Traditional Experience in Fine Mandarin Cuutne J lilu RESTAURANT ** Quality Gourmet Food at the Only Mandarin Restaurant In Eugene Luck Tum.-Frl. 11:30-2:30 Dtaawr Moo Sera 4 301000 1775 WmI 8th • 484-8496 FOR ASSESSOR Since becoming Chief Deputy of the Assessor s Office in 1983 JIM G ANGIE has made the following improvements • Faster fa* payment processing • Improved public assistance • More effective account processing JIM GANGLE has a B S in Public Affairs and a M B A in Management from the U of G k* bi Corr^nm *G l**C» vri {*ong/m k* Atwnte*. Jotr. fi**kj* I mm .*0 Aw **?*?.fug»rw Q09MM0 KNOCK KNOCK. , • * WHOS THERE? PIETRO’S Pietros Pizza Restaurants HOME DELIVERY LIMITED DELIVERY AREA NOW DELIVERING AT ALL EUGENE AREA PIETRO S PIZZA RESTAURANTS. * 746-8245 40U6 Franklin Blvd. • 687-2423 3M0W 11th • 344-4)668 1011 Valley River Way • 342-4114 1600 Coburg Rd. WOW Hall faces money crunch By Jolayne Houtz Of (Im BflMftM The WOW Hall may be forced to close its doors by December unless organizers can raise $25,000 to pay off a loan and to fund staff salaries. Faced with a $5,000 funding cut by the Eugene Arts Founda tion and a reduction in dona tions and staffing cuts, WOW Hall organizers pleaded with about 30 people Wednesday night to help raise the money. “Month after month, we struggle to make it to the next month,” said John Chambers, chairman of the Woodmen of the World Hall board of direc tors "What we need is people energy It's a call to the com munity to get involved." The money would go to repay a $15.000 loan and to maintain an operational staff of five and a half positions that maintains the performing arts center. The center currently has less than four full-time equivalent employees. Staff members make about File photo WOW Hall may be forced to close unless organizers can come up with the $25,000 needed to put the performing arts center back in the black. $300 a month as a guaranteed salary and may earn another $300 in incentive pay based on the net income of each month. But because fund-raising efforts have failed to bring in enough money, staff members have foregone their incentive pay since May and now only earn about $300 a month. Despite staff cuts, attendance at WOW flail shows this year has increased by about 4,(K)0 over last year, and income from Continued on Page 7 *50 NAKAMICHI CHALLENGE! — Pins — FREE TAPE DECK CLINIC* On Saturday November 8th, the stereo loft will hold a free tape deck clinic along with Nakami chi’s $50 challenge. Nakamichi Technicians will thouroghly test your cassette deck's perform ance ... ABSOULUTELY FREEI Bring any cas sette deck and brand , regardless of where pur chased. If it can outperform our least expensive Nakamichi in the categories of frequency re sponse, signal-to-noise ratio, wow & flutter, dis tortion and speed accuracy. We will give you $50 cash! (sorry, other Nakamichis excluded). Photo tor illustration purpose only NAKAMICHI *J29 BX100 PLEASE CALL AHEAD FOR APOINTMENT TO MINIMIZE WAITING This November we’re celebrating our 25th an niversary. Come In and sign up for our free give awaye for stereo equipment. STEREO LOFT OF OREGON TYPEWRITER 30 E. 11th Eugene, OR (503) 342-2463 Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat 9-5 90 Days Same As Cash O.A.C. Financing Available