is not one where your vote won't make a difference — it will make a difference." Goldschmidt believes the race is so close, it may take days before a winner is announced, he said. If he loses, Goldschmidt said he probably will return to work at Nike. And if he wins, Goldschmidt said he will be one busy governor. ffl ai. _ MEETINGS Women In Communications, Inc. will meet at 4 p.m. today in 307 Allen. All interested students welcome. Men Against Rape will meet at 7 p.m. tonight in Century Room D. EMU. Campus Crusade for Christ meets tonight at H:30 p.m. in 342 Gilbert. Everyone welcome. LECTURES Cancer and Women: Preven tion, Decisions ft Choiceswill be the topic of a seminar hosted by Sacred Heart's WIN program tonight from 7:30 to 9:30 at the Hilton Hotel. MISCELLANEOUS Wondering where your in terests lie? Find out with a career assessment today at 2 p.m. in 237 Hendricks. Apply today to be a jour nalism peer adviser! Deadline is 4 p.m. Thursday in 211A Allen. SI TIN0'S Is SPAGHETTI m HOUSE K 342-8111 Introducing . . . FREE Delivery Service! * •Tree delivery wilh * minimum order Also offering • Full dinner menu • White or whole wheat crust • Limited delivery area 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon -Fri 11 00 - Midnight Sat 5 00-1 00 a m Sun 5 00-11 00 p m