Events EMU Cetteral Forum Muivuni tn Latin America a I gffaa AfWftcon Svpporl CowirolHti In concert From Chile LOS PARRA Isabel, Angel Tlta, Angellto Acclaimed voices of Latin America's New Song Movement Wtiat Is New Song? Meet Song Incorporates Latin Amenea'a toikmuaic, IradHiona into a vibrant, modern nutate. Who are the Parras? Isabel endI Angel, cNtdrsn ot the renowned Viotete Farm, oontlmie the New Song tredttto^^* ahoy es* --MimumSi seemAe —nelri Mm WfMimai ptsge nnmw ww rt^^ws and stryggloe ot the Chtteen people WED NOV 5 EMU BALLROOM $5 Advance $7 at Door Qen’l Admission $6 Advance $8 at Door For into: 4S4-MS7 or MA4373 8074:11-6* for Afl, . fh# fllm ORNETTE made IN America r-aoT^T Boom rn Scho°'otUu,lc BEER BARDEN today '••luring the SURF trio »»!!3 a?« availably 10 REQUIRED /to I 10-31 DANCE IS S OVER AFTER MIONITE OPEN AFTER HOURS THE ONLY DANCE SPOT TILL « AM TONIGHT HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY Players Cabaret CALL PLAYERS FOR LIMOUSINE SERVIC. PARTIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 11046 WILLAMETTE ESS-MSS KRVM WELCOMES JONATHAN RICHMAN & MODERN LOVERS FRI NOV 7 EMU Dining Room DAN REED NETWORK & CALVIN WALKER FRI NOV 21 EMU BALLROOM Tickets SS Adv BEAT RODEO EMU BALLROOM Tlcksts $3 Adv NOV 23 TICKETS AT USUAL OUTLETS PRODUCE0 ST THE CULTURAL FORUM Events CURTIS LIVES MOTMIfKS THIS EVIL even Dies EUGENE’S 10th ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BALL FRIDAY OCT 31 at 8 PM Lloyd Jonaa Struggla laatunng Cum* Salgado. Tha Allnllta A Tda Pan Klnga ^Elm'aoVawo.'wj* AT BOO? TlckaU avaMaMa at Evaryfcody'* HaconM RESTRICTED. 71 » OVER I0 REWIRED Produced by OaaMa Taa TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT A BOX OFFICE NEAR YOU! 2 BANDS 9 til 1 in the EMU COSTUME CONTEST CASH PRIZES DOOR PRIZES ONLY $4 SURPRISESI ALL AGESI Bponaored In part by the Land Ak and Water droop Tonight's the night to danca and trance to the surfin’ sounds of SURF TRIO and to Hm Voodoo Lagba FLAMBEAUX Win • cull prtaa Win ■ door prlto Hm • aurprtaa Bring a Irtond Hoot a bad (4 al Hw door ALL AGES Sponsored in part by I be Land, Air and Water group 10-31 Events Anthar y su grupo NOV 2, 8 pm EMU Forum Rm FREE ADMISSION SPONSOR! 0 ST MfCHA FILIPINO FOOD STORE GRAND OPENING Qltts-Qrocarias-Etc A Fun and Unusual Stars SAT NOV 1ST 10 AM-7 PM FREE SNACKS HELIUM BALLOONS 525 MAIN DOWNTOWN SPFLD 1031 ’ Foods, Dunk FUSH SOUEE7ED /WU CIOCA 100% appla lulca 17 SO/oaiton 74FS3S8 1041 8Upp«8 (K-1 t«««1 "»•.