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The executive board of the GTFF has joined in the call for an independent committee to be appointed to investigate current University policy and procedure for deal ing with complaints of sexual harassment As long as the perception ex ists that the current avenues are inadequate or poorly ad ministered. efforts to expose harassment will be hampered All members of the University community have a right to an environment fits- from sexual harassment. We call upon Presi dent Olum and the rest of the University administration to lake immediate action to correct the current situation. An investigative committee must be formed, the administra tion must re-evaluate its com mitment to nondiscrimination and a climate must be fostered where individuals are free to protect themselves from harass ment and discrimination without fear of retribution. Chuck Hunt Executive board of the GTFF Student power “State Hoard should Watch over ASUO” (ODE editorial. Oct. 15) skims the surface of a very complex issue, instead critici/.ing the very purpose of democratically-elected student government. We are not involved in a con troversy with the State Board, but with the Chancellor's Of fice. For 17 years our incidental ha.- budget approved by the Hoard has included the ASUO Legal Services Program. The Board has never questioned this expenditure This year was no exception The Chancellor's Office is now trying to assert greater con trol over this service. We have a legitimate concern that an effec tive program could l>e com promised. We have resisted their proposed changes. The ASUO executive does "serve the needs of the Univer sity." The role of student government is to advocate for the best interests of students. Wo will continue to work to in sure student input into projects like the Dome and the River front Development. Concerning the divestiture Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald it published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Dally Emerald Publishing Co . at the University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon. 97403 The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald Is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law uvnevai aian Advertising Director Production Manager Classified Advertising Assistant to the Publisher Susan Thelen Diane Faasler Alyson Simmons Jean Ownbey Advertising Sales: John Boiler / Sales Manager Teresa Acosta. Paul Anderson. Ann Cole Brenl Collins. Beryl Israel Janelle Heilmann. Laura Goldstein. Peter LaPleur Catherine Lilia, Joseph Menjel. Joan Wildermuth News and Editorial Olaplav Advertising and Business Classified Advertising Production Circulation 686 5311 666 3712 6864343 666 4361 666 5511 Editor Managing Editor News Editor Spectrum Editor Spectrum Assistant Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Assistant Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Graphic Design Editor Night Editor Associate Editors Community Politics Higher Education / Administration University Affairs Student Government Student Activities General Assignment Michelle Brence Lucinda Otllon Michael River* Curtis Condon Stephen Maher James Young Michael Drummond Capi Lynn Ross Martin Lorraine Rath Michael Rivers Joiayne Houl/ Shawn Wirt/ Chrts Norred Stan Nelson Sarah Kitchen Tonnie Dakin Dennis Fernandes Photographer*: Shertyn Biorkgren, Shu Shing Chen Maria Corvallis Derrel Hewitt. Bobble Lo, James Marks. Oan Wheeler. Michael Wilhelm Production: Michele Ross I Ad Coordinator Kelly Alexandre. Elizabeth Asher. Ronerin Nicole Ashton, Sandra Bevana. Janet Emery. Manuel Flores. Shannon Gaither. James Kenny. Oonna Leslie. Curtis Lott. Kelli Mason. Mike McGraw, Rob Miles. Angelina Muniz. Kara Oberst Ami Pate. Julie Paul. Jennifer Peterson. Kristin Sanburg. Nils Tjolmn. Michael Wilhelm X Kang Xie issue, we are suing not to "force the Board.” but to allow them to carry out a decision they made in 1977 to divest all endowment funds from firms having substantial investments in .South Africa. Maybe the University of Oregon students are more liberal than the editorial staff can accept Regardless the answer to balanced representa tion is not an appeal to Presi dent Olum or the State Board for assistance: it is found in the ASUO elections. Any student who suggests state intervention as an alter native or a complement to our elections clearly doesn't understand student empowerment. Steve Nelson President. ASUO Where's Pete? Besides distorting Bruce bing's true goals and positions on the issues, the DeFazio television ads leave me wonder ing: Where's Pete? Practically every commercial I've seen (paid lor by the DeFazio campaign) has some unidentified announcer in the background telling us how to vote We see still-life photos of DeFazio. appearing like he's do ing his taxes or something, but no Pete! Can’t Pete speak for himself? After all. Bruce lx>ng doesn't seem to have any problem clear ly and honestly stating his posi tions in front of the camera. Oh well, judging from the way DeFazio performed in one of the recent debates or the ra tionale hi; uses to attack sound proposals of his opponent (stu dent IKAs for example) maybe it's best to continue with the anonymous announcer. Michael Cross (•raduate. political science, history Begging With the closure of the stu dent parking lot near Hayward Field, the already inequitable student parking situation has become appallingly ine quitable. Student lots farthest from campus are parked full early each morning while the many lots and streets allocated to "faculty and staff only" much closer in are less than 25 percent full. The student is the "paying client" at the University, yet the ratio of student parking spaces to students versus faculty/staff spaces to faculty/staff is blatant ly high. I don’t mind walking farther, out of respect to faculty and staff, but I do mind not fin ding any legal space in any stu dent lot while faculty/staff lots are half empty, and paying dai ly parking tickets on top of per mit fees. Traditionally, all students can do is beg for fairness l hereby beg that students be given legal access to a few more of the lots on campus as soon as possible. Perhaps if other students drop off little notes {"Give students more of the parking!") to the Office of Public Safety (across from Hayward) this week, mass begg ing will have some effect. I.yn Dahlstram Student Yes on 5 Everyone who is concerned about the future of freedom should vote for Ballot Measure 5 on election day. As long as a majority of peo ple cling to the notion of government as a kind of super parent. telling them what to do every day of their lives and "making it better" when something goes wrong, the basic question of drug laws will remain unresolved. These peo ple will bicker endlessly over the proper "balance" between health and freedom, and then use all the weapons of govern ment to make "war" on their fellow citizens who make dif ferent choices. In response to this war. Measure 5, proposes a kind of "demilitarized zone." It can’t bring complete peace, but it will reduce the damage to the "civilian population": the vast majority of responsible citizens who are in danger of losing every traditional civil liberty as this war escalates. Take a first step toward peace. Vote for 5. Joseph W. Dehn III Eugene Smoking It is shocking to me that the University allows students to smoke in the hallways and nooks and crannies of its buildings. l)r. Arnold Trebach, director of the Institute on Drugs. Crime, and lustice in Washington, D.C., was quoted by the Emerald. Oct. 22. as stating. "The worst drug, perhaps, on the face of the earth in terms of its addictiveness potential and its impact on human beings, is tobacco.” He also says that he "would like to see America get ting tougher on the legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco...." In the face of such statements from Dr. Trebach as well is the overwhelming medical evidence of tobacco's effects on the smoker as well as those ex posed to second-hand smoke, isn't it time the University took a stand for clean air? A. Diana Brook Community education student Coupon. Agate Video Presents... 4 Monday-Thuraday Special -fill 2 Movies $^50 & VCR OVER 1600 TITLES! 1495 E. 19th 3 344-2691 Coupon Enpif» 11/VM