liiiiiiiliiii Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ EDITOR 17 years experience Wordprocessing Graduate school approved Near cam 344 075#._6209 t»n TYPING « WORD PROCESSING Thes*»/di seed at ions. papers adding graphics law papers resumes A mass mailings. Grad Sch approved WordSIvies A Typescripts CINDY 4*4 5454 BRANDY 4*4 6044 4940 Ifn TYFINO/EDITING Can Sara 686-0739 Vita & Malercard Accepted 4955 MUMF WORDS “R” US Brandy 4*4 6044 Shaw Nee 6*3 7096 Quality typmg/word processing Papers resumes editing tape t r an sc r< pt ion s manuscripts theses'disseriations Grad School app vd IBM compatible 5710 tin PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Editing/Disk Storage Colleen 344 7040 1 9 pm Next day service __ 7114 ttn Dial-ATypist 747-5555 _7561 Mo WORD PROCESSING SPECIALIZING IN Theses. Dissertations Manuscnpts Grad Sch Approved 5 Blocks to UO Jennifer 485 3883 _ _ 7589 UWHF Friendly. Expert Service GRADUATE SCHOOL APPROVED Ruth 345 5614 7594 tfn TYPING UNLIMITED Grad School Ap proved IBM Compatible with Word Pertect/Word Star Optical char reader modem 345 3414 7570 UWH EDITING. WORDPROCESSING. WRITING consultation Ph D E* penenced with foreign students Call Gary 485 1298 12 15 Buy a Sell THE BUY * SELL CENTER Buy* Sell* Trade Musical instruments stereo tools Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 W. 5th. For Sale KING SIZE WATERBED headboard and padded sides S80 or best offer Cali 484 9192 early morn mgs or late evenings 10 29 EXCELLENT CONDITION Tone 300 Multi Gym $75 342 4 364 HALLOWEEN Liahtstick Jewelry (Glows day or Night) Masks*Wigs*Noses Cards*Decor*tions Bats* Webs‘Spiders LOTS *• of CREEPY CRAWLERS JABBEBWOCKY CAKD5 • GIFTS Mon-Sat «*• 9:30-6 Sun 12-5 13th & Hilyard ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN Fom Sale zenith CHROMACOIOR consol# tv 70 inch JrnoBO IQ-78 THE RROSCRASTINATOR S SUCCESS HIT EHXt* HOW lo 0*1 Otraf pulling ft OH OrdarTOOAV JO fe plus SI SO posing* 1978 S E Ladd Portland Oragon 97714 __ __ . 10 79 GOOD SOLID smgia twti lot sat# Hava to l>» sold Quick Imuastad'’ Can 48*> 9869 ask lor Christina to 79 APPLEWORKS UirnirQ' Computer louitte i -gmuc,og,d.r: MINICLASS Intro to ApoleWorhs word pro cceseor Getting started editing and print options Times signup more info EMU Computer Lounge EMU Ground Floor 686 4353 Bicycles 10 SPEED 23-INCH Good condition Out needs paint $75 firm 6036135 10 29 MIYATA 10-SPEED $150 344-7198 alter 9 pm SECOND s NATURE BICYCLES 10th Anniversary Sale 10-50% OFF all accaiaonas and road txkaa BUY-SELL TRADE NEXT TO THE BIJOU Books 100 000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40 50% off list prices •Te*tboohs*Cliff No!es-MAQA.’'nes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th Cars a Cycles 1971 LaSABRE. 2 door 4 barrel Needs paint $600 484 105/ 7757 Ifn HONDA CB360. • • $3/5 485 9746 ash tor Murph 10 29 86 HONDA HEtix red $2 200 OBO 345 2210 eves and weekends_ 10 31 1980 YAMAHA ENDURO 175 Excellent • r 14 3-291B 10 31 1974 SAAB $1,450 well snow tires included 345 9539 eve only 10 28 CYCLE HELMET MARUSHIN with full face mash med (7 1/8» $65 73 VOLKSWAGE SUPER BEETLE rebuilt engine new brakes new upholstery one owner $2 500 or serious offer 883 4874 evenings 10 29 79 HONDA CIVIC $1 800 144 2306 Fabulous condition1 10 31 Computers temuJ'O' Computer Lounge • ^^mCioundjnoOT WORKSHOP Intro to Macintosh and beginning word processing using MacWrtte Times snd sign up available in EMU Computer lounge EMU Ground Floor 086-4353 Computers VJumfQ Computer Lounge t LASER PRIMT