Computers Computer Lounge , PIWIiatwKnw, WORKSHOP Intro lo Moelntosn ar>0 boginning word processing using MacWrit* Timos snd sign lip svsrlatMe in EMU Computer Loungo. EMU Ground Floor MM353 Computer Lounge LASER PRIMT your PC-Compatible, Apple lie &Mac Documents RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED 686-4353/4354 11 Ground Floor Pets FREE: ONE FUN LOVING, friendly male six month old Kitten Striped with col lar Call 405-9857 Ask for Heather or Susan _ 11-4 8 1/2 MONTH OLD Golden Lab Retriever House trained Call 344 4262 ask for Scott or Bob 10-30 Sound Systems USED STEREOS Bough) and sold Naw speaker kit* and raw drivers Naw discounted cartridge* and *lyli Stereo repair services THE SOUNO WELL 1«S OAR ST 342 7071 Services NEED A LOCKER? EMU Rec Ctr *3711, EMU Ground Floor _ 7828lln RESEARCH SERVICE. Professional librarian will research your topic Reasonable 935-7701. 10 29 Recreation EMU ARCADE features “GAUNTLET” “RAMPAGE” “PLAY CHOICE 10” “WORLD SERIES” “RAVEN” “SPYHUNTER" Ground Floor. EMU Wanted IOOR.NO FOR A ROOM to ran, Opportunities T SHIRT LOGO CONTEST Io,,uO Owe* PSlT*2l. £n,7 '•••aim* INov 14 to 161 GRX Pnyes 488-1187 7981 1113 Help Wanted 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS list 818.040 S5«.23Giyr Now luring Call 8088*78000, Eat R 9*42 10 30 THE’OREGON DAILY EMERALD H curran lly accepting applications tor the position ol photo editor Ap pi re ants must on ell,cient managers • no have (olid espertence In photography and photo process ino/prinling. particularly rotating to lournaliam Tho position requires about 40 hours par week and -islands until the and ol spring tarm Pay is about 8350 oar month Ptaasa submit porttolio with application Pick up an application and |Ob Oa script ion at tha E mar aid office Suita 300 EMU Daadlina tor submitting application la 5pm Thursday. Oct 30 Tha Oragon Daily Emarald is an attirmatnra action equal opportunity employer _10-30 SORORITY NEEDS houM person 343-0643 lor information to 29 HAND W O N KIN 0 , i riTe 111 g » n t commumcallons-orlentid student tot pan time position to develop end tmpie men l on-going news release program Eugene based national radio program syndicator should quality for intern credits Pay negotiable Call 667 2068 lor appointment 10 31 JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ATHLETIC DEPT Work study approved students call 686 4499 or 686 4481 lor opporlunities to work in the Athletic Dept Medical Treatment Center Sports Information and the Maintenance areas 8072 10 31 CIBSONS RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE is now hiring cocktail servers and badenders Experienced only App ly between 24 pm at 3355 E Amazon Meetings CYCLING TEAM All Interested riders asked to come to a meeting Wed 7 30 pm in 113 EMU Sponsored by Club Sports 8066 1029 For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished tl 15/mo. 2 bedroom furnished $144/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $120/mo Future openings ex peeled Winter and Fall Terms Married couples and single parents eligible Call UO Housing 68*4277 tor Inlorme lion_ 7569 tfn CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED t bedrooms J245TS425 485 2823 7940 I In DETACHED STUDIO near Hendricks Paik Single person occupancy 6 month lease $160/month 687 2 799 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional screening and matching Quality homes available suitable room mates. Caft 667-0213 7976 tfn FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Own bedroom/bath $150 month 6882703 keep trying__ 10 29 TO SHARE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE close to campus, quiet area, wall to wall carpet, 2 bathrooms, fireplace modem kitchen Rent $200 a month, plus Call 342 7396 keep trying 10-31 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED I .. bdrm duplex south of campus $137 plus/month Quiet, yard, fireplace etc Rick *5192.485 0826 10 30 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS, fully turniah ad. alt Utu Included Private 1/2 bath S169 345 4490 8064 Ifn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT tor sale Call Shelly 485 97H_ 10-29 DORM CONTRACT tor sale Call Kathy 485 9833 _ 1029 OORM ROOM , , Call 485 9454 ask tor Todd Muhthelm 10 29 UNIVERSITY INN housing contract tor sale Celt Oon34557S7 10-30 OORM CONTRACT: For sale Call Robert 345*163 10-30 r Do*m Contracts “U.l. CONTRACT” Buy my contiacl OKI I *itl pay not of Iha dapoti! faa Call Oory MS 4M0 Ml •aan 10 30-S 30 HO DORM CONTRACT ' Call S, oil OTOllcm o 48S JA14 w S» M TO 113 OONM CONTRACTS ho iMNHw dapoot Call JiiuStaphama M3 0911 Events POLITICAL FORUM Wednesday, Oct 29 2:30 pm EMU 101 With Peter Defazio