HAPPY HALLOWEEN HAWAII CLUB PRESIDENT PATTY HEELYI Have tun Mi Miacnevtoua! Much won* OP* »< ,oo«m* THE PRYINQ PAN BARER NEILL I may tie w San Pranctsco bull tali my Heart * you I love you aiawya JEN ROGER So aomaone has bawilchad you"'H«ppp» HaBowaam_ IMfit" stu Doo Aaron' Tom Kevm Kim Chris. and John Any qua* lions’Good MEO AND PAWN delta z pumpkin carvers Thanks to* all your help Wednesday nmht' Can I wait for the Great Pum pkm watch! tUV. MtCHCLLI - TO ONE CLASSY CLASSIFIED STAFF; ye of the speedy fingers, broken wing and wild hot tub parties (who shah re mam anonymous) Have a howling good Halloween you deserve it' ALYSON SUZIE BOO! Have a good time and hurry back! ALYSON MARK ANDERSON, Tonight the cemetery meet me1 Ul' BUNS PRODO CREW Sometimes you guys drive me batty but you're all doing a GREAT job' Thanks MICHELE I BUNKY & BINKY BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO» Remember when that was hyslencaily funny7 CHRISTIE 8 CHRISTY M Hay* a n*io weent* S*# you at tfw» pa»ty OOROY LEANN ALEXIS. USA. Happy Hallo 10 a gr#at bunch o* foom»#s"* LITTLE TOAO JIMMY ILOVE YOU AS BIG AS THE GREAT PUMPKIN' MOM YO. BAT BITCH L’UN SHEELY Ms bat boy biting season so prepare tbe poison and have a wicked weekend You re witchm rad bat sister YO’EN THETA KIM You're my lavertt* spook' Thank* lor baing such • great Nttla tit and fnand' I loire you? _ SCOTT, I thmK I'm lucky Happy An mversary1 ?H love you CMRISTI MOORE FENTON AND RONNINQ Bats are black witch lips are blue It s gonna be scary partying with you! LOVE. LIZ JAYNE. CRISSY LESLIE. AOI. AND TRIEBER Just wanted to say I think you're ail neat and knowing you has been a treat Now scream reat loud and stomp your feet cu* I love ya enough to sand a bat toaat1 MAI_ HAPPY BIRTHOAY SUE HANSEN* Love Deb Kris Kim lin and the guys from 7 11 s parking lot YOU RAQING SEX KITTEN WENDY FULLER. You are the greatest' Hope your Bat party goes well tomght watch tor Jason • SPOOKY DEAREST BEE BEE. SUIT TIN ANO SHU SHIEN. Thatriift lot batng my Qraal *>»!•'» ■«' I OWE. ANNA DEAREST ANWAR ANO JANWAR. i ihoogni o* you today and hi*i to lai you know Win l ew love, anna HOOTIE. L«T« Ci* tilly tuitwyt on HMIowmo ol THE p*»n you m«y g*| «n*c»»dl LOVE YOU MONEY LUTTRELLHEAD You thrM me you give me chivvers you elbow me at night. you re my kind of dude LOVE, TROtl SPARKY, Can I ride you' broomeiick around Ihe moon tonight? LOVE. YOUR SMELLY WITCH PS You're »I»U my favorite haunt» HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIVA Holy Bat Personals, Bat man! Gotham City is in trouble! Precisely, Robin! Quick! To the Bat com puter for more clues! TERRI GLIDDEN EEEEEE... I'MMMM MELLLL TING... M0RR0RS1 Another year is passing1 JOF AIHCLOUGM Timer to flap our wings and nav# some tun' What are you doing tonight1 Giv# m« a calf YOU KNOW WHO * BOO-GEY BEANHEAD Happy MaiiowraaM' Lat't t»km this poggtand aariy arid ctoaa th« »«wn right* Tomght'a our night to HOWL ! *• daiarv# it* A Little Halloween Humor From Ad Side: Why do paopt# thmk vampitts are always so irat*? Wen they are always at people* throats1 Happy Halloween Jaan Atyson Gorman Michele Diana Mona John and all tha advertising crawl love and Chocolate Kiss SUSi ALYSON tf «» could only txe a hiti* mom catty v>rn#t»m®a' ThanM fo» an your h»«» y( XI >n» inandahip bwgtn low Yow Huggwbta PI PM- _ P CMf M SHAWM AND J R,. Good tuck on you' m*dt#fm* Sm«l# and mM«* you II i Lo»#Youi Jf«wlt*AOPi » J K LUfV. HAppy M«lto«r##n to my fftvpft!# Mcwi*t*< You #• ftpociat to m#1 Lov* «' Hug* IK" BUNNtt Th# Wt«ra**t law ever devised with sparkle and shoHlegs See »4 '»«Ml We«*>. for th« f«4l M HE 01 WHIP LB Than* few being such a great friend What would I do without you tDon't lot me find outP S Keep you' hopys up Happy Halloween I love you love Your Favorite BOOMlt TRACY. I m so happy **- re friends Have a HAPPY MALI OWf fcN in Albany Corvallis Portland or Saattk* love M ANDIE HEIDI My biting paiaonahty cm bo a pain in th« n#<> but you put up with • BAiPlTMAN TO MV TWO POSSESSED TRAVELERS I hop# youf M*HoW##n* won I MH M wordy a* you* upcoming vacation* It My* on# thing for lumnw job* though you got mor# out ol th#m than mon#> Lom. THE-DEVIL HEY OOC* Knotty to hav# * itma tonight * Ju»l ftiwmba only on# mor# a*#* to go' Iona VOUA R N SUSI! *n»l do you **v 10 »om*oo» lowing on * lop in« day •no-HMovoon'i BONE VOYAGE' il tlill cneM.m# uptMCHCEE Happy Halloween to my favorite monster who goes BONK in the night Love. THE BLONDE GOBLIN MARK HOY Halloween Eve is here el test lit Of? Messed In Meed galore Pursuing devil ment we tl has a Meat more ao thei ever batore' P S When » the rent due?’ Love KAREN _ CAROLYN CROWELL I *• been thinking about ye little sis Happy Halloween you re totally awesome" Love. YBS KAREN SJB H«ppy HftllOttrtten hon«y* I'll m««l you <»i th# Ixmitching hour lor 40 ev#n tog of r hr ill* chills and spookiwt*' • KIT BAT BRAIN B ERRIDAV You . au »h.f pjMttu*t mw IOVH N BITES K ONI CAN Don | foiyet lo ImM MV »t lr»tk oi lf«at«ny' FELIX THE RIAL BATMAN DOOQ inujhl t> iltck »o his tights of Wo# fool hr could n«rv«f b# ao SFXY 4s you' CtM&mEDS Lost t Found LOST DOG Female Black Cocker While 8 Lavender bandana Call MS 3440 PLEASE! _ tin FOUND CAT A KITTEN Each with 2 ecl'ars Found neai Bean Complex Call Heidi at 686 6698 or 485 9034 11-7 FOUND: NECKLACE. Call 688-351 7 and give description and location loal 10 31 Personals 1 „ PROBLEMS? Criete Center. U ol O telephone hotline. 24 hours- 1 days Stnctly confidential Can 6864488._3144 tin PKEONANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free Pregnancy lasting Confidently Bir 'hrighf 687-8651 _ 3162 F PLANNED PARENTHOOO lor PAP smears birth control methods, and counseling Day and eve appl Call 344 9411 7705 10-31 PSYCHOLOGY MAJORS TaM advantage of your pear advisors' We have lots of Info that's sure to In terest you, such as sample tests 90 hour reviews flrad school info No accepting applications for winter term advisors1 Apply in 141 Straub bv 02i-L_ 8104:10-31 Personals JIM NEWMAN’S B-DAY SONG Well he was born an original sinner, wall ha was born from original sin and If ha had a dollar bill for all his hair that has fallen out, there d be a mountain of money piled up 10 his chin Hie mother told him be good, his molher told him be strong She said get a loupee and you can't go wrong But there s |usl one thing that you must understand you re going to be bald by yur thirty you re go ing to become the KOJAK MAN The Koiak man has God on his side going bald is something that one cannot hide Blueeyed looks from those college books, he doesn't have the body and he doesn’t have the looks There was a woman who was nasty and a sii pack in a tree the Koiak man said Oh golly gee'l" He said Slop what you re do ,ng. gel down upon your knees I have a message tor you, my has has begun to f*C*<» IMI PETER W TN» Iasi saven months have been wonderful i miss you I L Y ANOIfy Personals SUE HANSEN IS 21! IT’S ABOUT TIME BABY. 1031 Aon SANYA Hope your e*per»ence tn the Great White North is as interestingly gnarly and nasty as it has been here Take Care Love Alpha Sigma AOPis _10-31 OX SID K Your days are numbered* MED OX 1M6 the legend continues_1031 KEVIN. Happy anniversary! I lova you SHANNON I MISS YOU LESLIE WINSTON Love, J.H. urn Personals DING DING H A P P Y “21” ALL MY LOVE C® 1031 AXQ HEIDI G. I m torry! I realty do low* you J Mf Personals KI MOONBEAM. Deleted congreU on you' initiation YOUR REAL SIS I1 S Give me bee v my umbrella' 10 31 RONDA AYERS HAPPY 21ERM! CHEERS! MARGIE 1031 Oh NEAT CHRIS COOEKAS turns TWENTY-ONE 4 6 B««f Gardens 61 El Tort tot 7 6 Vais Club 6 9 Ms. s 9 10 Kappa Sigt 10 11 Rannias 11 12 Guidos 12-on Bathroom toilat GOOD LUCK! Lotra. Fish. Jill, Parma P . Doumi Susan. Karry. Missy 10-31* Personals HEY NIPPLENOSE! deFRlSCO'S tor a pint or two!! WHALEBALLS __10-31 HEY. U Of 01 IT'S THETA CHRIS CODEKAS’ 21ERM 44> Seer Gardens 6 8 El Tontos. 8 9 Taylors 9 10 Kappa Sigma. 10-11 Ran mas 11? Guidos. 7 on toilet! Be thara or be sober? __10-31 HARRY BIRTHDAY MARY KAY' • I Typing PROFESSIONAL TYRISTI EDITOR. 17 years experience Word processing Graduate school approved Near cam pus Rohm 344-076#._#209 tin WORDS “R” US Brandy 444 #044 Shaw Naa 603 7094 Quality lyptng/word processing Papers resumes editing, tape Iranscnptioni. manuscripts. theses/disserlAtions. Grad School app vd IBM i om pall We 5710 tin PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING EditingfDisfc Storage Colleen 344 7040 1 9 pm Next day service 7114 tin