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IBM m a regMered trademark ol International Beninese MmHmen EMU GROUND FLOOR 683-7355 Tutoring Workshops Counseling & Advising FREE to qualifying students Workshops include: — MATH FOR RETURNING STUDENTS a refresher for those starting math again - ALGEBRA USEFUL IN CALCULUS the basics that make calculus so much easier - WRITING CLEARLY a good preparation for those who aren't quite ready for writing 121 - WRITING SKILLS FOR THE RETURNING (OR UNEASY) STUDENT appropriate for those who have been away from school for at least a year and flinch at the men tion of a paper •these Educational Opportunity Program workshops are supported by a Department ot Education Special Services Grant for qualifying students To see It you quality contact: Center foY Academic Learning Services 108 Library • 688-3226 Animals — Continued from Page 1 being maintained poorly in somebody's residence: the se cond is that they have been liberated’ to the outside world, where they will almost definite ly face a slow death "In the laboratories these animals are kept under very comfortable and warm condi tions They am socialized with humans and others of their kind, they are constantly observed and receive medical care when they need ft." Weston said Weston docs not believe the Al.r knows the difference bet ween good anil Isnl science, as it implies it does in its slogans that were painted on the walls of the laboratories "Science docs not matter to them, they are just using slogans to make it seem as if we are doing terrible things when we are not." he said. "The damage they have done is irrelevant to what they say their cause is." Weston concluded. Sharon Nettles, a coordinator for 1’iKjple for the Fthical Treat ment of Animals, a national organization with a branch in hiigeno. said she does not believe that the ALT hoped to reach a means to an end as a result of their actions. "After watching the news and hearing the comments from (tircgl Stick rod and (|ohn| Moselv. I'm sun; the ALF did not expect to change those peo ple's views on how they (the AI.F) will end research." Net tloss said "From what I've mad in the past, the AI.F doesn't plan an action until it finds homes for the animals. Also, supposedly there is an examination done on the animals hv a veterinarian after they are taken." Nettles said ARCADIAN r ARMS N.W. Homr KidinK Imons '•An Kivrriw Altrrnatur * 2405 Hailvt Mill Kuad | 19 Minulr* from I <>( () _484-5360_ fUQ BOOKSTORE Get the Word! *88" Microsoft WORD Studont WORD PERFECT $75°° us 13th & Kincaid Mf 7 30-6 30 SAT 1000-4 00 Library workers talk to Hendriksen By Chris Nonred Of III* hm#rald University library workers met with state Sen Margie Hendriksen on Monday to express their concerns that the slate Personnel Division will overlook library workers in its process of constructing a new classification system for state employees Hendriksen currently sits on the legislative oversight committee that is reviewing the Personnel Division's work She said she is concerned too much attention might la* given to the new classification systems, and not enough attention to the main goal of getting pay raises for undervalued stale employees. Hendriksen said she opposed the idea of new classifica tions when she and the late Sen. I..H. Day proposed the pay equity legislation. Hut because the Oregon Public Kmployees Union and Cov Vic Atiyeh supported new classifications, she had to go along with it as a political reality.' "The concern we re left with now is. what is the quality of the new classification system the Personnel Division has created." Hendriksen said "The Legislature has reservations about whether the whole new classification system is going to bo valid.' Hen driksen said. The legislative thrust is going to be to gel pay equity with or without the new classifications, she said "I've seen enough problems with the new classifications that I'm concerned we ll have to wait around until everything gets straightened out before we get pay equity ." she said Hendriksen. whose senatorial term will end with tire (.outing election, said she already has a pay equity bill drafted and will have one of her colleagues present it at the legislature in hopes of meeting the? goal ol pay equity in l‘»87. which was put forth in 19B5 by the legislative task force on comparable worth. Hendriksen said the oversight committee has its final meeting Nov. 111. and that she would raise tin- library employees' concerns with director of tin; Personnel Division Anita iatech at that meeting The new classification system approved by the legislature was supposed to classify jobs by what the worker ac tually did on the? job. Hendriksen said And she is convinc ed library employees may deserve special consideration in the new classification system. Hut she said legislators can only set policies and have a hard time making sure the specifics of those policies are car ried out by state; agencies. "I think there are going to be changes in many of these agencies regard less nl who comes in (to the governor s of fic»J," she said "Both (candidates) it ap[rears to me will have a better attitude on the comparable worth issue. We re deal ing with an administration going out — I don't know what their attitude and morale is as they're on their way out." EtaL MEETINGS A workshop entitled "Apply ing to Ijw School" takes place today at 3:30 p.m. in 1H4 Oregon Hall. learn how to prepare for law school and the I.SAT The University Speech: Telecommunications and Film Association will lx: having its first mooting of the term today at K:(MI p in. in Kooni 202. Villard Mall LECTURES Measure 6 debate on state funding of abortion. Kuth Leibi ele vs. Kit (Ireerty, at 7::t(l p.m. in K(M>in lt>7. EMU Correction In an article published Monday candidate to state Senate District 20 Scott Carpenter was misidentified as a Democrat. Carpenter is the Republican candidate. Cratlan Kerens is the Democratic candidate. The Kmerald renn-ls any contusion this may have caused. r H TINO’S IS SPAGHETTI SI HOUSE |g PIZZA 342-8111 Introducing . . . FREE Delivery Servicel * ‘Tree delivery with a minimum order Also offering • Full dinner menu • White or whole wheat crust • Limited delivery area 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon - Fri 11 00 - Midnight Sat 5:00-1 00 a m Sun 5 00-11 00 p m makeTmoney we BUY. TRADE * CONSIGN quality clothing (new to 2 yiv old) Kemembrr us when cleaning oul your tlosclj Of just come- browse through our unique shop. Call Mornings for Appt. 344-7039 SAVE MONEY 10 6 Moo.-Sal. 360 C. I Ith. between Mill Or fllqh __curar save_l