Streetwise What do you think of Measure 6, banning most state-funded abortions? 7 feel that if you can’t afford it, then the state ought to pay. Only the rich would be able to get abortions. It should not be passed. ’ Howard Gordon, freshman, biology 7 myself don’t personally agree with it (abor tion), and everybody has their own set of cir cumstances. It's not going to stop abortion to stop the funding. ’ Julie Goodman, sophomore, sociology ‘First of all, I’m against abortion. But on the other hand, if people need the abortions, they need them. This is a poor state, a lot of people wouldn’t be able to afford them.' Bob Seawick, graduate international business 7 don 7 f/iinlc if's a good idea. It seems it could be interpreted wrong. It could start infringing on personal rights that the government should not infringe on.' Ellen Kesten, community education 7 feel it’s appropriate to give people a choice. . .it's their right to decide. Abortions only for the health of the mother. . .1 think that's from the Middle Ages. .. really bar baric. lhitting legislation on a moral issue is not appropriate. ’ Rebecca Edwards, junior, biology Tor me it s no. If the state cuts funding, they have to pay later for the welfare of the child. ’ Farzan Turk, senior, biology Et al. MEETINGS The Student Senate meets to day at 3:30 p.m. in Room 337 EMU. Literary Society meeting to day at 7:30 p.m. in Century Room F. EMU. The purpose will be to form a group to publish a literary magazine and discuss recently published literature. Anyone with interest in literature or writing is en couraged to attend. Peace Corps Seminars: Nov. 3: An Evening in Nepal with Peace Corps, 7-9 .p.m.. Room 101 EMU; Nov. 4: Peace Corps in Jamaica, 12:30-1:30 p.m., rooms 108-109 EMU; Nov.5: Movie: Meeting the Challenge — Peace Corps Worldwide, 3:30-5 p.m., EMU Forum Room. INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inter views on Monday-Wednesday, 244 Hendricks Hall for the following recruiters (no bids re quired for group meetings): Nov. 17: ESPIR1T group meeting only, 6-8 p.m., Room 101 EMU; Nov. 18-18: Peace / 1 Cruise Campus With That Top Gun Look for appointment 342-7664 966 Oak WALK INS S/)OrtCUtS'etc. Corps (volunteer); Nov.20: Lewis & Clark College, School of Law (graduate school) group meeting, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Room 108 EMU; Willamette University, College of (law school). MISCELLANEOUS Resume workshop offered by Career Planning and Placement Services, Nov. 13, 3 p.m., Room 12 Hendricks Hall. Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU, is noon the day before publication. Et als are run only once. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. Events occurring nearest the publication date and campus events will be given priority. HALLEY'S COMET New York O AC Seltzer DU Across trow UP Boofcstors umivikmtv tniatm missnts ANIMAL FARM llOmiWII 7*S*I3* §4*19*21*22 ROBINSON THEATRE • Uos O cwuMBSsm-MiamcsMSMi Why settle for less . . . than the BEST!?! Monday-Thuraday II a.m.-l a m. Friday 11 a m.-2 a m. Saturday 1 p m.-2 a m. Sunday 1 p.m.-l a.m. u - FREE DELIVERY (Limited Area) 484-2799 Create your own pizza MINI r SMALL MED i«- ir I AN Of GIANT 14’ I*' Cheese Upper (I mqivd ) 2.9S 3.35 4.35 4.85 6.05 7.70 9. 6.55 8.40 10. 100 Yard u m.«d and I V*9*UbU>) Mile 12 M*at» and 2 VcgrtabWi) Marathon n M»at» and 3 VagMabin) Extra lngred. 3.60 4.15 4 70 .45 5.20 5.95 6.65 .55 MEATS VEGETABLES 7.05 8.95 10.95 8.05 10.25 12.25 9.05 11.45 13.35 M .75 .85 CRUST I#;, « ypj* s s Candadian Slyfe Bacon Salami Pippffuni Smofcad OytUm Shrimp Ground B««l Sautaga Ltngutca Mufthroom* Obv«% Onion* Btflt P*pp*f* Ptn**ppk JaWpcnos T omoior * Who* WN-al Krtjul4f H EB Soft Drink* Available 1809 Franklin Blvd. • 484-2799