Sports. Club sport bowling teams compete for fun first By Cliff Pfenning Of lb* Emerald It is a muggv Tuesday after noon. The air is filled with the sounds of autumn, it's still sun ny. and some students are tann ing outdoors. It is not the sort of day one likes to spend inside. But when duty calls, the diehards answer. There is a small group of individuals who meet in the EMU basement and set up operation as the Universi ty of Oregon Bowling team. Three times a week or more, the bowling team, part of the club sports program, meets and conducts practices. Most practices are informal and relaxed. "We try to keep things pretty loose,” men's team captain Jim Johnson said. ■‘We're pretty laid back.” As team members show up. individuals take turns on the lanes. Strikes are met with ap plause. while missed splits are greeted with the symbolic touchdown signal. "Not everyone shows up all the time,” team member Tom Johnson (no relation to Jim) said. "You show up when you can fit It into your schedule. We’re trying to enjoy ourselves.” In a society where winning is generally the most important factor in athletics, the Universi ty bowling team is a throwback to the original ideals of fun first, success second. "Some of the competition gets real intense.” Tom lohnson said. "But we try not to put too much pressure on our team. When you're in the tenth frame, and trailing the guy you're bowling against by 19 pins, then you have to throw well. That’s when it gets real intense.” "We want to win. but if we don't it’s no big deal," women's team captain Lisa Kosse said. "It's not as high pressure as some of the other varsity sports are." With this kind of relaxed at titude, the teams have prepared for the Oregon Collegiate Bowl ing Conference schedule, which started Oct. 30 and runs through late February. During that time the Ducks will go through a home-home series with each of the other five teams in the OCBC: Clackamas Community College, Mount Hood Community College, Portland Community College. Portland State University, and Oregon State University. "They're the match we look forward to the most," Jim lohnson said of the Beavers, who are the defending OCBC champions. "They have a real strong team." IX) the IXtcks have a chance against OSU? "We’ll blow a lot of wind, make a lot of noise, and then they'll blow us away," Virginia Olson said. With that sort of attitude, the team embarks on what it hopes will be a successful season, but what it expects will lx; a middle-of-the-pack finish. The men's team finished fourth last year in the six-team league, while the women's team had equal success. The averages per game for the individual members range from 140 to 170, according to Tom lohnson Photo by Ibrrvl lUwitl Junior Jim Johnson, captain of the men's club sport bowling team, exhibits his form in a recent practice in the EMU basement. "We‘d like to see a thousand series (each of the five bowlers rolling a 200 game)." )im Johnson said. "That's what we'd have to bowl to win some of these tournaments," Tom Johnson said. To be competitive, the men's team will rely on what appears to be an experienced line-up of senior Tom Johnson, juniors Jim Johnson and Dave Schmidt. sophomore Arnold Arizala. and freshmen Deryn Frodette and William Wilson. Meanwhile, the women's team is hard-pressed to find enough bowlers to make up one team. Sophomore Kosse. who won the individual title at the OSU invitational last year, and senior Olson are the backbone of the team. Multiple Choice. A memorable college experience. .)< )STK.\S Gold Sale s40 off any 18K ring. s30 off any 14K ring. S15 off any 10K ring. Mon. • Wed., Nov. 3-5 9:00 a.m. • 4:00 p.m. IM iapoMI reqMlrod KEEP THIN AND LIGHT... SAVE 50c RE TAIL EH *mj authorized to ac1 a* oo» agent lor redemption of Bus coupon ^ «w«U f*tmbom you 50« plus W handling providing that you and the consumer have complied with the terms ot our oiler Vb«d where prohibited taxed or reetnctad by taw Good only m USA Cash value 1/20C The consumer must pay any sales tax Any other use < onsMules treud Mail coupon to Repubht tobacco Co. PO Box 730335 El Paso TX 79973 Limit one coupon per purchase 71063100013