Measure 9 disadvantageous, critics say By Chris Norred Of Ikt flMTild Three members of I he Kugene Area Chamber of Com merce told reporters Tuesday that public schools, business development in the Kugene area and public services which lower-income families could not afford otherwise would all suffer if ballot Measure 9 were to pass on Nov. 5. The members also said they were opposed to ballot measures 7. 11 and 12 but put special emphasis on Measure 9. Chamber of Commerce Presi dent Dennis Huserik. realtor Jean Tate and owner of Kugene Sand and Gravel. John Alltucker, told the media that all the tax measures were "disadvantageous” from a business point of view. Ballot Measure 9 calls for an amendment to the state con stitution. which would set a maximum property-tax rate and limit annual increases of assess ed property value to 2 percent. New or increased property tax rates would require voter ap proval if Ballot Measure 9 passes. City and county projects aim ed at attracting new businesses and corporations, such as the proposed expansion of Mahlon Sweet Airport, would bo severe ly hampered by a lack of available funds if Ballot Measure 9 passes. Huserik said "We like to think of new businesses and corporations as new employers.” he said. “Measure 9 would lie good for me personally in the short run. but I'm more concerned about the long-haul effects it would have on the communi ty," Tate said. Tate is particularly concerned that Ballot Measure 9 would not allow schools to raise enough money to operate, she said. "Another major reason I op pose Ballot Measure 9 is that they're trying to put in tax reform that has not been thoroughly studied," Tate said. Alltucker is concerned that the tax measure will hurt low income people because the net effect would be a cutting of public services that low-income families cannot otherwise af ford, he said. “I wish we could vote on each of the measures on separate days,” Alltucker said. "Voting on all four measures at once is like playing Russian roulette with four bullets." Larry Edward* 683 3635 T»rry Gonnavilkl Diana Kirkpatrick ] ♦44 6013 Nawton Da Mom 683 5343 1 m (***'*Q*' »mk» . p0 Bon 0®9?4*; SANYO 675 Portable *1240 • 256 K RAM • Excellent Quality • 15 lbs * MS-DOS Included • 2 Disk Drives An Excellent Portable at a Great Price. Available with a Hard Drive or Color Monitor Come on in lor a Demonstration! EMU GROUND FLOOR CCafVWTER & SOFTWARE 683-7355 Check for money-saving coupons in the Oregon Daily Emerald BSMlSave You Money! HEAD LETTUCE 3/s1.00 BEER am, WINE 1 VERYDAY L OW PRICES •Wine Coolers Bartles * James, 4 pk ... Seagrams, 4 pk. California Cooler, 4 pk ... s3.15 3.15 3.15 -Import Boer Corona, 6 pk. Oos Equis, 6 pk. Heineken. 6 pk. s5.13 4.80 5.45 Premium Beer Henry Welnhard Private Reserve, Vk case. Lowenbrau, 6 pk. s5.23 2.63 COORS reg. or light 12 pk 12 oz. COKE excluding Classic 2 liter 89c.. GROUND BEEF re®. family Pack BULK FOODS! Halloween Candy Special HERSHEY’S QQ ; KISSES £mm lb Mission 7.S oz ACARONI & CHEESE I99c Blue Bonnet 2 lb STICK MARGARINE 88* Prices good through 11/4/86 • • • your “mark" of real value! tv$aye FOOD CENTERS WE MAKE SAVING SIMPLE! WMIMHfl: YOU DON'T HAVE TO MARK YOUR OWN PRICES AMY MORE I TA** TOTAL THAT Coojut All mJ items subject to stock on hsnd No dedle/ idles EUGENE wow 111**90 EUGENE Mil Htiyar*