and representatives ot Neii Goldschmidt, Norma Paulus, and the Socialist Party > ASUO Sponsored by Interfl end Campus Nth Ministry LOGO CONTEST $200 Gift Certificate 1st Prize $50 Gift Certificates 2nd A 3rd Prize Wa urn looking •« a nn logo Wa naac a simple design which incorporates ou name (SUNDANCE NATURAL FOODS) n should be black end white 8v*i Xflvy Entries are non returnable Deadline is November 22 Matt or drcif off your drawings to Sundance Natural Foods 74$ E 24th St Eugene OR 97504 Winners will be announced December 2nd 7725 10 30“ DARE TO BE STUPID! with Magic Swan 4 the Dukes Oct 31 at Taylors 10-31 EMU Culturil Forum Council lor Human Right* in Latin Amartca a Latin American Support Commit!## present in concert From Chile LOS PARRA Isabel, Angel Tita, Angelito Acclaimed voices of Latin America’s New Song Movement What is New Song? New Song incorporate* Latin America s folk music, tradition* into a vibrant, modern music Who are the Parras? Isabel and Angel, children ol the renowned Violets Parra, continue the New Song tradition They ea press through their music the hope* and struggles of the Chilean people WED NOV 5 EMU BALLROOM 7:30 pm Students/seniors $5 Advance $7 at Door Gen'l Admission $6 Advance $8 at Door For into 4M SM7 or 6M-4V3 80M MV r Events The Council lot Human Rlphta In Latin Amcnci and Mw Third World Woman a Project — a e^. — a — — ala, .a* a - . aa-ai,.. wi im miiHinv iw rwicf present FATMA ALLOO Tanzanian Journalist Subeditor. Sunday Naurs (Ok 0% Sataani) Produca* at Radio PfOQtmi on Woman'a laauaa Organiser. A If lean Qraaaroota women e fSeiwom SPEAKING ON “THE PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN IN MEDIA IN EAST AFRICA” Thurs Oct 30 7:30 pm Geriinger Lounge, U of O 31 Donation Requested Local Sponsors Include Cantor lor tha Study ol Woman In Society. School ol JournaHem and International Studios Dopt (074 1030 DANCE 18 * OVER AFTER MIDNITE OPEN AFTER HOURS THE ONLY 0ANCE SOOT TIU 4 AM COMING EVENTS: HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY OCTOBER 31st Players Cabaret CALL PI AVERS FOR LIMOUSINE SERVIC. PARTIES ANO SPECIAL EVENTS IMS WILLAMETTE Ml 22M CURTIS LIVES MOTHIflG THIS EVIL EVER DIES EUGENE’S 10th ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BALL FRIDAY OCT 31st 9 PM Lloyd Jones Struggle featuring Curtis SaJgado. The Allniters A Th« Part Kings Spooky Specials to# Best Co*turn* M M AOVANCE If M AT DOOR Ticket* available at Everybody * Record* RESTRICTED. 21 A OVER ID REOUIREO Produced by Double Tee TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT A BOX OFFICE __NEAR YOU! Events UNDERSTAND YOUR TAX MEASURES with: Protestor Hostile* Thursday Oct 30 4-5 pm Forum Room, EMU __KgS-HHO' TONIGHT! The AOPi Fallfest is finally here! Come on over for mass cookies, popcorn balls, cocoa, and other good stuff...along with good music and house tours! All this lor only $1 at the door Tonight from 7-9 pm AOPi 1680 Alder St Proceeds go to Arthritis Research _ so/? io jo MEASURE 6 DEBATE on state funding of abortion. Kit Greerty vs Ruth Leibik. 167 EMU, 7:30 pm. 8077 1029 Or. mm 2 BANDS 9 til 1 in the EMU COSTUME CONTEST CASH PRIZES DOOR PRIZES ONLY $4 SURPRISES! ALL AGES! Sponsored in pari by tha Land Air and Walar Group Food a Drink minctiucmt^ —^ I Vf HV WEbNiSOAV j Frozen Yogurt Specials Cones or Dishes foci Yogurt Sundaes 99c IE 13th ®6i Willamelt* Intutainmcnt UO STUDENTS! WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH A SEASON TICKET? Wh#n you buy season tickets to Unlwrsity theatre% 06 07 mmon of ttW terrific Show*, you Clio ihm them with ■ friend uM them lor an unuauil and Inn ptn»h« Christmas. Hamifckah. or Mr thday gift invito your parents to visit for Ihe weekend ond troot them to on own tng of theatre Impress your do to they II novor hnoor you paid only 13 por show UO students pay only 115 for fivo •hows you »avo enough to too ono iho* absolutely FREE Faculty and staff saw, too Call 606 4 tot or coma to tho boa office m tho Robinson Thoatrv Monday thru Saturday from i 12 to 4 pm to or dor your MMon tickets now 7B6MHt»rr to peanut butter (ups && 35?, I486 Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.-l 1 p.m. 24th & Hilyard • 143-9142 DUCK PAC10 10 DS/DD Disks 100% Error Free Green & Yellow Disks s14.95 EMU Ground Floor ABROKERS M 683-7355 BLOOM COUNTY by Be rite Breathed Awifc mt mum* rmr HVH AW FOm. HAVt MM4fJ aw stmKtPwmf... -UBima - bPtAme of wife smakho... wt wnmrr m sum fan a trtam vmeY mum* ironc s*u* max*, OSMOMP ML, aHAT, MU Of AumYlNO AMIN, our semen KinKr nm LUCKY HUMAN? *1 IS otcx&e m suurnKU of sm me/rFMte r.-■ T HMmVKN m fm*v ffWUKM A«vt> m m/utNMA rm MAN ANP M ANPMvttp,FvRotT ff. -smrMK -WfflROUf