Personals PROBLEMS? Cn»i» Cantor. U of 0 talaphon* hotlina. 24 hour* 7 day* Strictly confidant'* cm WM4H_>144.101 MAKE MONEY! MOI TO NCMfS buy* eonaions. and Iradaa aacondfiand doming for man and woman Far aapr 344-703* Mllltt __ 1944 UH BBCAUSB MOFLt CAM Fraa Pragnancy laanng Contidantiai Bir mright M7 4BSI 11(2 H SO PLANNED PARENTHOOO ha* • pregnancy last that is 90% accurate COM 344 9411 7/04 10 30 IF YOU CAN T FEEL YOUR FINGERS on a frosty fall day than register for the FELT FINGERS WORKSHOP at the EMU Craft Canter Malta yourself soma functional fleecy faff mittens to assure that your fingers are felt this fait Satur days Nov 8 A 15 12 3G3 30pm fit members S 1 3 non members ier 686 4361 Psychology Peer Advising is now accepting applications to* Winter Term Pear Advisors If You're in terested in natpmg others understand University requirements white receiving 3 upper division psych credits apply m N ar TERRELL Have a great time at Cal. Love YBS 1030 Personals Jim Newman May Owaao 11* (four kicky day1 Now ttuMyOuaraaquariarofacanturyold you can gal a sank* cltizan dtaeoum on a loupaa lor yout growing bald •pot Unlorlyoaiaiy aicotiol and Qamol don't nw« Waan I your molhar vtarad lo aaa monttar* two day* in a r O w ? I Love and Kisses Laurie A Suzie __IQ-JO* Lost* Found LOST DOG Famal* tl*rt Cacfcar WhMa » Larawdar kawdam can Miaaaa at cam i HALLOWEEN fa creeping up fmat... Cam* you SPELL in the BAT BEAT Bat Beats can be placed at the Bookstore, EMU Main Desk, and 300 EMU 20 words for $2.30 and don't forget BAT ART for only $1 in chilling Halloween Orangel 1030* Typing WORD RROCESSIWQ SPECIALIZING IN Grad Sch Approved 5 Bloch* to UO Janmf er 485 3683 7SWUWMF PrNwiWy. txpifl Stnrtc# GRAOUATE SCHOOL APPROVED Ruth 345 5614 7504 tin TVPtWO UNLIMITED Grad School Ap proved IBM Compatible with Word Pertect/Word Star Optical char reader. modam 345 3414 _£570UWH E DITIMQ. WORD PROCESSING. WRITING consultation Ph D Ei penanced with foraipn students Call Gary 485 1298 12 15 TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 6880739 Visa 6 Matarcard Accaptad 4955 MUHF TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Thasas'diasartationt. papers editing graphics law papars resumes, A mast mailing* Grad Sch approved WordStyte* 6 Type Script* CINDY 484 5454 BRANDY 484 8044 _ _ 4940 tin WORD PROCESSING7TYPING Avoidable E■tenant Ruthann 344 0438 QUALITY TYPING *nd WORD PROCESSING LjaiolyTj. s *Spccia I ticS •Gradual* App»o*ed •Sp*ciatinng in ditMrUltont »#»m p*p*r» »ett«*s te::r, 344-7231 Tynng PROfESSiONAl r»PiST EDITOR 17 years arpertanc* Wont processing Gradual* acnool approved Naar cam pus Wofetry WOW._MOOtln WORDS “R” US Brandy U4«M Mian Naa MS-MM* Quality typlng'word processing Papers, raaumaa. editing lapa transcription*. manuscript*, thaaaamiaaanationa Grad School app vd IBM compaHMa 57t»11n PROFESSIONAL MONO PNOCESWNO EdttlngrOsk Storaga CoMean 3*4 7040. Id pm Nan day aarvtca 71 ta tin DialATypist 747-5555 TSeiiln FREELANCE TYPISTS UNITED 11M I CNamBar* Ha 7 Euaane, ON MS-14M PON ALlYOUR TYPINO NEEDS 11-14 PN07ESSI0NAL TYPINOiEDITINQ Faal, accurala CNac Harass Cad Grace 7*7414B._1041 GUARANTEED TYPING/EDITING 20 piu* yaar* aiperianca PEN PAL WOOD PNOCESSINQ 343-0207 WORD PNOCESSINQ/TYPINO Oak Edltlng/Converalon* Apple IBM CPIM 11 SAVE $ S Sail Same* Word Processing (lor tartars* uaarai Private Oftlc# Printer IBM CompantX* PC Supplies Low Hourly Rata 245 E ISHl Sis Blocks Irom Campus Iha Word Processing Specialists For Sale HALLOWEEN Liahtstick Jewelry Taiowi day . *700 8807888._T831 KINO Size WATEN8E0 4 MM *85 or ba.loffat 343 7*88 _ 10-30 *r COLON *V Sony," *138 caah 488-36/4 10-31 HUNT MOL 1877 14 . /OGtbraltarEk caltant condition E.lrn *11.900 wot 1a< 0387814 0.8880777 1031 HALLOWCtN MCt FAINTING M~ IK* EMU ONI Cantar Frida. Ocl 31, 85 30 pm, Ground Flow. EMU *1 8884388 80681031 CNACXPOT SALE al tha EMU ONI Caniar. Ground Flow, EMU, Tuaaday nnd Wadnanday. Nov 4 and 5. 10 an ] pm Abandonad and homaM** caramtca Soma lop quality, aoma aaconda Saa Iw youraalti 808811-3 Buys, Srn THE BUY 8 SELL CCNTEN *jy<*att*Tiada Mutica Inatfumanla. atarao loola. PholograpMc and Backpacking Equipmanl 361 W. 5th. NALCQM 88NEE0, a.caflant condi tion *88 w otto. Call Darok 344-5148 aflat 7 pm 10,10 SECOND ^ NATURE BICYCLES snd rosd bikes BUY*SELL TRADE NEXT TO THE BIJOU Books 1004)00 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40S0X oil ttel price* •Te.tbooks-Clifl Nole*»M*gulnes* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH KAMILY BOOKSTORE TOO Seal 13th Cars a Cycles 1071 LeSABRE. 2 door 4 barrel Needs paint WOO 404105777S7 lln SB HONDA HELIX scooter Candy apple red *2.200 OBO 345 2210 eves and weekends 10-31 1*00 YAMAHA ENOURO ITS, Eacellent shape, runs greel 3*3-201810-31 CYCLE HELMET MARUSHIN MG 80 with lull lac* mask. m*d (7 118) *85 484 9829 _ _ J0-31 70 HONDA CIVIC *1.800 344 2306 Faboious condition'_ 10-31 FLASHY Red 85 Honda Aero 80 scooter. with re cant tuna up 1675 OBO 7268192 after 6 pm 10-31 68 VW BUG 18,000 miles, rebuilt 1600 New tires, praxes 342-4637, 345-6653 689-0267 10-31 GRAMO PRIX 1677 Good price, flood condition Paymani available 342 2317 __ 1031 1871 TOYOTA COROLLA MOO OBO Runs good! 342 7704_10-31 1972 PEUGEOT 504 4 door sunroof