College students all over campus I put on their All Hallow E'ep best for | some devilish good times Friday, in- I eluding (left) Diane Shook (left) and Sal- I ly Paaso, who intended to swashbuckle I their way through the evening. V Although one student (right) openly displayed his dislike of the holiday. •> // ^ r ^ ft /> ; ^ " . ' Earlier in the day, the Pumpkin Liberation Organization gathered pum pkins in Springfield to raise money to fight child abuse, including one weighing a whopping 400 pounds (below). 1( Photos by Derrel Hewitt Special Malaysian Hot Dish Laksa $350 Serving for lunch CHINA BLUE , Restaurant 879 E. 13th. 343 Ataif ft) the UO Kooksion, 3-2832 I . upsuurs | university SUNNY SERVICE Foreign & Domestic Cars Specializing in Volvo and Volkswagen • Major & Minor Repairs • ASE Certified Technicians 1905 Agate St. • 344 0869 Just a lew blocks from campus on the corner of Agate and 19th Send a resident of our District to the State Legislature and KEEP LOCAL CONTROL paid kmt ar fifcr wiluam bain coMMirm ISLAM & WOMEN’S LIBERATION BY: MRS. AMINA ASSILIMI The Muslim Students Association invites you on Thursday, 6th November 7:30 PM Geology 150 Reception follows Co-Sponsors Anthropology Dept . Campus Interlailh Ministry, College ol Business Admin , Cultural Forum, Inter national Studies. Religious Studies Dept & Women's Studies The IBM PC Convertible. It can help you earn a degree and then earn a living. ,# h (iiNwrliMr «*nl» raiM il II |> m urn 4k MUM 'Hi*- IBM It! (Convertible give* you l he power of