Typing Dial-ATypist 747-5555 ___ _ 7561 Ifn won© rmxxumMmuzm m GimS Sch Appm»**1 S Slock* 10 UO J*nmf*- 48* 38*3 , ._tmsuwhf Friendly E»p*rt Sonic* GRADUATE SCHOOL ARPROVEO Rulll 3*8 *614 7M41ln RESUMES KIMKO'S LASER OCSION OPEN 7 DAYS MO I IMl MAIM EDITINO. WORD PROCESSING WRITING conaultation Pti D E. (w'lancM with lofptgn atudanu CRH Gary MS I MR __« IS TYPINGS OITINO Call Sara 6*0739 Vita 6 Maiarcaid Accapiad 4WV, MJHF u#s 1 0%’ WORD PROCESSINGS YPINO Disk L tin inglConvaision r, Appla IBM CPiM 1 * SAVE t I Salt Satvica Wwil Procnisma (lot a*f(Oiit UHIII Puvata Olllc.a Print#* IBM CompuHbia PC Supplmt Low Hourly Rat* Photocopy Binding Saralca MS E. IBNi Sit Bluets Irotn Campus Itv* Word Ptocastmg Spoctalills K C TYPINO SERVICE WORD PROCESSING BV KAREN $1 papo/ES roauma Ml HI/ 6441 F TYPINO a WORD PROCESSING Thasas/dissariattons. papars. adlling. graphics law papars. rasum#» & mass mailings Grad Sch approvad WordSlyla* A TypaSertpts 14 MM CINDY 4M l BRANDY 444 6044 4040 tin FREELANCE TYPISTS UNITED Mtti 6 Chamtoars No. 7 Eugana. OR 146 1440 FOR ALL YOUR TYPINO NEEDS 11 14 PROFESSIONAL TYPING/EDITING Fast, accural# Disc ilorag* Call Oraca 7476140 1031 WORD PROCESSING/TYPING Aftordabta Excallant Ruthann 1440416 1031 GUARANTEED TYPING/EDITING X plus yaars atpananca PEN PAL WORD PROCESSING 343 MO? 1031 <^>0UAl*TV TYPING WORO PROCESSING Carol yeti's cSpecialties • Gradual# Approvad • Spaciatlrmg In diatartalrons lhasat larm papart ratumat rallatt 'S;;::ir, 344-7231 For Sale 4 MANUAL TYPEWRITERS aath TKO 65 Paavay baa* amp $200 M$HM_10-11 1 r COLOR 'TV Sony. ’”$115 caan 465 3514 1031 MUST SELL 1*77 14 > 70 Gibraltar Ei caltant condition ElllM $1 1.900 Of Ql <•> 9307814« 6860222 1031 HALLOWEEN FACE PAINTING 44 the EMU Crall Cantor Friday Ocf 11, 05 30 pm. Ground Floor EMU $1 686 4386 __SOM 1031 CRACKPOT SALE at lb* EMU Critl Canlai Ground Floor EMU Tuaaday ■nd Wednnnday Nov 4 and 5 10 an ) pm Abandonad and nomal**» caramic* Soma lop quality, aoma saconda Saa lot youriwHI 80*0113 PATRICK NAGEL LIVES' PufChaa* Commamotallva no 6 and no 7 and Limilad Edition Book ba'wk upcommp pnea mcraaaa Laava ma»»aga *i 3451132 1031 DISKS 5%” OS/OD 50* 3Vi" OS/DO $2 Bicycles SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 10th Anniversary Sals 10 50% Off mi mcmitormt mu) mm) Dtkm buy*sell TRADE NEXT TO THE BIJOU Books ioo.ooo sooks m stock AH Sathns 40 MX OH Mol prICM • T««*»*Chf( Nolaa*KUgum«<« USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE TOO Ea*l OIK 4»n I In Cars a Cycles 1971 LaSABRE. 2 door 4 barrel Needs paint 1600 484 1087_77S7 Ifn M HONOA HE LIX rad 12 200 OBO 348 7210 eves and weekends 10-31 1980 YAMAHA ENDURO ' shape runs great 343 2918 10 31 CYCLE HELMET MARUSHIM MG 80 with full lace mash mad (7 1/01 $68 484 9629 1031 79 HONDA CIVIC H 800 344 2306 F abolows condition I_10-31 FLASHY Rad 86 Honda Aero 80 scooter aith re cent tone up 1675 OBO 7266192 attar 6 pm UV31 M VW BUG 18 000 mites rebuilt 1600 Near tires, brakes 342 4637. 3456663 6890287 1031 GRAND PRIX 1977 Good price, oood condition Payment available 342 2317 _ 10-31 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA M00 OBO Hunt Q00dl 342-7704 __10-31 1972 PEUGEOT 904 4 <}<«,. wmx.t MOO_113 MOPED. AME. pedal start *iM|e ik1#» excellent condition. $100 345 3691 _ 1031 1971 BMW 2002. new paint new brakes OFFER 342 8423 11-6 MUST SELL 73 Da!sun 610 good condi lion M00 78 Monde Passport not runn mg make offer Call Tiet at 344 2002 1031 Cars & Cycles 1*70 VW SQUARE SACK Run. gtul HOC 3440540, Enc_I t 3 t«M AERO tat. MOO mdas mm tag*, tin nattafy SOSO 060 Call Mika aliai Spm. 4SS-1890 .0-31 1*7S HONDA XL MO N.» tin. flint 9000 san 4Qs-so>t(Sos» • _«>4i 1*74 DATSUN S 210 Hand. tuna up two 343 5045_._>14 1*71 SURER BUG. rabuiit anflina nica »lant> lowing Pkrkaga thaap 'skint custom aiutii II Mua S2.S00 of bail ollof Call Pal at 6SSS1B3 . 