Continued from Page 1 SDI side doesn’t — the other side sees this as a defensive weapon because they don't trust you." Hovet said. "This really raises the question of real ly whether they (the United States) want an agreement. In the process of the discussions (at Iceland), they momen tarily agreed to eliminate all nuclear weapons, and then who got upset — the military. So it is a bargaining chip — it’s a bargaining chip to assure that nothing in a summit negotiation would be accep table to the other side." he said. Swan, who served as moderator dur ing most of the panel, said afterward that it is a battle between Reagan's technological dream and Gorbachev's economic dilemma, leading to a general feeling that the Soviets cannot afford to tarry on the arms race in outer space That feeling goes just the opposite way in the United States, where one of every six Americans is employed as a result of the arms race, according to Hovet. The audience asked questions follow ing the discussion, and some of them concerned dealing with the possibility of an "obsolete" war and the frustration and uselessness some felt as members of a concerned public. johnsnn offered some encouragement. "If we didn't continue to struggle on this issue, where would we be today? I think we'd be in a lot worse situation if we didn't have a strong movement that opposes development of nuclear weapons and testing." Johnson said. "We just have to redouble those efforts." Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Cantar U ot O latrtphona hoflina 24 hours 1 Hays Strictly contidantial Call ******* 3144 tin IF YOU At IN DOUBT aboui pragoancy call Birthright MT-BSSt Jt62 W Mia tUm 4 riifU M-i UM BAT BEAT aiw lataW tat _ nut ALPHA KAPPA PSI. Prolasaionat Busmass Fialarnlfy proudly an nouncas its namrasl mam ban Richard Casamalli Chris Kotosvary Damn Claas Kimbarty McComur k Michaal Chuang Foony Ny Jannta Journaay Balh Sayarson CONGRATULATIONS!!! tan io29 GENNA GOLDEN • miss you* “0" »n Dtitwaft 1029 CHARS HAPPY 21 ST B-DAY Love, Cory 1029* K C PULLER me at ihe pel shop fot tome monkey snacks Coco 10 29 PUMPKIN let's, you and I carve the pumpkin eat the seeds and have a wild Holloween eve PICK UP THE PHONE! " FOu ha»a VISA or MASTEACAAO you con now Phone m your Emereld Classified eds end have it Cm I ted lo V°ur eccount Just give us s coil by 12 0000 the day before you went the ad published end wetch e smell invest ment bring big returns! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 6868-4343 MasterCard Personals BOn COURT mitt you wr n## ptopotai ol • iilMim*' Law. SMwy Sam 10 29 xo DENISE & ANDREA!!! Thanks for being our big sisters. We re so EXCITED!! Margie A Wendy I __ I0W SKROG, VH was fun, but the last 5 months were better. I'm keyed for many more. Love ya, Bert. DOUG AYLESWORTH BATMAN t ■ Halloween is almost hare The Bat mobile drill be in gee* You M be so slick m you* tights of blue Gotham Ctfy is safe with you! ^ _'■ t0 29 ZAE GRIFF Are you alive7 Hope so* Lose. Penny and Marcia 10 29 KI MIKE McCOOL: Congratulations on your imitation into Kappa Stoma' We re proud of you1 We Betsy and Amy 10-29 Dear Kwan Sul and Gracay, It s amajrtng hoe we ve stayed so young for such a long, long lime' Happy B-Day! Lova, Anna I Personals M.G. So don t mi** mo Maal ma al th« B««n»iy iOl coMaa and iu> Wadnasdai «#»•«•• io3 Lost a Found LOST DOG Famala Black Cackar Whitt S latsndat bandana Can MS 3440 PLCAMl HALLOWEEN l» creeping up tamt... Caai you SPELL in the BAT BEAT Bat Beats can be placed at the Bookstore, EMU Main Desk, and 300 EMU 20 words for $2.50 and don't forget BAT ART for only $ 1 in chilling Halloween Orangel _ 1030* APPLEWORKS I I ?3T\_ •JMnuJ'O' Computer lounge noo, MINICLASS Intro to AppiiWorfcs word pro ' ccestor Gelling started editing end print options Times sign up more info EMU Computer Lounge EMU Ground Floor 686 4363 Typing quality typing •nd WORD PROCESSING L,atol\ 'ri s ^Specialties •Gtaduii* Approved •Specializing in dtiMftalKmi the»e» term paper* niumei teller* SZX, 344-7231 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ EDITOR. 