Recreation EMU ARCADE features “GAUNTLET” “RAMPAGE” “PLAY CHOICE 10” “WORLD SERIES” “RAVEN” “SPYHUNTER” Ground Floor. EMU 7866 tfn Opportunities T SHIRT LOGO CONTEST lor UQ Dance Department Entry deadline Nov 14 to 161 GRX. Prizes 686-3387 7981 11 13 3TU0ENT SENATE OPPORTUNITIES IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Your Student Senate has immediate Senate seat positions open for the 1906 87 school year representing the following departments No t Law and graduate students No 2 Education S&ataftU m *u'8 No 13 - Architecture & allied artsy PPPM/economics No 14 Architecture & allied artsI PPPM/economics No 15 DancefPE/rec real ion No 17 Undelcared If you have declared one of these departments as your maior. this is your chance to get involved in stu dent government and university policy making As a Student Senator, you wilt represent your field, be a member of University Senate and the University Assembly and sit in on Student/Faculty Committees Senators receive a $35 month sti pend Applications and more inform* tion are available in Suite 4. EMU Deadline for applications is Friday. November 14 10-31* FOR JUNIOR/SENIOR LIBERAL ARTS M«|ors and minors Gain upper division credit and professional experience, winter/spring terms ' Stay tuned for details 8092 to 30 Help Wanted ACCTQ/LAW ENF SPECIAL AGENT A unique opportunity in criminal investigation with the Internal Revenue Service Professional careers in law enforce ment for men and women under age 35 Requires Bachelors degree in cluding minimum of 36 qtr hours ac counting and related subiects or 3 years substantive accounting and related business experience Inten sive training provided in tax law and techniques of criminal investigation Special Agents investigate cases in volving tax fraud and other related criminal violations develop and document evidence for. and are often a key witness in, government pro secution of tax law cases Starting salary $14,300 $17,800, depending on qualifications Full civil service benefits Excellent advancement and professional development program Written test required For application package, call (503) 221 3203 IRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer 8080 11-12* STUDENT CLERICAL POSITION Work study. 10-12 hrs/wk, $4 75/hr Requires work with graduate students and general public Good communications skills and ability to work independently important. Phone 686-3418 8066 11-5 WRESTLING REFEREES HS and Jr HS Meets $20 $34 50 a match No experience required Contact: John Sappington Sheldon HS 687 3361 1st meeting Nov 10 7 pm, Sheldon HS Help Wanted 1000 GOVERNMENT JO»S 11(1 $16 040 $S9.230ryr Now n.nng Call SOS 6* 70000 Cal R 0641 1030 THE ORCQON DAILY EMERALO M currently accepting appHcettone for lha position ot photo editor Ap pncants must Os atticism managers and have solid as parlance in photography and photo P'ocsaa ingl printing particularly rotating to journalism tha position ragulras about 40 hours par weak and a > lands until tha and ot spring tarm Pay I* about $360 par month Pleaee submit porltotlo with application Pick up an appl leal ion and lob description at tha Emerald ottlca. Suita 300 EMU Deadline tor submitting application Is S p m Thursday. Oct 30 Tha Oregon Daily Emerald Is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer _ 10-30 HARD WORKING. intelligent communlcatlons-orlented student lor part time position to develop and Imple ment on going news release program Eugene based national radio program syndicator should quality tor intern credits Pay negotiable Celt 687 2068 tor appointmentti-4 JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ATHLETIC