1031 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR STUOENTS ft FACULTY wzstside FOREIGN AUTO OMsmtanancs and Rapsir 1060 W 3rd 484 4930_ Clothing MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buy* constant and Iradat tacondband clothing tof «nan and woman lot appt 344-703* 3*0 E 11th _ 1948 WHf Computers ISM PC JR ENHANCED Colo. display kay boafd. disc dn«a data caaa. Kbr suck, copy boidar mini floppy disc lolt ol tottwam boons Si 000 of bast ottaf 3440000 10-31 INVITATION TO SID OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONAL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OSU IS piaasad lo otlaf to tbs ganaral public, tbs following PC agulpmani Appia III computers. 11 aa HPB2 oomputat* 22 M NEC computer PC 6001A IBM DfSplaywntat system Corvus system Wang PC*. * aa Graphic board* lot Wang PC. 2 aa Communication* board for Wang PC • Seated bid* anil Da accaplad from • am Too* Ocl 28 lo 4 30 pm Tua*. Nov 24 • Equipment aill be available loviear 105 Sal. 12 3 Sun 8-4 30 eeaAdays • For official bid form* appointment lo view, or luflher into plea** contact Properly Control Office Oregon Stale University Corvallis. OP 92331 Phone 254 3102 • OSU reserves the right lo tell all or part of the above marchandiaa lo other »tal* agencies prior lo in* sale closing dal* 8103 1031 0 o Computer lounge < LASER PRINT your PC-Compatible, Apple lie &Mac Documents ACSCfIVATIOMS ASIC RECOMMENDED 686-4353/4354 _ew,„8,^4 Computers UPGRADE SPECIAL ADD MEMORY TO YOUR PC FROM $75 EMU GROUND FLOOR Instruments ARIA STEEL STRING QUITAR Japanese hand-craft*]. *o»ld top roft#*rOOd »«*V Ask tor Haattwr or Susan tt-4 Ski Stuff SALAMON SX f t »i/« 370 $240 n«v»r utad 464 6556 It 3 Sound Systems JIM'S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1457 W 6th 343 7663 Monday thru Friday 9 • m 6pm Saturday 9 am 4 30 p m — 314SHFM USED STEREOS Bought and aoid Naw apaakat kill and raw drlnri Naw dltcountad cartddgaa and atytt THE SOUND WELL 1425 OAK ST 242 7071 7927 1031 . Services NEED A LOCKER? EMU R«c Ctr «37t1. EMU Ground floor 7826-tln on campus Tanning SunShower on campus Faca It your tan it lading FAST Thai waama ol an Oragon tun it no halp So tom ma 1000'a ol (mart paupi* who hava lound that INDOOR TANNINO la tha allordaDI* comlor labia CONVENIENT way to make inoaa lunar tan irnaa raappaar in NO TIME AT ALL! SunShower Tanning Salon 4AS 2123 474 E 13th upalalia naal to Klnkot M-F 7 am-S pm ;— Sat Sun • am a pm w r ■ au congitionM Newman Center tinman (alhoiii (.ommunlty at the l tnivrrsMy ol Oregon Worahlp with ua Waakoaya S 15pm Sunday* POO am It 00am 730pm 1SS0 E mar aid St. • 343-7021 Recreation EMU ARCADE features “GAUNTLET" “RAMPAGE” “PLAY CHOICE 10” “WORLD SERIES” “RAVEN” “SPYHUNTER” Ground Fkw EMU 7866 tin Travel 1 ROUND TRIP TICKETS. Eugcnn lo NY, fptum by Due 31. *238 *acb C*i 343-M30 10-31 TO TOKYO NON STOP $625 Call Fujiko (206) 696-9740 __ MM1 Wanted LOOKING FOR A ROOM la real tew grqup minting* Tbundayt from 8 30 proro MOpm Bill 343-9814 1031 wantIo macintosh computer 5I2K 343-8433_ 1JHS Opportunities T SHIRT LOGO CONTEST for UO Dance Department Entry deadline. Nov 14 to 161 GRX Prizes 686 3387 7961 11 13 STUDENT SENATE OPPORTUNITIES IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS YoVI Student Senate has immediate Senate seat positions open lor the 19*6-8? school year, representing the following departments No } Law and graduate students No 2 Education No 1 1 Computer sciencefipath/phystcs No 13. Architecture & allied arts; PPPM (economics No 14 Architecture A allied arts' PPPttfteeonomlcs No. IS- OenceTPE/rec rest ion No 17 • Unpelcared It you have declared one ol these departments as your ma|or this is your chance to get involved In stu dent government end university policy malting As a Student Senator, you will represent yoyr field, be a member ol University Senate and the University Assembly end sit in on StudeittrPaculty Committees Senators receive * *35 month sti pend Applications and more Informs lion ere availaMf in $uite 4, EMU Deadline to/ applications is Friday November 14 DANCE STUDIO FOR SALl Escellent SF Portland location Billet, |SJ/. lap 