Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1986, Page 6, Image 6

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    Workshops teach students how to be effective leaders
By Tonnie Dakin
(If the Kmartld
The students of today are the
leaders of tomorrow, and
several leadership workshops
are offered at the University for
students who wish to sharpen
their skills and receive addi
tional training.
The workshops are for people
in charge of student organiza
tions or any student who is in
terested. said Dr. Frank Geltner.
associate director of the EMU.
who runs the workshops.
'*1 decided to invest the same
time in workshops as I had for
classes.'' (Jeltner said. The
classes are free and are not of
fered for credit so that as many
students as possible can attend,
fieltner said.
The workshops are offered
every Thursday from 4 to 6
p.m.. and each deals with a dif
ferent facet of leadership.
C.eltner said. The workshop of
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fered on Thursday. “In Search
of Excellence." is generally one
of the most exciting, he said
The workshop started with an
HH-minute program based on a
video produced by Tom Peters,
author of ’Tn Search of
Viewers were taken through
eight scenarios concerning how
companies such as Disney, Ap
ple. IBM and McDonalds
achieved excellence in the
working world, he said.
Students are able to relate to
the workshops because they are
shown what kind of skills are
needl'd to reach excellence in
the working world, he said.
To attend the workshops,
students are encouraged but not
required to sign Tip in the Stu
dent Activities Resource Office.
Suite 2. EMI).*
Future leadership workshops
include “Passion for Ex
cellenc.e'.’on Thursday. "Situa
tional leadership 11" on Nov.
13. and "A New l.ook at
Motivation’- on Nov. 20.
Foundation promotes
excellence in students
The Student Activities Resource Office (SARO) and
members of the community are working together to promote
excellence among college students.
The 1440 Foundation, a local non-profit, tax-exempt
group whose goal is to perpetuate excellence in people, is an
organizer of the "Celebrate Excellence 1986” program.
The foundation is working with the University to pro
mote student leadership and personal excellence, said Presi
dent Gary Mr Naught
"Celebrate Excellence 1986” is in the second year of a
three-year program designed to encourage companies to
recognize excellence and bring in new ideas from the outside
to generate creativity. McNaught said
One way this can be achieved is through college
students, he said.
"We've been trying to develop a liason with the Univer
sity.” McNaught said. "The future of our community rests
with how well we retain student leaders from high school
and college." he said.
McNaught hopes to project a positive image of the
Kugene/Springfield area to students, so that they consider
staying in the area and contributing to its growth, he said.
"If this community loses its best high school and college
students, you have to recruit them. . . then you have a'declin
ing area.” McNaught said
As part of the program. Drs. Ken.and Marge Blanchard,
the developers of the “One Minute Manager" series, will be
speaking at the Mull Center Tuesday.
The speakers were chosen because the couple has achiev
ed excellence as speakers, authors and business owners.
McNaught said
Tickets for the event, which runs from 8:30a.m. to noon,
are $45. However, the 1440 Foundation will be supplying
alHiul 100 free tickets to the event for interested college
students. McNaught said.
Tickets can be picked up at the SARO. Suite 2. EMU. un
til the day of the event, said Dr. Frank Geltner. associate
director of the EMU.
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