DEPT Work study approved students call 686 4490 or 6864461 lor opportunities to work in the Athletic Dept Medical Treatment Center Sports Information and the Maintenance areas 8072 10-31 GIBSONS RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE is now hiring cocktail s«rv«fs and bar tenders Experienced only App ly between 2 4 pm at 3356 E Amazon 10-31 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional softening end matching Quality homes avail able, suitable room metes Cell 687 8213 7»76 lln TO SHARE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE close to campus quiet area, wall to well carpel. 2 bathrooms, fireplace modem kitchen Rent $200 a month, plus Cell 342 7398 keep trying _ 10 31 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to sham 7 bdrm duplex south ol campus $137 pluslmonth Quiet, yard, fireplace elc Rick xS192. 4850826 10-30 For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished. $115/mo 2 bedroom furnished. $144/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $12Qfmo Future openings ex pec ted Winter and Fall Terms Married couples and single parents eligible Call UO Housing 686-4277 for inform* tlon 756»tfn CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED 1/2 bedrooms S24S/S42S 485 2823 7940 tfn DETACHED STUDIO near Hendricks Park Single person occupancy 6 month lease SHKVmonth 887 2799 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS, fully furnish ed all util included Private 1/2 bath $169 346-4490 8064 tin Dorm Contracts UNIVERSITY INN housing conlracl lor sale Call Don345_67S7 10-30 DORM CONTRACT For sale Call Robert 346-6163. 10-30 “U.l. CONTRACT” Buy my contract and I will pay half of the deposit fee Call Gary 686 4660 be! wen 10:30-5:30_11J DORM CONTRACT for sale Call Scot! Charlton at 486 4834 or 686 5170 11-3 Events TONIGHT Paul I Montagna 8 pm 14Si E. Itth >IHt» A AqbH Events UNDERSTAND YOUR TAX MEASURES with: Professor Hostika Thursday Oct 30 4-5 pm Forum Room, EMU DARE TO BE with Magic Swan A tha Dukas Oct 31 at Taylors *0-31 2 BANDS 9 til 1 in the EMU COSTUME CONTEST CASH PRIZES DOOR PRIZES ONLY $4 SURPRISESI ALL AGES! SpoiiMrtd In pari by the Land Ah and Water Group Tha Council for Human Rights in Latin America and the Third World Woman’s Project Of mo ins iff uia tor rowey present FATMA ALLOO Tanzanian Journalist Stit^Editor. Sunday Naurs (Dar as Salaam) Producer of Radio Programs on Woman s Issues Organizer. African Grassroots Woman s Neturorti SPEAKING ON “THE PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN IN MEDIA IN EAST AFRICA” Thurs Oct 30 7:30 pm Gerlinger Lounge, U of O $1 Donation Requested Local Sponsors Include Canter tor tha Study of Woman In Society. School of Journalism and International Studies Dept 8074 10-30 Events EMU CuMurel Forum vowncN iw nunun w LaMn Amartoa a kcior) ^ofVMvt^ft in concert From Chile LOS PARRA Isabel, Angel Tita, Angelito Acclaimed voices ot Latin America’s New Song Movement What is New Song? Mote Song incorporates Latin America s 9oMt musk, I,saStCiAaiB *—— l..a,. Mn| w jmerisspave ni,v o evswwvai; modarn nwik Who are the Parras? a-. —A—a — — a i -a- i-1 -a an^ — rea^s^w ers^a * rage*, c^ass^^vw^v tpv mv - — — ^ -a w 1 _ a ^ ^ — ^ ajaa- - rsnownes v aneta * arrs» , tnus Ida Maw Sony tradition Thay ai grass HkihijIi than music Itia hopss and »t»upp>M oi ma Chsaan paopia WED NOV 5 EMU BALLROOM 7:30 pm Students/seniors $5 Advance $7 at Door Qen’l Admission $6 Advance SB at Door Far Into 484 8887 or •as 4171 9074 li ft* LOGO CONTEST S200 Gift Certificate tst Prize $50 Gift Certificates 2nd A 3rd Prize Wa ara looking lor a naw logo IMa naad a vmpie