•COUPON HOME WORK FINISHED WHILE YOU WAIT *1 .00 OFF E*< Slide Processing Only wttti coupon and student I.D. cord • Offer ends Nov. I, IMS EUGENE'S QUALITY 1-HOUR PHOTOFINISHER? INC-MM—— 18th A Willamette *484-6116 <£$ (Valid YStti A WMamette only) Jg -.COUPON CF’©[[7@. Coupons in the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every day. It pays. Representative Larry Campbell looks to boost Oregon's economy By |uri Paulson Of Ik* EwnM You might say that Larry Campbell is bullish on Oregon. Campbell. Republican can didate for State Representative. District 43. believes strongly that the basis of a healthy state is a healthy economy ‘The name of the game is jobs. Without jobs and income we can't properly respond to the human needs we face each day.. .and that includes higher education." Campbell said. Mafor efforts must be applied toward expansion of present businesses and development of new businesses, he said. "Oregon's three biggest in dustries are timber, agriculture and tourism. We must strengthen our support of tourism. Every $1 invested in tourism sees a $4 return." Campbell said. The incumbent state representative cited a 27 per For 25 Years, we’ve been exporting America’s most valuable resource. The men and women of the Peace Corps. Dedicated volunteers who help people in developing countries live better lives. It's tough. And it takes more than just concern. It takes motivation. Commitment. But for 25 years, being a Peace Corps volunteer has been a chance to stop dreaming about a better world and start doing something about it. INFORMATION TABLE: Mon. Tues., Nov. 3-4 9:00 a m.-3:00 p.m EMU Lobby AFTERNOON SEMINARS: "Peace Corps in Jamaica" Tues., Nov. 4 12:30 p.m -1:30 p.m. EMU. Room 108 "Peace Corps Opportunities World Wide" Wed., Nov. 5 3:30 p m.-5:30 p.m. EMU, Forum Room Peace Corps The Toughest Job You It Ever Love EVENING SEMINAR: "An Evening In Nepal" Mon , Nov. 3, 7:00-9:00 p.m. EMU, Room 101 SCHEOULEO INTERVIEWS: Nov. 18-19, 9 a m.-4 p.m. Hendricks Hall, Career Planning & Placement Office Sign up in advance, bring your completed application to the interview. Larry Campbell cent increase in visitors to tourist information centers over the past summer, which is a positive improvement. Although much of that increase was due to Expo '86 traffic, there is evidence that a good return can be realized by in vesting in tourism, he said. Campbell worked on legisla tion last year that established the Oregon Research and Technology Corporation, a "quasi” public/private entity Mwoo m PMVILHW CHINESE I ^ RESTAURANT Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs WTh 11 00 7 00: F Sa II 00 4 3C Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs So Th 4 30 10 00 F Sa 5 00 10 30 <275 Alder Street • 683-8886 that will provide venture capital for new and existing small businesses. "The ORTC will provide sup port for the development of new products and new agricultural markets... in working with forestry, farming and fisheries, by providing funds and technical support," Campbell said. Campbell is opposed to ballot measures 14, 15 and 16 because they hinder economic develop ment and discourage new businesses from settling in the state, he said. Ballot Measure 14. requiring the shutdown of the Trojan nuclear plant until a permanent waste site is located, would result in increased utility costs, he said. Campbell also opposes Ballot Measure 15 because of the economic impact it would have. "There is not enough evidence of the risks involved with low-level waste to justify a move that would put 1,500 peo ple out of work,” he said. He also strongly opposes Ballot Measure 5. which would legalize cultivation of mari juana for personal use. Passage of the measure would exacer bate the already high incidence of drug-related juvenile crime, he said. “We must attack the problem at its source. Strong penalties for drug pushers and better rehabilitation programs for users are needed. Ballot Measure 5 must be defeated. It sends the wrong message regar ding drug use.” Campbell said. in the area of higher educa tion, Campbell's priorities are keeping tuition costs from ris ing and increasing faculty levels to a competitive level. Ho strongly favors the proposed Riverfront Research Park, again as a means to provide jobs to Oregonians. Continued on Page 9 .K*T£L% PRESENTS. Friday m 31 Eugene s 10th Annual HalloweenBall Friday Oct 31st 9pm Eugene Hilton LLOYD JONES STRUGGLE FEATURING CURTIS SALGADO the AILNIGHTERZ & THE PARTY KINGS TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT A BOX OFFICE NEAR YOU'