Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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Risky power
In response to Hiawatha's let
ter ("Resources,” Oct. 22) —
friend, your facts aren’t on
straight. The Northwest cur
rently produces surplus elec
tricity, and sells an amount
roughly equal to Trojan's out
put to California. This power is
sold for more than Northwest
utilities would pay for it. but for
far less than it actually costs to
produce. Thus, the Northwest
ends up subsidizing southern
California’s energy hunger.
It may be obvious to you that
solar energy isn't a viable op
tion in the Willamette Valley,
but I’m a B.P.A. certified con
servation analyst, have two A.S.
degrees in energy management
and have designed several solar
homes. Passive solar home
heating systems and flat-plate
hot water collectors gather the
same percentage of a home’s
heating needs in Eugene as in
Bend, despite Bend's 300 sunny
days a year. These systems cap
ture solar radiation right
through the overcast, and with
our warmer winters, we need
less heat.
We don’t need Trojan: Why
risk our future to subsidize
southern California and PGE?
John O Rentek
Junior, journalism
Nuke waste
It's very hard to find any kind
of rational discussion on
nuclear waste. This mainly
stems from the fact that most
people know nothing about it in
the first place, and this allows
others to present outright lies
and half-truths about waste and
get away with it. This becomes
evident in the Emerald’s
editorial on Oct. 23. Here is
what was stated:
1. "Re-racking spent fuel rods
close together in the same pool
may cause them to ‘go critical'
and go off in a nuclear explo
sion.” Fact: The only way this
could happen is if the
plutonium and uranium were
extracted from the rods,
purified, surrounded by tons of
TNT and exploded. The only
result of re-racking the rods
closer together is that the water
in the pool gets warmer, and
warmth does not cause the
waste to "go critical.”
2. "There is serious doubt
whether we have the
technology to safely dispose of
nuclear waste." Fact: The
technology already exists! The
waste can be solidified, fused
with glass and made into rods
one foot in diameter and placed
in sealed steel cylinders. They
are then buried in natural salt
bh mo m
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flats, which are known to be
stable for many millions of
I would encourage anyone
who wants a rational discussion
on nuclear waste and is really
concerned about other nuclear
issues to read two articles in
Scientific American magazine
(Jan.. 1976 and June, 1977).
They can be found in the
science library.
Frederick l.eff
Yes on 14
Measure 14 will shut down
the Trojan nuclear plant until
there is a federally licensed
radioactive waste disposal site.
The purpose of this measure is
to resolve the waste problem. If
there is no permanent site
available to safely store the
waste, then it shouldn't be
When Trojan began operating
in 1976, officials said that the
waste would be removed within
six months. That was 10 years
ago. The fact is that 291 tons of
highly radioactive material re
main on site in a prefab metal
building, located 100 feet from
the Columbia River, and there is
no federally licensed repository
to accept the waste.
In addition to the waste pro
blem, Trojan’s energy does little
to contribute to Oregon's de
mand for electricity. Presently,
Trojan provides only 3 percent
of the regional demand, l^ast
year 82 percent of Trojan's out
put was sold to California; they
got the power and we got the
Bruce Philbrick
University Survival Center
Steve Nelson
ASUO president
Thanks Bruce
Recently I received a packet
in the mail from the “Friends of
Bruce Long,’’ which lists
among his attributes (?) the fact
that he is a native Oregonian
(provincial?) and middle-of-the
road (indecisive?) on many ma
jor issues.
The packet also thoughtfully
includes a side-by-side com
parison of his merits versus
those of Peter DeFazio. Here we
find that Mr. Long opposes a
balanced county budget, op
poses protection of Oregon
wilderness areas, supports
backroom abortions for poor
women, supports discrimina
tion against homosexuals, and
is endorsed almost exclusively
by organizations representing
large corporate interests.
Thanks to this timely infor
mation from Bruce Long's
friends my vote will be going to
Peter DeFazio.
Graduate, music
Stop 52
Ballot Measure 52 asking
Eugene voters to approve the
West Eugene Parkway has
serious environmental impacts.
Vote No!
The West Eugene Industrial
Area is used for purposes that
are "hazardous, offensive, ob
noxious or unsightly..." and
“...processing usually
generates liquid or solid
wastes...'' (Eugene
Springfield Metro Plan II-E-7).
Generation and transporta
tion of these pollutants can only
be expected to increase. The
highway would carry 30,000
cars a day adding noxious emis
sions and litter.
The proposed route lies
within the Amazon Flood Plain.
Increased run-off from heavy
rains will wash more pollutants
into the water, posing serious
problems for human health and
the environment. The route
runs only 150 feet from
Bertelson Slough.
The Department of Fish and
Wildlife described this wetland
habitat: "Should the slough be
lost, most resident wildlife
would perish and tho survival
of migratory species would be
put in jeopardy."
Wetland ecosystems are vital
to the hydrologic cycle. We
must protect our few remaining
urban wetlands.
Neva Hassanein
Vote green
Oregonians Protecting Our
Water (OPOW) is a local
political action committee that
works toward developing and
preserving a cleaner Oregon.
OPOW endorses Norma
Paulus for governor. Rick
Bauman for U.S. senator, and
Peter DeFazio for U.S.
For state senators v* ')W en
dorses Gratten Kerens (district
20), I.arry Hill (District 21). and
Bill F’rye (District 22). For state
representatives OPOW endorses
John Manley (District 38). Ron
Kachus (District 39). Carl
Hosticka (District 40). David
Dix (District 41), Bill Dwyer
(District 42). Karsten
Rasmussen (District 43). and
Peggy |olin (District 44).
OB3W endorses Jack Craig
for EWEB, and Chuck Ivey for
county commissioner (District
Save Our Services
Fire, Parks, Library, Streets
NO on 9
NO on 11
NO on 12
'* by Local 8S1 FlrePac, Kan Hem, Tre* ,
liflh SI »C 1, Eugene OR 97401
OPOW supports ballot
measures 14.15.16. 18 and 51.
OPOW vehemently opposes
Ballot Measure 52.
Our environment is a
delicately balanced ecosystem,
which sustains all life. Unless
we elect those legislators who
work to help protect it. it will
vanish altogether. OPOW en
courages all Oregonians to vote
Catherine I .arson
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