1/ Y»ar! atpahcnca Won prorassmg Gradual* tchool approvwd Naar cam put Robin 3444TM 6Z09tln WORDS “R” US •rand, 4A4 6044 Shaw Nm MX TOM Quality typing/word procaaamg Papan. raaumaa. aditlng tap* Iranacrlpliont. manuacrlplt. inaaaa/diMarlatirvi* Grad School app *d IBM companta* STIOtln PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Editing/Dtak Slorag* CoHaan M4 7040 I 4 pm Marl day *annc* __ 7II4IIH Dial-ATypist 747-5555 _ TSSIHn WORD PROCESSING SPECIALIZING IN Tkata*. 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Fat Ac cut At# Reasonable Phone 344 SMS For Sale 4 MANUAL TYPEWRITERS ITS each TKO 65 Peavey bus #mp *200 889 7556 10-31 KtNO-SIZfc WATERSE0 4 tala *65 or bast oflar 3432968 10-30 17”' COLOR TV Sony, S13S cash 485-3574 1031 KINO-SIZE WATCRSEO with Mack n«adboard and paddad sides *80 or bast oltar Call 484-9192 a arty mommas or lata evenings 10-29 EXCELLENT CONDITION OP Body Tone 300 Multi Gym. *75 342 4364 1029 THE PROSCRASTtNATOR'S SUCCESS KIT book How to oat over pulling It oft Order TODAY *9 96 plus *1 50 postage 1928 SE Ladd Portland. Oregon 97214 _1029 OOOO. SOLID single bad lor sale Have to sold gulch Interested’ Call 485 9869 ash lorChritlina 10 29 BAT BEATS 20 words $2.50 S1 BAT ART Place at UO Books tor*. EMU Main Desk or 300 EMU Hurry! Deadline 1 pm Thura. Oct 30th 10-29 HALLOWEEN Lightstick Jewelry Totowt day or Night) Masks* Wigs »Noses Cards* Decorations Bats*Webs*Spiders LOTS of CREEPY CRAWLERS JABBERWOCKY ! CARDS • GIFTS Moo-Sat «*• Sun 9:30-6 12-5 13th A Hilyard ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN j Bicycles 10-SPEED 23-INCH. Good condition but 'tHdspum $75 firm 683 6135 10 29 MIYATA 10-SPEED $150 344-7198 after 9 pm r SECOND s NATURE BICYCLES 10th Anniversary Sale 10-50% OFF Ml ac“e/aon" and road bills BUY*SELL TRADE NEXT TO THE BIJOU Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% off lit I prices •Tevtbooks"Cliff Notes«Magauines« USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE TOO East 13lh Cars a Cycles FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR STUDENTS A FACULTY uestside FOREIGN AUTO O Maintenance and Repair 108e A 3rd 484-4930 1971 LaSABRE. 2 door. 4 Darrel Needs pain! <600 464-1067 7787 tfn HONDA CB360. Excellent c< $375 485 9746 ask for Murph 10-29 86 HONOA HELIX . t. ■ ,vm, t; . red $2 200 OBO 345 2210 eves and weekends 10 31 1980 YAMAHA ENDURO shape runs great 343-2918 10 31 CYCLE HELMET MARUSHIN MQ-80 with full face mask med |7 1/8) $65 484 9629 10 31 73 VOLKSWAGE SUPER BEETLE, rebuilt engine, new brakes new upholstery, one owner $2,500 or serious offer. 683-4874 evenings 10-29 79 HONOA CIVIC $1 800 344 2306 Fabulous condition' 10 31 FLASHY Red 85 Honda Aero 80 scooter, with re cenl tune-up $675 OBO 7264192 alter 6 pm JCL31 66 VW BUG 18 000 miles rebuilt 1800 New lues, brakes 342 4637 345-6653 6890287 _ 10-31 GRAND PRIX 1577 Good price good condition Payment available 342 2317 _____ 1931 1*71 TOYOTA COROLLA $400 OBO Runs goodl 342-7704._1Q-31 1975 HONOA XL 250 New tires runs good $275 485 9071 (Bob) 10 29 Clothing MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt 344 7039 360 E. 11th Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU I \ \ ANPHERE PAMAG6 AMM, ms amnavMt OMHPOKT I'LL CALL MIKE K CLEARLY AT THE AGENCY "NOPPING OFF*. I'U. HAVE HIM PULL TO&TH£XSOME FAST TV SPOTS TO courtt* civet's imhumpos IS THAT P£AUT Htas SARI, PCAP' LAatawt'-nmnu mneMiouAHD HARP MSHAK7D60 oh moFf&mt ge rm peers out of mouumn steentR TO JUST I6NORB cohtrol HIM* i tSLACti mmiPOfn AJUNKje*... TRUST / r&flUJ—' HALLOWEEN SPECIAL The 5 BEST Halloween Costumes in the Fountain Court Cafe between 11-1 (Oct. 30 & 31) RECEIVE GIFT CERTIFICATES Come See Us!