your PC-Compatible, Apple lie &Mac Documents RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENOEO 686-4353/4354 | Offload now SELL IT FAST WITH AN ODE CLASSIFIED Wanted LOOKING FOB A ROOM to r»nt tor group meetings Thursday* from 6 30 Dm to 9 30 om Bill 343 9814 10 31 Recreation EMU ARCADE features “GAUNTLET” “RAMPAGE” “PLAY CHOICE 10” “WORLD SERIES” “RAVEN” “SPYHUNTER” Ground Floor EMU Services Episcopal Campus Ministries Tuesday Ewrung Euchartsi b 30 Service Koinonu Center 1414 Kincaid Street Supper and discus Sion group following Everyone welcome on campus Tanning 5un5hower on campus Face it your summer tan is fading FAST That weenie of an Oregon sun is no help So join the 1000 s of smart people who have found that INDOOR TANNING is the affordable « omfor table CONVENIENT way to mane those Hitler tan tines reappear in NO TIME AT ALL* SunShower Tanning Salon 445 2323 SME UIh upstairs nest to Kinkos M F 7 am • pm Sat Sun 9 am 6 pm we r , jir conditioned ^ Services NEED A LOCKER? EMU Rec Ctr ■1711 EMU Oround Floor ____7826 tin RESEARCH SERVICE Pro!o»».on»l Itbfftrw Will research your (OfHC Reasonable 935 7TQi 1029 Opportunities T SHIRT LOGO CONTEST for UO Dance Department Entry deadline Nov !4 to 161 GRX Pn/eti 686 3387 7981 It 13 Help Wanted 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS tit! $l6 040$59 23(Vyf Now hiring CjM» 8066878000 lit H«M.' 1030 NIGHT OPENINGS imhmahon m house andror delivery Part time Hard fast paced work Late nights over 21 Need own dependable insured auto Ap pty 1 3 pm Track town Pu/a 80191028 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD it currently accepting applications for •he portion of photo minor Ap ptirants mutt be efficient managers And have tolid experience in photography and photo procast mgrprtntmg particularly rattling to (ournaiitm The positron require* about 40 hours par week and extends until the and of tpnng term Pay it about S350 par month Ptaasa submit portfolio with appdi ation Piet up ar application and job datenption at the Emerald oltlca Suita J00 EMU Deadline for submitting application it 5pm Thursday Oct 30 Tha Or agon Daily Emerafc) it an affirmative action equal opportunity employer 10 TO* SORORITY NEE0S housa parson 343 0843 torjnformation 10 29 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN i apeble of rapairing simpia sciantilic tn strumants such as oscilloscopes and ph matars Musi ba UO studam ami pratarabiy t>a work study carl died S5 25 hour If mtarasiad contact Dave Biumbtay at 8884516 8041 1028 Get involved in ASUO Apply for student govt, positions ol Executive Assistant, State Affairs Coordinator, Assistant State Affairs Coor dinator, Assistant University Affairs Coor dinator, Women's Task Force Coordinator. Deadline for applica tions is Oct 30. iThe Comptroller position is now c losed » Job descriptions available in ( MU Suite 4 ASUO is an Affirmative A, »tori' Opportunity Employer Women minorities and differently abies students are encouraged to ap i i, 8051 10 28 AUTHOR/PUBLISHER nwnh student researcher famtkai with Pe» NW flora fauna sea life terrain Indian Ida circa early 1800 s It interested send name address phone no and hourly wage r» quirurnents to Dark Morse Publishers Ltd PO 70192 Eugene OR 9/401 by 10 28 WORK, STUDY POSITION with l< . social service agency 14 50 per hour 12 lo 18 hour* per weak Good l/pmg skills end a willingness lo learn dal a an try on an IBM t ompatible PC Cell Lucy ,i! Sponsors 488 rt Ml HAVE FUN ON CAMPUS working lor national marketing company helping students