UDELL NOLL) A Student Health Center Newsletter [nJSipp^ (nJ®(]l]©W®m LIFESTYLE PLANNING PROGRAM 1986-1987 Fall term for many of us means a return to classes and student life Resolutions abound at this time of year: “I will study harder", "I will watch my weight", "I will exercise more." In general, we all like starting out the new school year feeling good about ourselves. Maintaining and helping develop that feeling olwellness is what the Lifestyle Planning Program and this newsletter are all about. The Lifestyle Planning Program, a health education service of the Student Health Center, offers four services to meet your wellness needs: "The Health Education Center, located next to the pharmacy in the Student Health Center, has a wide range of free pamphlets, and current health book and tapes that can be checked out. "Peer Health Advisers can help answer your health questions and help you look at ways to improve your lifestyle. Make an appointment at the Health Education Center, or call 686-4456 ‘Our Nutrition Counselor, Bov Hollander, will answer your nutrition questions and help you make dietary changes to improve your heath Call 636-4441 for an appointment. "Educational Outreach brings programs and presentations to residence halls, fraternities, sororities, co-ops, off campus housing, and other campus groups Sound interesting? Give us a call and we'll arrange a program to meet your group's needs. All of these services are free and located at the student health center. To stay up to date on health services and health issues as they relate to you—read WELL NOW We want to help you attain your wellness potential! Health Education Staff Student Health Center '1