Sports Shorts V c. • r INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL RESULTS: Monday. Oct. 20: Men's I: SAE A d. Phi Psi I 14-10 Home Boys d. Fiji 1 0-0 Men "s II: Sig Ep 2 d. Los Angeles 12-0 E.M. Bikini Inspectors d. Chi Psi B 37-0 SAE II d. Far Sides 32-12 POT III d. Webfoot 21-8 Razzle Dazzle II: ATO/llelta Zeta d. NSHP Newts 45*30 Razzle Dazzle 111'Dorm. McTinale d. Poi Pounders II FORFEIT Tuesday. Oct. 21: Men’s I: High Ducks d. Bela I hela Pi 32-0 Men \s II: Prosecutors d. Beta 2 B FORFEIT Way rads d. Beta 2 A FORFEIT Men s III: W a s t oid s Return d. Buchaneers 30-15 Razzle Dazzle l: Sigma Cmi/KKG d Chi Psi/Theta A 45-20 Wednesday. Oct. 22: Razzle Dazzle I: Phi Dell'AXO d. SAK'IX: Siii Ep/Chi Omega d. Dunn Mall Destroyers 45-12 . Razzle Dazzle Ill/Dorm: Poi Pounders d. Watson 74-0 Friday, Oct. 24: Men's l; Chi Psi A d. High Ducks Sigma Nu Ad. PDT I 14-0 Sig Ep I d. Theta Chi A 19-7 Man "s II: PDT d. Prosecuters 20-0 Razzia Dazzle I: SAK/DGvs. Phi Psi HI) IXMI BEE FORFEIT Phi Delt/AXO d. Sigma Ohi/KKG 78-71 Razzle Dazzle Ill/Dorm: Bertha cL Ul 1st Floor FORFEIT Saturday, Oct. 25: Men's 7: SAE A d. Hoineboys 20-0 Sigma Chi I d Pike’s l-ast Stand 24-12 Phi Psi d. Budweiser 7-0 High Ducks d. Fiji I 27-i:t Men's II: Sigma Chi 2 B d. Tuna Hawks FORFEIT Lame Ducks d. Kappa Sigma II FORFEIT E M. Bikini Inspin tors d SAF II 25-0 PD’I 3 d Sig Ep 2 FORFEI T Theta Chi B d. Fiji II FORFEIT Transformers d. Chi Psi B FORFEIT Web Feet d ATO Gold 10-0 Razzle Dazzle II: ATO/Delta Seahaw FORFKIT /.eta vs Seattle k s DOUH LE Kazzle Dazzle Ill/Dorm: Poi Pounders d. Carson IV 52-14 Mill St. Hlues d. Watsons FORFEIT , . _ , Parrasites d. McTingle FORFEIT Ul 1st Floor vs Awsomus Dormus DOUBLE FORFKIT Sunday. Oct. 28: Men's I: Kappa Sigma I d. Beta Theta Pi FORFEIT Men's II: Farsides d Ixjs Angeles 35-19 Beta II A vs Delta Tau Delta DOUBLE FORFEIT VVayrads vs. PDT 4 DOUBLE FORFEIT Men's III: Wastoids Return d. Blew Chips 7-0 Buccaneers d. The A Team 38-8 Men's Dorm: Casuals d. Parsons 33-8 Kazzle Dazzle I: Noseriders d KS Aerial Cir cus 30-14 Kazzle Dazzle II: Chi Psi/Theta B d Everclears 28-0 Kazzle Dazzle III Dorm: Uncle Ray's Kids d. Damma Phi Kare A FORFEIT Cultures d NSHP FORFEIT Mets rally for title NEW YORK |AP) Ray Knight ignited a three-run rally in the seventh inning with a home run. climaxing another New York comeback and sending the Mels to their second World Series championship w ith a H-.r> victory Monday night over the Boston Red Sox. The Mets scored three runs in the sixth inning, two on a single by Keith Hernandez, to chase two-game Scries winner Bruce Hurst and tie the score 3-3. Then Knight, voted most valuable player in the series, led off the seventh with his third hit of the game, a homer to left center that started the Mets to their first World Scries title since HMiP. Hernandez capped the inning with a sacrifice fly for a 6-3 lead The Mets still had one last obstacle to overcome as the Red Sox rallied for two runs in the eighth on Dwight Evans' dou ble and had the tying run on second twse with no one out. Hut (ease Orosco came out of the bullpen and got Rich Ged man on a line drive to second, struck out Dave Henderson and got pinch-hitter Don Baylor to ground out to short. He pitched a perfect ninth for his second save of the Series Darryl Strawberry led off the eighth with a homer off Boston reliever Al Nipper. Orosco, batting for only the fourth time this season, singled in Knight with the eighth New York run. "It doesn't get any letter than this." Manager Davey johnson said. "We deserve it We had the best record in baseball. We should he champions. Boston is a great baseball team, but the good guvs won. This is what we were sweating for." he said. "This has to be the go* test-Met team of all time." said Mels' first baseman Keith Hernandez, who drove in three runs in the decisive game. "Tonight. I said to myself, if I get a chance with men on base. I'm gonna do it. I had great confidence. Personals PROBLEMS? Corns U ol 0 laiatihona hotlina U hoots 7 days Smelly conhdantial Call IX MM _ U4 It.. PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Ftaa l>.ttgnancy lasliny Bitltvighl FREE CAREER TESTING ORIENT A TION a»aty Tuasday (torn 2 2 30 Am 737 Handricks Hall ATTEND lo ditcovat ho* you can lind an adoca I tonal and cataai dnachon Sponsotad by I ha