apply tor ATT credit cards Work 1 2 days'week Call t 800 912 0528 10 28 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional screening and matching Quality homes available suitable room mates Can 88/8211 /9/h tin TO SHARE 3 BEDROOM house « lose to campus Quiet area well to wail carpet modern kitchen Pent 5200 a month plus Call 342 7396 keep hying 10 28 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Own bedroom/bath $150 month 688 2 703 keep trying 1029 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS fully furnish ed ai> uhi included Private V2 hath $169 345 4490 8084 tin Fob Rent FAMILY MOUSING APARTMENT LIVING UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished $ 1 iVmo 2 bedroom furnished ft 44/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom SlSOfmo Future openings e« pected Winter and Fall Terms Marred couples arid tingle parent* eligible Call UO Housing AM 4277 for inform* now CAMPUS LANGE FURNISHED I 2 bedrooms S24VS426 4«S 2823 7*40 tin DoiM Contracts DORM CONTRACT tor sale Call Shelly 48S9711 _' DORM CONTRACT tor salr 485 M33 1029 DORM ROOM in Clark Call as* ior Todd Muhthetm 10 29 U.l. CONTRACT Call Mark 60S 6137 __10»28 UNlVf ASITV INN = io 30 DORM CONTRACT * Robert 345 6163 ID30 •u.l. CONTRACT” Boy my contract and I will pay half of the deposit tea Call Gary 686 IW bat wean 10 30-6 30 113 Meetings CYCLING TEAM All interested riders asked to come to a meeting Wed 7 30 pm in 113 EMU Sponsored by Club Sports 8066 10 29 Events TONIGHT Chico Schwall I 145# f »#fh 8 pm Itth A A9*U Friday the 3V' LIVES MOTMIMG THIS CVIL even dies EUGENE’S 10th ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BALL FRIDAY OCT 31st 9 PM Lloyd Jones Struggle featuring Curtis Salgado The Allniter/ A The Pert Kings Spooky Specials lot Beal Costume MM ADVANCE ST M AT DOOR Tickets available at Everybody s Records RESTRICTED. 21 A OVER ID REQUIRED Produced by Double Tee TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT A BOX OFFICE NEAR YOU! Food a Drink miner rOCKtflft i Hot Fudge ' Sundaes C 99$ fcVfcHY lUtaUMT . Hi E Dlh Ml WllUm*!l* Food St Drink TACO TUESDAY 35* JMUk-UBfc JimmUma. •AT IT »ITtl AN O.D.C rusimi Entertainment Can’t decide what to do this Halloween? Go where you can do it all! The First Ever BALLROOM BASH HALLOWEEN EVE OCT 31 Dancing • Music ■ Magic Let's do it upl More details tomorrow... The Girls of Dyment in vite the men of UO to be one of... Dy’Men of Dyment Coun tryouts are Tuesday Oct 28 7-9 pm in the Dyment Lounge I Mr j THE BIJOU • m c ttth Fri Sat MS A 9 30 Sun Thor* 6 15 A 8 30 Sunday Bargain Matinee 4 pm $3 RATEO R FOR LANGUAGE VIOLENCE SEX. AND NUDITY Gen Adm $3 75/Stodents tw/ID S3 25 Miser Mon S3/Free popcorn Tuas NEXT Home of the Brave Laurie Anderson ifyi i^ Late Nite W at the BIJOU It a betft on lh« toy screen *#/•> af niQMf MBS HAT IMf W MUM* Al< * MBS FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF ONE MAN'S STRUGGLE TO TAKE IT EASY Fri Sal 11 45/Sun Thurs 10 45 Admission S2 50 SOON Big Trouble in Little China Colombian Supremo re*. $5.79 thru Ot t. 31, 198b Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.-l 1 p.m. 24th & Hilyard • 343-9142 DISKS as low as ®1.00 DS/DD 5V4” 100% Error Free EMU Ground Floor :xvwisT«n&MaF-T'vun** ■brokers I 683-7355 BLOOM COUNTY by Bcrke Breathed Mn lausoutss wun oerrm climt-pur n? neer your H/rvnt in l aw? anp rx/re a unit hhmm XM NOT A Lrme * & ■ will JV5rMB a umz iBmm Tom or Prrs / .jnpfkshoi mmm wm Rt6ttr gvaw' WAH. I'M RBAPfTP me ANYTHIN* " i va/Ke a unu. hixvous I --- - m r ume