Friday the 3i‘T mrx Eugene's 1.0th Annual HalloweenBall Friday Oct 31st 9pm Eugene Hilton LLOYD JONES STRUGGLE FEATURING CURTIS SALG ADO THE AllNIGHTERZ & THE PARTY KINGS DOUBLE TEE TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT A BOX OFFICE NEAR YOU' DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP Lane: 'Inexperience won't hurt' By Carolyn Lambenton Of lb* Immld loyce l.ane considers herself a "people person.” She is (he Republican candidate for the state legislature in the 42nd District, and hopes to use her past experience in the lane County assessor’s office to save taxpayers' money. This is her first experience in running for public office, although she does have ex perience in government. "I was the chief tax deputy for nine and one-half years. I’ve worked as a clerk in the Springfield Municipal Court, and served for eight years on the Springfield Park Hoard," she said. “I really am naive in politics. I'm just a concerned citizen I don't feel that my inexperience will hurt me. I'm a fast learner.” This "fast learner” has received numerous awards and national recognition for tax saving programs in the county assessor's office. She received two associate degrees from Lane Community College in two years, taking 21 to 24 credits a term. "I'm a bright person, and I an learn the political pro cess,” she said. Her main goal if elected is to improve the quality of life for the people in her district, she said. "That means finding jobs, providing a good environment where victims of crimes are cared for. and improving educa tion and giving everyone a strong educational background.” she said. I-ane has strong opinions on education. "People need higher education in order to survive in today's society. I want the tools of education to be available to those who want to survive. If tuition is raised, that will price a lot of students out of higher education. I don't want that." She also said higher teacher salaries are needed to preserve quality education. "The middle class seems to be left out of higher education. There are ways for the poor to attend college, and of course the rich, but those in the middle have a harder time.” she said. She also hopes to help the poor. "I have so much admira tion for people who live on $250-$300 a month,” she said, adding that she would like to adjust current health-care regulations for the poverty stricken and the elderly. She is critical of the current welfare system, which she said either provides all of a family's assistance or none at all. "By Joyce Lane giving the welfare family everything, we’re destroying them," she said. Lane said she does not sup port the proposed shutdown of the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant. "Trojan has a good track record. It's not like the Chernobyl reac tor. Hanford is. I think Hanford (in south-central Washington) is the one we should all be wat ching. The coal burners that would be used if Trojan is clos ed cause acid rain, and I don't want acid rain falling on these Oregon trees." And she said she doesn’t sup port Ballot Measure 5, the Oregon Marijuana Initiative. "I’m worried about future generations," she said, adding that increased availability of the drug if the initiative passes could be dangerous to the com munity's well-being. She doesn't support a property tax increase, and she doesn’t believe a sales tax will ever be enacted. Come 10 tkc Market »Vre .hoppm, it tnH a friendly experience and pnem art roatonaMc I.OWKNBRAIJ no? Pie lute Sight Ahrmativr Grocery Start" t4"mS* 7 mm II pa Wfai v to fm Keep it Simple.. ' ou want to buy a new oar but ovcrythiiij’seem^S complicated ... Why not keep it simple? I lie Model | and \ olkswagen Beetle were not com plicated and neither is the new YUGO! DRIVE HOME a NEW YUGO *4400* DUNHAM YUGO VALLEY RIVER* EUGENE* 345-151 1 Wi- !i w-ll tiHi J m-w v»Kn ||H t-i i*cj SI)' Vim It mi ll Urn a, .... *“»' pet month 11„■ ',V,% M*Ki Urn " "(ft**,no ,Im* 1 M-Oment (lOS,) [llm 1**1 liv |„ i.|Im mil litU in.ll loil il IC.IIK n Iim^r VOLVO Owners Alp^n^^^Dort / /Service\\ Offers a FREE Safefy Inspection Can for an appoinfrnerif Springfield • 12th & Mam • 726 1808 all work guaranteed c VOL VOi^f uruv/isf Touch of Class Clothing Do wm>a "Toucfi of Class!!!) Quality Resale in natural fibers for women and children Mon -Fri 10:005.30 / Sat 10:005:00 2650 Willamette • 343-0095 Cash Paid for Clotting