Calendar October 30 - November 5 FILM Thursday the 30th “What Happened to Kerouac " Cinema 7. 8 p.m. “Beyond tbe Edge" South Eugene High Schiwl Auditorium 8 p m $4.50. “Mona Lisa” Bijou 6:15 p.m and 8:30 p.m. “Ferris Bueller ’s Day OtT Bijou. 10:45 p m. $2 50. t-riaay tne 3ist “Old Dark Hone “ I HO PLC 7 p.m. $1. “The Thing“ ISO PLC 8:30 p.m. $1. “The leopard Man” 180 Pl.C 10 p m 51 “Sight of the Using Dead” 180 PLC Midnight $ I “Sincerely ('harlot te” Cinema 7. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. “Mona Lisa” Bijou 7:15 and 9:30 p.m. “Ferris Bi'uller's Day OfT' Bijou 11:45 p.m. Saturday the 1st “Back to the Future” 150 Gcologv. 7 and 9:15 p.m. $2 and $ I C inema 7. (Sec Friday \ listing) “Mona Lisa Bijou 7:15 and 9:30 p.m “Ferris Beutier's Day OfT' Bijou 11:45 p.m. Sunday the 2nd “Stray Dog ” 180 PLC. 7 p.m. 52 and $1. vSincereii Charlotte” Cinema 7. 4:30. 7 and 8:50 p.m. “Mona Lisa” Bijou 4. 6:15 and 8:30 p.m. “Ferris Beuller’s Day OfT’ Bijou. 10:45 p.m. Monday the 3rd “Sincerely Charlotte” Cinema , 7. 7 and 8:50 p.m. “Mona Lisa” Bijou. 6:15 and 8:30 p.m. “Ferris Bueller’s Day OfT' Bijou 10:45 p.m Tuesday the 4th "Sincereh Charlotte” Cinema 7. 8 p m “Mona Lisa” Bijixi 6:1$ and 8:50 p m “Ferrh Burlier \ Day Off” Bijou 10:45 p.m. Wednesday the 5th “White Heat” 150 Geology. 7 p m. $1. • *Sincerely t hurlotte“Cinema 7. 8 p.m “Mona Usa” Bijou P: 15 ami 8:50 p.m. “Ferris Bueller's Day OfT‘ Bijou 10:45 p.m MUSIC Thursday the 30th Taylor's: The Terry Robb Rand 9 p.m. 5/ Jo Federico'%; Emmett Williams Trio 9pm So Cover. Untie Tavern: Lisa's Problem 9 .H) p m. 5I Red Rooster: Gene Garrett N p.m. Hilton: Barbara D/uro 5 Ml to N Ml p.m. So Covet Friday the 31st James T and the Tough. J Walkers. (’ool Whips. Community Center Tor the Performing Arts. Nth Avenue and Lincoln St. 9:Ml p.m. 56 Call 6N7-2746 for further info. Taylor's: Magic Swan and the Dukes. 9 p.m. $2. Flambeaus. Surf Trio. EMU Ballroom. 9 p.m Jo Federigo’s: Dana Lutes Trio. 10 p.m So Cover Guido’s: D J. Bruce Walrod 10 p.m. Barney Cable’s: Deuce Coupe. 9 p.m. $2. Hilton: Lloyd Jones Struggle with Curtis Salgado AllSighterz. The Party Kings. H p.m $6 9b and $7.96 RibCage: T S O L 9 p.m. 55 advance. 56 day of show KAYPRO • 256 K RAM • 2 Disk Drives • Monochrome Monitor • Graphics $99 • 640 K RAM $75 • FREE Set-Up and Delivery Expansion Unit Plus EMU Ground Floor COMPUTER & SOFTWARE 683-7355 Red Rooster: Gene Garrett 8 p.m. Saturday the 1st Taylor’s: Magic Swan and the Dukes 9 p.m. $2. Jo Federigo’s: Dana Lutes Trio. 10 p.m. No Cover Guido’s: D.J Bruce Walrod 10 p.m Barney Cable’s: Valley Boys. 9 p m $2. Red Rooster: Gene Garrett S pm Sunday the 2nd Taylor's: Church of the Blues Jo Federigo’s: John Workman 9 p.m No Cover. Monday the 3rd Tatlor's: Blues Jam 9 p.m. SOC Jo Federigo's: Richard Cranilell 9 p.m. No Cover. Halloween Bashes • With a title like “Curtis Lives: Sothing This Evil E\er Dies.” Eugene's 10th Annual Halloween Hull ut the Hilton is sure to get nicked. The hull will feature the Lloyd Jones Struggle with Curtis Sulgudo, the AIInigh ter/, and the Turly Kings. There also will In- a reward for best costume us well us other surprises. 21 and over please. • Just a few blocks away ut the t Vimmunity Center for the Performing Arts, James T and the Tough, the J Wulkers and the ('ool Whips will perform their ghastly show. The strange happenings begin at 9:J0 p.m. and it will cost $6 to get in, or out. • In the EMC Ha 11 room, Hamheaux and the Surf Trio will inaugurate the first annual Hallrttom Hash, Hesides the music, there will ulstt he cash prizes gisen out to those with the best costumes. All ages. Hilton: (See I'hursday \ listing). Tuesday the 4th Jo Federigo Carl Woideek and Barham Drum. 9 p.m. No Cover. Hilton: (See Thursday's listing) Wednesday the 5th lays Parra. EMU Ballnxmi 7:30p.m. General admission: $6 advance. $8 day of show: students: $3 advance. $7 day of show . Jo Federigo’s: Dana Lutes and Ernie Carbajal Duo 9 p.m. No Cover. Hilton: (See Thursday's listing) THEATER “The Lunatic's Opera” New /one Gallery. 411 High St 7:30 p.m Ntnembcr 2 $3. SO adults. $2 students ”Singles lour” and ”Ariel Bright” New /one Gallery. 411 High St 8 p.m.. October 31 and November 1: 2 p.m . November 2. $4 90 SPORTS Football: Oregon .it California November I I p m. Memorial Stadium. Hake Icy \ alley hall: Oregon .it California October .11 7:M) p m Oregon at Stanford November I 5 p m. ART iVcm /one duller}: Prints Now. N<>nh» Print t\>une11 Thru November If I.utoilette duller}: Posters by Tetsuro Suwudu and Jerry Schurr will be on display Thru November 5. Collier lloose Cufe: Paintings, sculpture, sketches and mixed media by Oregon junior and high school art teachers Thru October II THI FAR SIDS By GARY LARSON The Pillsbury Doughboy meets Frank's Asphalt and Concrete Paving Service