Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1986, Page 12, Image 12

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in the Oregon Daily Emerald
World beat
Envoy sees freed hostage
LARNACA, Cyprus (AP) —
Anglican Church envoy Terry
Waite, resuming a shuttle to
free foreigners kidnapped in
Lebanon, re-emerged Sunday
after dropping out of sight for
two days.
Waite. 47, boarded a U.S.
Blackhawk helicopter at the
I.arnaca airport Sunday and
flew to Beirut, the capital of
Uibanon, where he met with
freed American hostage David
"We hope very much with
the help of some friends here we
can secure the release of other
hostages,” Waite said, without
elaboration. ”Our main hope
now is to secure the rapid
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Hasenfus unsure of link
MANAGUA. Nicaragua (AP)
— Captured American
mercenary Eugene Hasenfus
acknowledged Sunday he had
signed a document-described as
a confession to charges that he
was involved in an air opeiation
dropping weapons and other
supplies to U.S.-backed rebels.
However, he took exception
to a section of the document
dealing with alleged Central In
telligence Agency involvement
in his activities.
"I do not have the direct
knowledge to definitely, per
sonally know that," he said
through an interpreter.
Reagan thanks clergyman
Calif.(AP) — President Reagan
on Sunday thanked an Anglican
Church envoy and unnamed
others who helped arrange the
release of hostage David
Jacobsen, but he refused to
identify the “sensitive chan
nels" the United States is using
to gain release of other
American hostages in Lebanon.
Presidential spokesman Larry
Speakos, while refusing to say
what the United States had
done to bring about facobsen’s
release, insisted there had been
"no change in U.S. policy” of
refusing to make concessions to
terrorists or ask other countries
to do so.
New radar sees Stealth
United States and the Soviet
Union have the me <na to track
"Stealth" aircraft that are sup
posed to be made invisible from
radar by high-tech construction
techniques. U.S. officials say.
But these officials say such
detection poses no threat
because of the way the Stealth
aircraft would be used.
Since the Pentagon does not
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envision using its bombers for
surprise, first-strike raids, it is
not concerned about detection
by the new radar, called Over
The-Horizon- Backseat ter, or
Nuke auditor lauds probe
RICHLAND, Wash. (AP) —
The Rockwell Hanford auditor
whose critical reports of pro
blems at two plutonium plants
run by Rockwell on the Hanford
nuclear reservation helped lead
to a Department of Energy probe
says DOE investigators are be
ing very thorough.
"The DOE guys are digging
into every nook and cranny that
applies to my findings on the
audits," said Casey Ruud, who
is among 16 investigators study
ing the two plants in the current
investigation. "I think the
results will show my audits
were very accurate."
Overdose victim found
PORTLAND (AP) - The body
of a woman who apparently
died of a drug overdose was
recovered hours after it was
spotted by a passing motorist
who thought it was a manne
quin left by a Halloween
prankster, police said.
Police spokesman Henry
Groepper said the body was
found Saturday about two
tenths of a miie from the St.
Johns Bridge.
Groepper said a driver saw
the body at about 1:30 p.m. but
did not report it to police for
four hours, believing at first that
it was a mannequin.
An autopsy conducted Sun
day indicated that the woman
apparently died of a drug over
dose. the State Medical Ex
aminer’s Office reported.
No identification was found
on the body, said Groepper. The
woman was believed to be 25-35
years old.
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