Mobility of American democracy relies on education, says candidate By Karen Creighton Of the Kmcrald Part of the mobility of American democracy is based on access to education, and that access should be maintained, said Democratic candidate to State House District 43 Karsten Rasmussen. Rasmussen, a University graduate, supports higher education but is concerned about overspending, he said. "I'm supportive of higher education in general, but of course we need to keep in mind that our revenues are not such that we’re talking about enhancement programs so much as doing our very best to hold the line and enhance where we can,” he said. Rasmussen will support a tui tion freeze if it's economically feasible, he said. “If financially feasible, I think that a tuition freeze is an awfully good way to encourage people to go to college after high school,” he said. Rasmussen will vote in favor of divestment of state funds from South Africa, he said. "I don’t think the South African government is going to sit up and pay attention until the United States and the citizens of the United States begin to take action to divest." he said. Constructive engagement and the idea that whites have to take care of blacks is racist. Rasmussen said. He opposes Ballot Measure 5. which would legalize the cultivation of marijuana for per sonal use. “One of the common arguments in voting for Ballot Measure 5 is that marijuana is no greater a problem than alcohol, but that strikes me as being an odd argument, he said. “Since we have so many pro blems with alcohol I don’t know why we need to add to them.” A Karsten Rasmussen he said. The current war against drugs merely treats the symptoms and not the disease. Rasmussen said. Drug abuse is a sign of larger social problems, such as society's anger and feelings of powerlessness towards the government, he said. Rasmussen would deal with these problems by working to increase the integrity and responsiveness of government so that people would feel more a part of society, he said. Special Malaysian Hot Dish Laksa $350 Serving for lunch CHINA BLUE | Restaurant 879 E. 13th. 343-2832 NcjU h> the UO Bookstore. up^Mirs Backstage - Come As You Aren’t! 41 W. Broadway At The Fountain Downtown Eugene 686-2671 Comlumea & AcmaorUra. Tool “The HaUowaaa Plata" He opposes nuclear power because it is neither safe nor economically viable. Rasmussen said. He is leaning against Ballot Measure 14. which would close the Trojan nuclear power plant until it could deposit its wastes in a federally licensed repository, he said. Closing Trojan will cause more problems in terms of ex pense and ecological damage if other power sources, such as hydroelectric, are substituted. Rasmussen said. Stopping the construction of nuclear plants and phasing out the old ones is a better strategy than closing down existing plants, he said. Rasmussen also opposes Ballot Measure 9. which would limit property taxes to 1.5 per cent of assessed valuation, he said. "I think it will be a tragedy in this stale if it passes I think we will have cuts in budgets that will be unprecedented in our history — we will be putting Continued on Page 9 ££!S<2j Come in and enjoy our • Great burgers • Backgammon • Great drinks • Big Screen Alt in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. • Micro fir Import Beers on draft y PU CON 99 W. I Oth In the Atrium 484-2263 UOBookstore Computer Fair This Week Oct. 27-Nov. I J ATARI and CJT0H ! Complete System J PAYMENT PLAN: 4 Equal Monthly Payments • NO Interest mM ATARI 520ST Monochrome System • 512 K RAM, Hires, monochrome monitor, mouse included • Industry standard serial and parallel ports • Built in DMA port for up to 60 meg Hard Drives • Industry standard musical Intrument digital Interlace porta •1st WORD word processing software C.ITOH Prowriter Jr. NLQ Do! Matrix Printer • 105 CPS, built In stand 4 tractor teed COMPLETE PACKAGE syeap0 Computer Accessories Roll Top Disc File from Microcomputer Accessories • Roll top covor, built-in handle • Holds 100 5V4" floppy discs J Sato *25* Reg. 279.95 Pico Power Modem I • 1200/300 BPS • Internal halt card • Auto answer/auto dial ^S199°° IBM Standard Centronix Cables Reg. 19.95 Hem S129S Oise Drive Head/Screen Cleaning Kits trom Innovative Concepts • With disc storage case that holds 10 discs 5V4” $1145 3 Vi” Reg. 14.95 I I Reg. 19.95 s1545 Power Director/Surge Suppressor • Four sockets • 10 Amp circultbreakar • Master Power on/ofl switch Reg. 99.00 ^$80°° Computer Paper 2500 thools, continuous form 20*, lasercut kioon odgo now s2345 • 20% OFF Any purchase of 10 or more Fuji, 3M, or Nashua floppy discs. • 10% OFF Computer Software excluding Microsoft’s Educational Program software. • UP TO 50% OFF Microsoft Software to Students, Faculty, Staff, and Departments of the U of 0. » Otlf good until Nov. 1, Umittl to ttoch on hand. 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 5 30 SAT 10 00-4 00 60M331