daaign which incorporalaa our nama (SUNOANCE NATURAL FOODS) II should Da black and whits 8v» X8V* Enlrtaa ara non ralurnabla Deadlins is Nwamtw 22 Mail or drop oil your drawings lo Sundanca Natural Foods 748 E 24lh SI Eugano OS 87804 Wmnsrs anil Da announcad OacsmDar 2nd 7728 10 30 Friday the 31' m,i. v CURTIS LIVES HOTHffKJ THIS EVIL CVCK WES EUGENE’S 10th ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BALL FRIDAY OCT 31st 9 PM Lloyd Jones Struggle featuring Curtis Salgado. The Allmteu & The Part Kings Spooky Specials for Bast Costume M.M ADVANCE. 17.M AT DOOM Tlvkeie available el Everybooy % Records RESTRICTED. 21 S OVER ID REQUIRED Produced by Double Tee TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT A BOX OFFICE NEAR YOU! Events This is your LAST CHANCE to proposition your iavorlts SNAKE tor a wild rendezvous on ALL HALLOWS EVE... BAT BEAT is upon us! 20 words for $2.50 $1 Bat Art Printod In awful orange! •al Mi nwil b. pJtctd .1 IRa BO04.KX. EMU Main Oaak o. 300 EMU by t M TODAY! Food a Drink FRESH SOUEE2EO ARRIE CIDER too*, acpl* luiea t? 40/oaiton Mrnw_ io3i BREAKFAST TO GO STUFF ft fATEHY Aider N#*» Sy S Special Muffin A Sumatran Coffaa TSt TONIGHT 25$ Gourmet HOT DOGS 1MR » «Mb 14*1 H E IMti HARD TIMES LUNCH Thurs 11:30*2 GREAT LATIN MEALS SOUP, ENTREE, SALAO ONLY $2.50 EAT WONDERFUL ETHNIC FOOD AND SUPPORT HUMAN RIOHTS 1236 KINCAID 484 5667 Patto dMnEFTakMuta Entertainment Ttieatte 4:30 My® My® My® THURS A FRI OCT 30 A 31 •I 4:30 POCKET THEATRE VILLARD HALL $1 DONATION ENlHtTAINMM uo STUDENTS! WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH A SEASON TICKET? Whan you buy aaaaon trckata no Umvarsity Thsatra• »87 Mason ot lt*s tarrtftc shoo*, you can •ban dram «MK s Wand um Want tor an unusual and ma> psnstva Christmas. Hanukkah. or Mr today gttl tnvtta your parsnts to rlsll tar Ihs arsaksnd and Iraal tham to an assn tag ol Ihaalrs impraas your data Way*d ndaar know you paM only M par shout UO sludanlt pay only *tS lot ti»a shows you sava snough lo aaa ona show absolulaly FREE Faculty and stall sava too Can MB 4191 or coma lo I ha Dor olhca In I ha Robinson Ihaalrs Monday thru Saturday from 12 lo «ptn lo ordar your Mason nehpta now rat,/ taw TUI BIJOU KM com MtCHAfl HOSKINS TYSON CAINE Sat in London's alaary King a Cross m. this Cannas Film FmIW win w it ■ w*n mu umiin ol in* classic myth ol tha slinky myatarloua cuutlasan and Iha guy who tail* loi hat Mona lisa la ona ol thosa wondarfutty Itagl comic moytaa lhal you'll talk about lot a long lima Don't mlaa HI Frt-Sat MIU U Sun Thun Silt S * 30 Sunday Bargain MaMnaa 4 pm U RATED R FOR LANQUAOI VIOLENCE. SEX. AND NUDITY Oan Adm S3 TSISIudanla wflO S3.M Miaar Mon SVFraa popcorn Titos NEXT: Noma ot tha Bran Lauda Andaman kjm* Lata Nlta at tha BIJOU It's better on the bia screen tete et night Tt MBMAITHIW MOMMCR ■■ FERRIS (WELLER'S PAYOFF ONE MAN’S STRUOQIE TO TAKE IT EASY FrtSat 11 4VSun Thura 10 45 Admit akmi 52 50 SOON Big Troubia in Oltia China Meetings WOMENS LACROSSE Ail intarastad coma lo Cantury Rm E Friday at 3 30 It s tn tha EMU Skylight Sponsor ad by Club Sports SOBS 1031* Knudt-nS CIDER & SPICE CrrJl hoi! tote $145 I Qi 'm »i QT H'> Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.-ll p.m. 24th & Hilyard • 341-9142 DISKS 31/2” DS/DD 100% Error Free *2.00 EMU Ground Floor BLOOM COUNTY by Berkc Breathed Pvtm, m mtum* rwr mNMWfM- MM XWW /M> 3M*£P wn*i .. I/W CW I L-S * -'■> I • —HOCP n ' m* mu wnmrr tot a sncjAt WHKLEY dvuenti C MU & MAarm, *k CLMBnum ubson (,? or mom* fiAf\ {/mi stcii k mm, in WITH HIS 199 Wives. Mt NOWKtTVM V ne wky w mxMM. W9*- mt m.rmNLP <*? nmrw %%■ NTMKVrr rty mmm y