The members of the circle are still Some move slowly in place while others bang on tambourines Some witches hold finger cymbals similar to those of a belly dancer's as they chant, calling back and forth to one another Carole Queen a promi nent witch in F.ugene until her recent move to the Bay Area, talked about the power generated by ceremony in an interview last year "If you feel like you are plugging into the power of the universe then that's power Maybe the atheists are nyht Maybe there is no power in the universe but if I think there is then there is "So we .can be as skeptical as we possibly want to be and still have that power that we can call up within ourselves Basically it's a matter of self confidence." Queen said Some negative stigmas have been attached to wit chcraft by people who have abused the power found in the Craft says Samantha "There are two kinds of power, power over and power with A person with 'power with' assumes authori ty of his or her own life Peo pie who have power over' have a need deep in their soul that in order for him or her to feel safe he or she has to feel powerful over others " There are some people possessing "power over traits in politics and witchcraft "Satanism has neither (trait) because it is strictlv against the Church." Samantha says The main objective in witchcraft Is established by the standard law of the Craft "An ye harm none, do as ye will,' That's the only true law of Wicca." Queen said There are some people who add an element of revenge, but the intent is never to harm The intent is to stop harmful actions." Samantha says People who practice black magic will get their lust rewards, according to Queen as it is believed in the Craft that "anything you do will be returned to you three times "It is the Rastern concept of karma. If you go messing (Continued on Page 12) I MAKE SURE YOU GET ► ALL YOUR MAIL . . . y RENT A ► PRIVATE MAILBOX • CALI IN AND MESSAGE y SERVICE l • 10 FREE MONTHIY PHONE L MESSAGES l • WE AtSO SHIP y UPS • FEDERAL EXPRESS i PUROLATOR y NOW! WIRE MONEY h ANYPLACE, ANYTIME WITH y COMCHEK Eugene Mail Center ItN Wlllamatln • 04-5111 MOONSTRUCK The full-moon has been the subject of folklore and scientific inquiry. Mtisi people have heard stories of how werewolves, witches. and lovers exult in the full-moon And. perhaps, you suspect your roommate of ac ting more crazed than usual when the imam is lull, hut how about these theories: • The Dow Jones Industrial Average lends io be higher during a lull imam • Suicide attempts are more Miee^sMul «l lull imam research projects that have hecn going on in recent sears The mysterious imam has captured the imagination not only ol primitive cultures, medievalists ami occultists, but jlso ol scientists. Mtam mythology has surviv ed into the IdtttK A recent sindy found that 4l> percent ot college underg radiiates surveyed, believed "some peo ple behave strangely when the ima>n is full." Amaher survey found lhai 74 percent of the psychiatric nurses at one mental institution believe the moon affects men tal illness. In fact, the word 'lunatic' is derived from 'luna\ the l-atin word for moon. Many ancient cultures saw the moon as a Icnuilc goddevs. Some cultures, such as the an cient Greenlanders, believed standing in moonlight was an aid to fertility. The moon s association with feminity and fertility probably sprang from the correlation between the moon's cycle and menstrual cycles Witches put a lot of stock hi moon magic The full-moon is considered best for white magic and beneficial rites, but the waning moon represents dark, destructive forces Black magic and sorcery arc believed to he- at then prime during the dark moon. Ghosts arc also said to rattle through the coun tryside on moonlit nights Scientists have attempted to link the moon's phases to precipitation patterns, biological tides within the human body. electromagnetic forces and air ions W'bat has all this intriguing research established* Not much. jt least in the way of concrete facts. For every study that suggests homicide rates or admission rales to psychiatric hospitals tuntp during the full-moon, there are counter studies with opposite conclusions. Scien tists continue to debunk each other's statistical methods in moon-influence studies, and the speculation continues. One researcher reported people do strange things during the new moon, crescent moon and the quarter-moon. In other words, people do strange things, period Dr James Kemp of the University astronomy depart rnent is also skeptical ot the moon's effects on human emo lions. "People are indoors too much they don't even know what the phases ot the moon are. so how could it influence them?" he asks. Better not take any chances Be wary if you notice your roommate looking wild-eyed on Nov. 16. when the next full moon is due And remember, a rabbit's foot is more potent if it comes from a rabbit killed in a graveyard on a full-moon night - LAURIE SCHWARTZ m REYNOLD STAFFEL ORIENTAL RUGS Offering a fine selection of handwoven carpets for those who appreciate the best in quality and craftsmanship. Monday Friday 12 am in A pm Saturday 10 ,irn to S pm 767 Willamette Street 503 485-5254 A NEW AGE IN MON-FRI 7 PM following the News SAT-SUN 8 PM following A Prairie Home Companion KLCC Couples Massage Workshop November 29th 10-2 p.m. $75 per couple. $10 discount for students (per couple) Call 683-5018 for iiiIik in.Hum Mhrfkhnir arrewibiM} • )tan tiprrfMcr offering Mi'IM sraMoa fbr tt* ik *15 «uh a Ikawrfd apprrnlkr . . • ■ . ■ < . ( rrtkal pilkias and haiihar rupports aiailahlr fur kn» hark ur n*rk pain CHIROPRACTIC 342-3228 420 Crest Dr. • 683-5018 New Menu. 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