Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1986, Page 8, Image 8

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    —UQ Bookstore^
Computer Fair
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Oct. 27-Nov. I 2^1
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Spokesman warns
forests are overcut
By |anet Paulson
■' of ih« CmraM
The National Forests of Oregon ar<> inung overcut by an
average of 2U 2 percent, according to Wendell Wood,
spokesperson for the Oregon Natural Resources (aiuncil. who
spoke at a press conference Tuesday.
Citing figures provided by the U.S forest Service that af
firm the overcutting. Wood urged that the overcutting be
stopped for Oregon's economic stability, as well as protection
of the environment
Overcutting refers to the logging of the forest at a rate ex
t ending its growth, causing an eventual decline in limber
The IJSFS is planning to offer 3.8 billion board feet tor
sale in fiscal 1087. while just over 3 billion board feet will be
grown in the same year to replace it. Wood said
Kegionwide (in both Oregon and Washington) Con
gress has established a lisial 1087 c ut level of Ti.2 billion
Ixiard feet. whic;h is a lull billion board feet more than the
maximum the forest service tell it could cut. Wood said
According to Wood, the limber service knows it is over
cutling. and would like to reduce the sales program but
polite al pressures from the timber industry and Senator
Mark O. Hatfield are preventing needed reductions
"Delay ladies by the timber industry, reticence by the
forest service, and the appropriations power of Sen. Hatfield
are combining to cause massive overcutting of our forests."
Wood said
"It is the strategy of the timber industry to delay the is
suance of these new national forest plans for as long as possi
ble In this way. they hope to maintain the artific iallv high
logging levels currently in effect." Wood said.
The IISFS was to have completed the new plans bv the
end of last year, but to date, only three of the 13 Oregon Na
tional Forest plans have been issued in draft form, and none
have been finalized, he said.
Wood accused Sen Hatfield of "force feeding" the l'STS
will) extreme timlier-c utling levels bv securing more money
lor the forest servic e than it lias requested lor timber sales
New studies by the forest service found that previous
estimates of timber volume and growth rates were grossly
overestimated, according to Wood. Better inventory
methods, such as sophisticated computer and aerial techni
ques. have resulted in much more accurate estimates. In addi
tion he said trees are not growing as last as thought or luqieci.
lie said
According to Mike Morris, spokesperson for the
Willamette National Forest, the figures the ONRC cited are
accurate, but misleading because net figures (timber yield)
are iieing compared to gross figures (fiscal 1087 projected
For Willamette National Forest, the sustained timber
yield under the current forest service plan is BOB.3 million
board feet, but Congress's projected sales for fiscal 1087 are
HH2. million Ixiard feet, which represents a 4> percent
Morris said this figure is misleading for two reasons.
First. Congress's projected sales tor fiscal 1087. represents all
wood products, not just board feet The figures also appear
inflated because the forest service operates on a 10-year plan,
and the1 numbers are balanced over the decade. Morris said.
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