Cataai Planning and Placamant SfNQt SPSS IDT* BATMAN! __ia2> “CCCCatch the RED OX” - Tex Headroom Video Cowboy 10 28 DR. BONES (Care of Delta Tau Delta) PHONE HOME 1028 WE MASSACRED THE BEAVERS1 Congratulation* to the U ol O Out Sports Badminton Team »n winning iha* OSU Badminton Invitation Too* »am*nt Oct 2b Champion* in Men* A Singles Women * Singles Men* B Single* Men* C Single* Men* A Double* and Mixed Doubt** 806/ 10 28' Personals HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KIMMIE! You fOM* You re a real women iO*' I k>v« you and wouktn i be able to survive •tlhout you’ • Teah P S t ttw^fc I m m love now bout you,Y'> to 28 AZ SHEILA A BECKY We re *o eacited you re ouf tug si* * Let s party real soon Love US'S Tree*# A l it tQTfl THANX SARA I owe you one PETE _ 10*) SAE AL POLICE Congratulations on tiecoming I nr 1986 Delta Gamma Mr Ancno» Splash1 2nd place Kevin Niles Phi Kappa Psi 3rd place {he) Dominique Odemo lambda Chi Alpha Ryan Smyth Phi Delta Theta And thank* lo all the olheicontestant* you we»e wonderful' Love, the DO S PHI KAPPA PSI Congratulations on taking tat place in Anchor Splash" Alto congrats to Kevin Niles lor taking 2nd piece in the Mr Anchor Splash Contest' love Your DO Coaches COOKIE MONSTERS! Eat your heart out at the AO Pi FALLFESTt We ve got cookies popcorn bail cocoa pumpkin seeds hot cider and more' ALL this tor only St at the door* Wed Oct 29 t 9 pm AO Pi 1680 Alder Street Proceeds go lo Arthritis Research 8066 10 28' Personals THANKS!! To mryon* who made the 1986 Delta Gemma Anchor Splash a success!! 10 78 Molly Ringwald: How’d you like to wear a pink dress to my barn dance? 10 ?8 SUE I MISS YOU M.G _ 10 20 THETA CHI JON This could be your “lucky" day, call and find out. The desperate D.G. _teas RYAN SMYTHE Congratulation* on your 3rd plare tie in Anchor Splash We re super proud of you Your frtendt al Gamma Phi 806*> 10 ?8 AT A Wl ALL SCREAMED tor ur cream j Thanhs it yeas fun'LOVE. TRI OELTS 10 78’ Personals FIJI! A belated thank you for the wake-up breakfast!!! P.S. What was the whipped cream for? Love, Delta Gamma _ 80M> 10 2S DG Brother Byron! We love you! You’re wonderful! Love, Your DG Sisters SOW 10 28 BE HEARD «! -i with tha halp e) an Dragon Daily EnwaM PERSONAL Lost a Found LOST TOY FOX TERRIER named Prince Very imy l»n and while Gold nylon collar with lag and address $50 REWARD Contact Mark Paisley at 345-060 __ TO-31 LOST DOG Female Black Cocker While » Lavender bandana Call 345 3440 PLEASE! I In FOUND • KITTEN Young orange striped with 2 collars Found near Bean Complex 1627 Call Heidi at 666 6696 or 466-9034 10 26 STOLEN! PRINCE GRAPHITE tennis racket with case 4 3/4 grip Black racket tan case REWARD tor return or into leading to return No questions asked Call 345 4439 Typing WORO P ROC E SSI NG/TY PING Affordable Excellent Ruthann 344 0436 _ 113 FREELANCE TYPISTS UNITEO 11th A Chambers No 7 Eugene OR 345 1460 FOR ALL YOUR TYPING NEEDS _11 14 GUARANTEED TYPING/EDITING 20 plus years eipenence PEN PAL WORO PROCESSING 343 9207 UMF 10 31 PROFESSIONAL TYPING/EDITING Fast, accurate Disc storage Call Grace 747 6140 PROFESSIONAL TYPING 1 am c urate Reasonable Phone 344 5066 6039 10 29 IYPING QUALITY TYPING WORD PROCESSING Cat'oly'tis cSpecialties • Graduate Approved •Specializing in dissertation* these* term pepers resumes tetters Serolyn Herrell 344-7231 RESUMES KINKO'S LASER DESIGN OPEN 7 DAYS MO E. 131b 344 3344 b d *»r» m* JS3-0%9 WORD PROCESSlNGfTYPING Disk Editing/Conversions Apple IBM CP'M $ S SAVE t S Self Service Word Processing (for serious users! Private Office Printer IBM Compatible PC Supplies low Hourly Rate Photocopy Binding Service 2S5 E 18th Six Blocks from Campus the Word Processing Specialists Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU is out ajf&wTxtmswAwt am !*££’ UNUKt Hen CHAL LUtoen, mbs MvMvrr says UTS none OF our. Business --- f ■ —I TdlF UHAJ S LA&Y OAVtNPOKT HIDING1 The fouomhg viPtarAPe su6 ■ 6t$T5 OUt PC&X&Lt tXPtA - / NATION THIS IS OUR CONGRESSWOMAN IN A COMMITTEE HEARJN6 LAST SUMMER, CLEARLY "HOPPING OEf"PURJN6 TESTIMONY' THAT* SOUTH OF THE SOS ptweps. MtSTER' X 11 Gto&e SHULTZ HASTES VFYIHG. f€*HLA VENS SAKE1 HE SHU HAVE A PfmiH BOSS -emu Fountain Court Cafe i 7 > in 2 30 pm Mon-Fri Grill BmklMi 7 ■ a ll a m Grill Luach II i.a.l pm TRY CMJK CROISSANT BREAKFASTS * HUEVOS RANCHEROS OLEI