Measure 2 would affect redistricting If Ballot Measure 2 passes in the Nov. 4 •lections, the Oregon state constitution would be amended to revise the current legislative redistricting procedures. Currently, the law requires the state legislature to change the boundaries of the legislative districts every 10 years to make them as equal in population as possible The Secretary of State does the redistric ting if the legislature does not. after which the Supreme Court reviews the process With Ballot Measure 2 in effect, the law would allow the court a longer time to review the redistricting, and the Secretary of State would have a longer time to make any needed corrections In addition, the new proposal would give voters in the new district the right to rocall a senator following redistricting, even if the senator was elected within a district of dif ferent boundaries Proponents of the measure say that this provision guarantees that the people of the new districts are represented by the senator of their choice. T rojan (Unitinued from Page 1 tion was completed. Testimony by Bechtel employees, including engineers, suggests that the company was spread too thin and had to hire extra engineers from outside the corporation to complete the job Marbet ques tions whether these "job shop" engineers were properly qualified to work on such a project. When Bechtel engineer lames Edmunds was asked whether the extra help was the equivalent of temporary help services like Kelly Ctrl,' he responded, “I guess you could call it that, yes." Charles Hochgesany, Bechtel's business and develop ment representative for the Pacific Northwest, was asked during the proceedings if he recalled whether one of the sub jects not to be discussed with PGE executives was the "high ratio of new field hires versus Bechtel-experienced nuclear power personnel.” He replied. "I didn't recall that. no. until it says here. This paper says it was.” The documents also reveal that the engineer responsible for the original design of the earthquake-resistant walls for the control building. Moham mad Ali, did not make preliminary calculations to determine if the design he chose would be strong enough to withstand a severe earthquake According to a copy of a job chart. Ali was also in charge of design for the auxiliary building and the turbine building at the plant. When Leslie Arvai. an engineer and assistant group supervisor on the project, discovered what Ali had done, he complained to superiors and. “very shortly after. Mr. Ali left Bechtel,” Arvai said in the testimony. The design was not changed because, in the words of Peter karpa. a project engineer, “if vmi jeopardize the construction schedule. then you cause a great I os* of money to the client.” Kagon noted, however, that modifications were made to reinforce the walls and that the problem no longer exists. Testimony by karpa suggests Continued on Page 18 ENSEMBLE from Los Anqctes by Dwyar. Simpson and WWd. PC Attorney* at Law Ol.wimq WOW1 Mi'll 'ism EitraofOinvy «■ Sunday. November 9 th at 2:30 pm SUVA NALL. TNI HULT CENTER Tickets Will Hult Center 817-5000 Dole Continued from Page 1 believe he's done a pretty good job. i think you (Long) indicated you might be able to support him 75 percent of the time.” "But sometimes we disagree with the President. We disagreed with him on foreign policy and certain other issues." “If you're going to send somebody there just to frustrate everything the President does, I guess that’s Mr. DeFazio's posi tion. I don’t know what it does for this district,” Dole said. "You might as well leave (the congressional seat) open.” High Quality COPIES All Day * Every Day Collating Binding Opan ■ 304:30 M-F 104 Sat. 4pm4pm Sun Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 mirniOm IM TWE ELECTRONICS P0»T. ’UO BOOKSTORE Send a resident of our District to the State Legislature and KEEP LOCAL CONTROL PAto roteretecr whuambain committm BIG SELECTION USED COLOR TV’S $49.00 and Up | DEKA Electronics I 390 W. 12th • 342-2488 SANYO 675 Portable *1240 • 256 K RAM • Excellent Quality • 15 lbs * MS-DOS Included • 2 Disk Drives An Excellent Portable at a Great Price. Available with a Hard Drive or Color Monitor Come on in lor a Demonstration! EMU GROUND FLOOR "The new federal tax reform means that state taxes will be an important issue in the next legislature. We must make Oregon's tax system as fair and simple as possible. But more than that, we must insist that government live within our means." —JACK... ROBERTS FOR STATE SENATE DISTRICT 21 r Paul for by Jack Rot»erts for \ Senate District 21 Committee PO Box ltM»K4 Ku^enc OK ‘>7440