for Governor Neil Goldschmidt...An Investment in Oregon It's about work It's about change It's about time Join the hundreds of volunteers on the Qoidschmidt for Governor Com mittee who are proud to have con tributed to this ad. We urge you to vote for Neil on November 4th. In it's next governor, Oregon needs more than a manager. It needs a shot in the arm, a kick in the pants, a leader who provides reason to believe that tomorrow will be better than today...we recommend the election of Neil Qoidschmidt. Eugene RagiatarGuard October 23, IMS ...we rate Goldschmidt the superstar in this race...More than any other candidate in recent Oregon history, Goldschmidt dispels complacency and puts apathy to rout...The Oregonian recommends that Neil Goldschmidt be elected governor Nov. 4 to begin "The Oregon Comeback.” The Oregonian October 26, 1M6 Oregon is at a crossroads. We need a governor who will roll up his sleeves, tackle the tough problems and make Oregon work again...Neil Goldschmidt will make it happen. Barbara Roberta Secretory of State October 24.1986 But in Goldschmidt we find a particular ability to infuse others with his energy and a vow to seek solutions through broad based coalitions. SpfingS*Id New* October 11,19M (When he was Secretary of Transportation) I as a Republican and he as a Democrat could serve the people of of Oregon in common cause. It was a delight to work with him. Marti Hatflald U.S. Senator September 5, 1966 Goldschmidt is intelligent, but his true genius is surrounding himself with bright, creative people...With Goldschmidt as governor the state gets the additional bonus of talented people he will attract to public service...For a tough job in tough times, Goldschmidt is the better choice for governor. Salem Stateaman-Joumal October 12, 1966 The state needs a dreamer, an adventurer, a fighter...and a doer in the governor's seat. Goldschmidt brings these dimen sions to Oregon's capitol; Paulus does not. Coo* Bay World October 21, 1966 I strongly commend to you Neil Goldschmidt for Governor...he has a com passion for and understanding of older people...On behalf of the elderly...which I surely am myself...1 say there is no one in all of the west who is better qualified for Oregon's next Governor than Neil Goldschmidt. Claude Pepper U S. Repreaentative October 1S, 1966 Neil Goldschmidt has brought to the job (Secretary of Transportation) some refreshing ingredients: political shrewdness, a sense of what it takes to get a consensus in government, A big picture guy, he understands quickly how all the pieces fit...He is real-world smart. Lh lacocca Chairman. Chryalar Corporation 1980 Goldschmidt is a leader. He has shown creative leadership as mayor of Portland and U S. Secretary of Transportation. His strength lies largely in the fact that his style was not molded in Salem. Oregon needs a new style of leader, one who is not afraid to speak out, take risks or take action. Redmond Spokesman October 21, 1986 Many of Oregon's senior citizens walk an economic tightrope: balancing their food costs against their housing costs and their health against their hone bill. As Mayor of Portland, Neil went to bat for programs that helped meet those needs. Ron Wyden U.S. Representative January, 1986 To lead, you have to have optimism and you have to have a vision. Neil’s vision for Oregon not only includes a state free from sexism and racism but new ideas on how to get there. That's why NOW endorsed Neil for Governor. Peggy Norman National Organisation of Women PAC Coordinator October 24, 1986 University of Oregon Faculty and Staff for Goldschmidt Myron Rothbarl Thom— Kaattng Kathlaan Tnguatro Eathar Jacobson Mary Lou MansItald Jaflray M Hum it Robarl F Fagot Jam— W Hong Aaron Noatck Philip Grant Robarl Fr—man J M Pottlathwatt JIMTIfW rWBtWIiiWWI Carol Johanaan Joan Aekar Al KtUhabar Dan WHtlama Dorothy Goods Mary Mudxiklawlci Jana Da Qidio I nhn ^ ^ jonn 9