*«*) Students with current ID receive e 10% discount MIS W. 11lh IS miner rociuiift C J tupnona Ultra-Choc. Sundaes $1.25 EVERY FRIDAY •M E. 1MK Ml WHIwiMH* Entutainment Lata Nila at tha BIJOU «'» on too tna tenon fit ml nightl! ■■MATTHIWNOOlMCaaB FERRIS BUELLER*S DAY OFF ONE MAN’S STRUGGLE TO TAKE IT EASY Frt-Sat IIAS/Son-TImr* 1045 Admlukxi 52.50 SOON WgTrauM* In Llllt* CMna fkitt&TA UUAiElUT I uo STUDENTS! WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH A SEASON TICKET? When you buy MMon tickets to University Theatre's SSST Meson ot live terrific snows you cen your Me - they’ll ns knew you paid only U per show UO students pey only SIS lor Into •hows you sow enough to see one show abeolutety FREE Faculty and •tell save too Call 6»-4t»1 or come to the bos olhce m the Robinson Theatre Monday thru Saturday Irom 12 to 4 pm to order your season tickets now 7S6T 10-31 m cam laowi HOSKINS TYSON CAINE Sot in London* Weary Kino * Cion *M inis Comm* FNm FmIM win nor I* * wotlactod romoM ol lit* clootie myth ol in* (Unity, myslorlous courlooon and I ho guy who loll* lor ho* Mon* Liu I* on* ol thou wondortuRy Itogi comic moylo* m«l you ii tMk about tor • long tlm* Don't mlu Ml FrISot Ml • MO Sun Thun till S MO Bond** Sorgo* Matins* « pm S3 HATED It FOR LANGUAGE. VIOLENCE. SEX. AND NUDITY Don Adm S3. FSIStudonl* wAO M« SHur Mon SSIFro* popcorn Tom NEXT: Homo ol Nto troy* FEAR NOT TRUE BELIEVERSI The Cultural Forum will still show ■■MAI TMf W INOMNK It ■■ FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF for ONLY $2 on Nov 8 in 150 Qeo. AS PROMISED SINCE SEPTEMSER MORE POWER TO YOU, FERRISt Entotainment TONIGHT HALLOWEEN TRIPLE FEATURE 7 PM James Whale’s OLD DARK HOUSE wMt Sort* Kartort <1*M) 8:30 PM Howard Hawk’s THE THING (From anolhw Wortd) naan 10 PM Jacques Toureur’s THE LEOPARD MAN All features proceeded by a special Halloween cartoon 180 PLC Admission to any or all films only SI MIDNIGHT ONLY (UPCMTC ADMISSION) HIGH! Living DEAD 1)968) Ths original cull classic Is backl Ths dsad osirt ins sarth m March of lood ID# Dying1 180 PLC Admission only $1 ********** SATURDAY Tho funnlsst film of 1>88ls back I (1986) Mac hast J Fo> laSaa a no# inirly yssrt into IDs paal to msal hit lulurs lalhar and molhsr and Ihrsalana hit ysry siialsncs Ths tun nistl mons ol 1986 It back on in# acrasn 190 Oaalogy I 8 9:11 pm ********** SUNDAY From ths director of THE SEVEN SAMURAI AKIRA KUROSAWA: (9949) Toshiro Mifune it a young detective who loses hit gun on a cot aided bus in Tokyo and begins an im possible hunt to retrieve it An early urban actionner by Kurosawa in Japanese with English subtitles 190 PIC 7 pm ONLY $2 Students A Adults $1 Children 1 LABATT'S BEER “One of Oiurfj * Best" 69S VM h '**K Hi' through Nov. 1. ISHti Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.-l 1 p.iii. 24th & Hilyard • 343-9142 DISKS 5Va” DS/DD 100% Error Free 50° EMU Ground Floor / JanoiSS by Berkc Breathed BLOOM COUNTY PVMHb V* MJUtNNtA TMT mi MK> H** MW HUP SNmt> WNtS * nsr Of THumtxTHtmss m> amio.. ..a kxm of otMury cams.• AS ONE WOOLS’ SNtff PL0OVS mu off one APom rr w me sour (3G 4*p /» nmrm *V4V mua ova v** f*up * xctmiq $m* mrmtp ix£K m H&K HU CHAMCm ... so. m, pots nsoptKN n*v 00 mHtctmsrvrvKhim* A CMPt SUCK* r nu. vot/Ntvu s\ KNOW. r