12647*79 ’ 10-31 Help Wanted hardworking, intelligent communicatiorf&orisnted student tor part time position to develop and impie syndicator should quality tor intern credits Pay negotiable Call 687 2066 tor appointment 11-4 JOG OPPOUfUNITIES IN THE ATHLETIC DEPT Work study approved students call 8*5-4498 or 688 4481 tor opportunities to work in the Athletic Dept Medical Treatment Center, Sports Inlormatlon and the Maintenance areas 8072 10-31 WRESTLING REFEREES HS and Jr HS Meats iaai mem on Eugene I i going based news release program national radio program 620 134 50 a match No eaporlofteo required Contact: John Ssppingtoi 1st meeting Noe 10 7 pm. Sheldon HS Help Wanted GIBSONS RESTAURANT ANO LOUNOE is now hiring cocktail servers and bartendei* Erperienced only App ly between 2 4 pm a* 3355 E Amaton 10-31 ACCTOA.AW ENE SPECIAL AGENT A unique opportunity in crtmlnAl Investigation with the Internal ^levenue S^trvl^se Professional career* in law enforce men! lor men and women under age 35 Require* Bachelor* degree in eluding minimum of 35 qti hour* ac counting and related tubtecl* or 3 year* substantive accounting and related buamee* erpeuenc* Inten aive training provided m tar law and technique* of criminal invealigetion Special Agent* inue*tigate case* in vOlving tar fraud and other related criminal violation* develop and document evidence for. and are often a key witne** In, government pro aecution ol tar law cate* Starting salary $14,300 $17,800 depending on qualifications Full civil sendee benefits Ercellent advancement and professional development program Written test required For application paesag* call (9031221 3203 IRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer 8080 11-12" STUDENT CLERICAL POSITION. Wort study. 10-12 hrstwk, $4 75mr Requires wort with graduate students and general public Good communication* skills and ability to wort Independently important Phone 6SB3416, 8088:11-5 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional screening and matching Quality homes available, suitable room mates Call 687 8213 7976 tlji TO SHARE HEDROOM HOUSE close 10 campus, quiet area wall lo wall carpet. 2 bathrooms lireplace. modern kitchen Hen! $200 a month plus Call 342-738$ keep trytafr_>0-31 FEMALE ROOMMATE lo share nice 2 bedroom home with prolesslonal cou pie Non smoker On bus route close lo everything 2066 Jetferson Michael or Belly 343-3103 evenings_11-4 For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished. Si 15/mo, 2 bedroom furnished. $M4/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom Si 20/mo Future openings ex peeled Winter and Fall Terms Married couples and single parents eligible Call UO Housing *8*4277 for informa Won __ TSftfttfn CANTOS LARGE FURNISHED 1/2 bedroom v$245/$42i^ 486 2823 7940:lln LARGE. LIGHT. NICE, one bedroom apt. walk to campus, yard, laundry. some utilities $200.343-2331 113 Quads CAMPUS COURT OUADS, fully lurmsh ad. all util included Private 1/2 bath $169 345 4490 8064 tin Dorm Contracts "U.r. CONTRACT” Buy piy contract and I will pay half of the deposit fee Call Gary 686 4560 bet ween 10 30-530._ 1V3 DORM CONTRACT lor sale Call Scott Charlton at 486-4834 or 686 5170 11-3 Meetings WOMENS LACROSSE All interested come to Century Rm E Friday at 3 30 It s in the EMU Skylight Sponsored by Club Sports __ 8065 10-31 * Events DARE TO BE STUPID! with Magic Swan S tha Dukas Oct 31 at Taylors mi Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU " urnus OAV&iPORT IT50UNPUKE aw*** immjBis n*9 7 HYGtME 1M9 ' tmuvmrEK SOUNDIWIFieP' r I AGREt, MAM, OUT LIKE noRnor, the agenda's been set MveGOTTO putthe drug issue f TDRtST M/CHAELS mu.LAciy I lie I D&iGRtt. ITHM 51D0PIN6 TVCONQUtR ttprsoMOfut. rrs Horvemmufib \ L'irw BROUGHT UP' r / HOH ABOUT, 'omNpan. NOT EVEN TRACE AMOUNTS’ r I)&60TW RUN. Ki THIS NICE BCH FOR HI* TIME, UHU 'iOU.OEAR* / HALLOWEEN SPECIAL The 5 BEST Halloween Costumes in the Fountain Court Cafe between 11-1 (Oct. 30 & 31) RECEIVE GIFT CERTIFICATES Come See Us!