Dwyer stresses education, taxes By Shawn Wirtz Of I tv tmrr.M There are not enough work ing people in the legislature, said Bill IHvyer. Democratic candidate for state House District 42. Dwyer is a self employed house painter. The odds are against an in dividual being able to make a living without a college educa tion. Dwyer said. “If we re go ing to compete in this next cen tury. we’re going to have to con tinue to develop our educa tional resources." he said. Dwyer supports faculty salary increases and a tuition freeze he said. “We have to pay the qualified people enough to mak it attractive for them to stay in Oregon." he said. “My other concern is to keep education affordable so we don't have education just for the elite or the wealthy or the chosen." Dwyer said. The state has a responsibility to provide an education and "demonstrate that if they’re (students) willing to accept that opportunity, we're willing to support them,” he said. Education is the key to economic development “because it attracts industry," Dwyer said. "There are certain benefits that rub off on private industry, and they're quick to see that." he continued. However, “business wants the benefits of education, but they don’t want to be taxed,” Dwyer said. “People want their children to Ik; educated so they can grow up to be successful, but they don’t want to pay taxes,” he said. Consequently, "there’s only so much money, and everybody wants some of it," he said. Io counter this lack of revenues, “what you do is you get the economy rolling," he said. "We are pretty close to get ting on an even keel," Dwyer said. Providing property tax relief through ballot measures 11 and 12 would be a good step toward stimulating Oregon's economy, he said. “The Homestead Exemption is a good idea. It actually gives the relief to those who need it.” Dwyer said. Higher tax rates for corpora tions are fair and won't inhibit business profits, he said ''Mv heart isn't exactly bleeding (for corporations) when 1 see widows getting taxed out of their homes." Dwyer said. Dwyer does not support Ballot Measure 9. which would provide property tax relief through a 1.5 percent limita tion. because "there is no fun ding mechanism to keep government moving." he said The legislature has failed in not addressing the threat of pro perty tax revolt sooner. Dwyer said. "Updating tax bases would go a long way in solving the problem," he said Dwyer supports divestment of state funds from South Africa, he said. "I don't like to see us intervene in the affairs of other countries, but morally I think we've got an obligation to op pose it (apartheid)." The insurance liability crisis is a crisis of unavailability, not unprofitability, Dwyer said. “My main concern is to keep the costs down for everyone and also to regulate an industry that to date hasn't really been regulated,” Dwyer said. “1 don't have any faith in the in surance industry to be benevolent." Dwyer opposes tort reform. “The whole thing is really an attack on our system I'm going to do whatever it takes to main tain access to our courts." he said. “The bottom line is I'm concerned about protecting the victims," he said. Bill Dwyer Cash For Textbooks Mon • Fri Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Approved Auto Repair • CLOSE TO CAMPUS • ASE Certified Technician E PA I R Tune-ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection I#I7 Franklin Blvd. F.uf»n»,Or. 774*1 A MMk (Mufti (*«•*<» «( irb'UArtu THINKING ABOUT CONTRACEPTION? Then get acquainted with the rubber tree • MAIL ORDER SERVICE • CONDOMS OVER SO KINDS • VARIETY PACKS • SPONGES. FOAMS CREAMS JELLIES . |0 » BFl ow RFGW.AR KM All • BOOKS T sHIR ls CARDS Foi 4 FREE Motl ordtrr Bf<*hu«* wiMe THE RUBBER IRE! ZRG-SEATTLE Dept MO 4426 Burke Ave North Seattle WA 98103 • 206| 633 47SO .(JO Bookstores $/[99 vcr SHOO per H RENTAL I TAPE with 1 FREE morim WEEKEND SPECIAL Friday to Monday $09 VCR pfe 2 Movies 9 :0 Your Stof Sinc« 1920 13th & Kincaid M-F 8:30-5:30 #96*4331 -UO Bookstore DO-IT-YOURSELF DECORATING • Easy to assemble or ready lo go frames and mats for a simple and inexpensive answer to framing your posters and prints. • Large selection of posters and New York Graphic Society Fine Art Prints available at 25% off! In the Art A School Supply Dept. 13th * Kincaid M F 7 30 5 30 SAT 10:00 4 00 666-4331