The daily duties of wit ches are similar to anyone else's. says Samantha She has four children, and is educating her oldest son. Adam, at home "You .worship, we worship You have babies, we have babies You clean house, we clean house." she says Linda Jencson is a witch researcher who has studied the subject for three years She completed her master's degree on witchcraft and now is pursuing the subject further as a doctoral topic There are two basic theories that are the basis of witchcraft says Jencson One theory centers around the Mother Goddess and the Horned God. the other is has ed on the story of Demeter and Persephone, who most know as the classical mythology characters. Jenc son says Persephone is Demeter's daughter who is abducted by Hades, lord of the Under world Although she is warn ed not to eat anything while in the Underworld she is temp led by six pommegrate seeds and therefore must return to the Underworld six months out of the year to reside with Hades Demeter, the Goddess of agriculture, mourns while her daughter is underground and the winter season comes with the death of plant life during this mour rting period Mitzl Linn, a self proclaimed healer, witch, psychic and tarot card reader adds historical significance to this myth "In earlier mythology. Persephone would go there as an initiation rite She was the actual leader ol the Underworld." Linn says Historically, by 2000 B C* female goddesses had taken a back seat to males During the earlier Paleolithic times. Women were dominant and occupied the roles of impor tance. Linn said More widely followed by witches though, is the theory that the Mother Goddess gave birth to the Horned God. whose life cycle sets up the pattern of celebration dur mg the year for much of the pagan community. Jencson says There are eight celebrated dates acknowledged by the Craft, and the dates and myths accompanying them are sometimes debated, says Jencson "The Goddess creates everything. and the God is born on Winter Solstice (Dec 21 or 22) and is growing at Candle Mass (Feb 1) Brigette Is the Goddess of Healing and many spells for healing are usually done at these ceremonies "Spring F.quinox (March 22) is more growth of the God and on Mayday or Beltane (May 1) the God reaches sexual maturity Kituals of prosperity are done during these ceremonies At the Summer Solstice (June 21) he is a full grown adult and he sacrifices himself at Lammas (Aug 1 or 2) so he can have harvest This is a time to be thankful, to give something up." Jencson says At these ceremonies most witches give up something MONSTER COOKIE CO. FOR HALLOWEEN 1 GHOSTS / GOBLINS BATS & CATS (and other assorted Monster Cookies) -OJ Available al lha retail afore 460 Willamette. Eugene 687-1064 Could you use an extra $100.00 a month this term? There are lota ot ways lor a stu dent to earn extra money But most employers require regular hours And even it your class schedule happens lo lit your employer’s needs, midterms and linals often don't II you're healthy and reliable. In two lo lour hours a week. being paid on the spot, you can earn up to $100 00 cash a month! Easily on a lleulble schedule to accomodate you Become a blood/plasma donor Once or twice a week, visit the nearby Hyland Donor Center Donating plasma Is simple and sale In Iact, the donation process, called plasmaphersis,' removes Irom the blood the only element it needs — the plasma Other whole blood elements, the red cells, are returned to you Want lo know more? Need that cash now? For an appointment call 683-3953 HYLAND PLASMA DONOR CENTER 40 E. 10th ‘We had a little doll we tied up in red yarn and we vowed he couldn’t pass any legislation until he learn ed that the earth is alive and being ruined with his policies.’ — Samantha they care about by throwing it into the (ire “Chocolate chip cookies were popular at the last one I went to.” Jencson says Other items included a doll and baked bread Fall Equinox (Sept 22) is a different kind of thanksgiving celebration, according to Jencson "It's kind of a let's party’ time Halloween, or Samhain. remains special to many wit ches "It's the time when the God enters the other side, whatever the other side is Magic works better on that night The souls of the living and dead are going back and forth and the whole universe is thrown into a kind of time warp." she says For Samantha. Halloween is an important time of year also It s a time when we finally say goodbye to that which is dying It's a time for soul searching, a reflective time for turning inward It's the halfway point between winter and autumn. she says hour witches are now sta tinned at the north, south, east and west areas of the cir cle They >tand with their arms and legs wide and heads high, their bcxhes imitating the symbolic star as they believe the most energy flows through the bodv in this posi non Some hold wands in their hand, others knives They will call the direction spirits to guard the circle at each of the four directions of the circle The witch at the southerly end of the circle begins in a low powerful tone “Hail guardian of the south Be with us this Solstice eve Come' So mote it be'" The medieval term, so mote it be. is repeated and a candle is lighted in each direc tion as the other witches in yoke the individual spirits The practice ol wit chcraft seems to take two forms. There is the ritual and ceremonial side to worship, where witches gather in covens or ‘‘circles" to combine energy and create magic But a witch's magic can be used Just as effectively in day to day life, according to Samantha She practices magic on a private level, and thinks there is magic in most aspects of everyday life "If you have a child that is scared to death and you are able to hold him. comfort him and change that fear that's magic she says She is not. however, limited to this type of magical change, and described an in cident of "dramatic magic" where a small group of wit ches performed a "binding'' on James Watt, former Secretary of the Interior "We had a little doll we tied up in red yarn and we vowed he couldn't pass any legisla tion until he learned that the earth is alive and being ruined with his policies He didn't learn so he lost his office." she says And this is about as black as the magic gets, she says "It isn't harmful " Local practicers ol the Cratt acknowledge that images of satan worship, human and animal sacrifices and other devilish deeds all come to the minds of many with the men tion of the word witchcraft Jencson. however, has yet to come across any Satan wor shippers in Lane County “It kind of surprises me. because I've heard rumors about horri ble things done in connection with Satan worship It's in credibly well hidden or it just isn't there." she says The confusion between wit chcraft and satanism is a con tinual irritant to witches Most reject completely all aspects of Christianity, according to Jencson "Most are fairly feminist, believe in reincarna tion. karma and a spiritual energy you can get in touch with There is usually a callous disregard for Christian beliefs; most have slight respect for all religions but have the least respect for Christianity." Jencson says Ray Noah, associate pastor at Willamette Christian Center, says Christianity does have a stand on witchcraft, though it is not a “doctrine ” “We feel it is very un biblical The Bible talks about withcraft and there are specific references in the Old Testament to the sin of wit chcraft Witches were put to death and outlawed in the land Witchcraft has its roots in satanism Its ties are in Satanism and you can't divide the two." Noah says Samantha is feverishly disturbed by the idea that members of the Craft are somehow aligned with the Devil We don't have a devil We don't externalize our fears like Christians do with the Devil We take responsibility for our own lives. " she says Samantha explained that while witches do acknowledge their own inner darknesses, they lack the base beliefs in Christianity necessary to believe in or revere a devil character "The base idea that a god would sacrifice his child is repugnant and also that that same god would have only one child is repugnant Also I have trou ble with the idea that God is just kind of somewhere out there." Samantha says Noah does not invalidate witchcraft in its concept or power "I believe there are certain powers that witches can have Not only is God all powerful, but Satan has the ability to manipulate people and countries and whatever I think it is valid in the sense of being real and having power ” Back in a circular forma tion. the predominant leader in the group now stands before her fellow witches She talks briefly about the significance of the calendrical holiday then there is a mo ment of silence before the chants begin which will call first the Horned God. then the Mother Goddess to the ceremony "Come people come to the radiant sun Come people come to the radiant sun Golden shining shield, radiance, radiance Homed one come to us " REYNOLD STAFFEL ORIENTAL RUGS Offering a fine selection of handwoven carpets for those who appreciate the best in quality and craftsmanship. MonJov Friday 12 am in 6 pm Saturday 10 am la 5 pm 767 Willamette Street 505 485-5254