Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    More than 'peaceniks' are
looking towards future
I don’t consider myself a' "peacenik." I'm not
really even an activist. Hut when I heard about a
rally in Hangnr. W ashington, to protest the arrival
of the seventh Trident submarine. I thought
enough is enough How much longer will this
i ra/.x arms rar e go on' flow long will I continue
to support it with my silence?
So my sister, a grade school teacher in
Portland, and I det ided to pursue our curiosity
and ventured up to the Puget Sound area lust
weekend Neither ot us had parti( ipair'd in a
peace rall\ before, so we didn't know what to
In Seattle on Sunday morning we planned to
hear Hishop Mu hard Kenny of (uneau. Alaska
speak out against the arms rat e. and against the
latest Trident in parlir ular Irer ause d was named
the "U S S. Alaska.’’ after his stair'
Reporter’s notebook
by Sharon Bosserman
What we didn’t plan was to witness a r hurch
full of whites, hispanics. asians and mostly
blacks sing a long round ol Ain't gonna slutlx
war no mole to open then service. Were these
people peaceniks' I hex seemed to lie troll! till (lit
torenI ethnic groups and sot tal i lasses hut .ill
of them could sing. And they sang one peat e song
after another in a spirited gospel style
finally Kenny got up to preat h lie told the
tongnigalion that hostiIit\ among nations starts
with host i I it \ among ourselves
"Kven 11 we tlitl a wax with all
weapons . . the source of the weapons still lies in
every one of us." he said
keiinx sitid as Americans, we need to "itlen
Idx ourselves xxilli everyone, which lie saitl in
t hides memliers ol all races, religions as well .is
gax s. "xxar mongers." republit.ans and others I le
said we need to accept and be one w ith others in
our search for peat e
Kenny’s present e m Seattle xxas not only to
protest the arrix.il ol the I N S Alaska, but to
show his support lor Art hhishup Raymond I Inn
(hausen ol Seattle Hunt hausen was recently
stripped of some ol his authority by the Vatican in
response to t oncerns alionl his stands on divorce,
marriage. homose\ualitx anti ecumenical
"In case there is anx tlonlil said Kennx
"|niy presence) is m support ol Art hlnshup llun
thausen." The congregation loved Iwilli bishops
W e thought Kenny xxas pretty good but had
to leave the clitirt b ipiii klx to catch a Imx to
liaiuhridge Island and then drixe the rest ol tile
xx ax to liailgni
I'll route to the naxal hast- at ll.ingoi the
Winslow ferry xx as full of Trident resistors. They
wore t-shirts that saitl. "Kesisl Trident for l.ove
and for Life ’ Some ol them wore "I l.oxe llun
ihausen" buttons I’rnhahlv a hum h of peat eniks.
or thought and dei idl'd to find out
Ten-year-old K manual Stour fn>m Srattlr
was a little shy talking with us. although hr has
ln*rn to rallies "lots of limes " Me said he didn't
feel safe in Seattle "Imi ausr of the weapons on
I lie .submarine
Margaret Hromson. a da\ i are teat her in
Seattle, has been to three rallies ,n itangor She
said she was representing several older people
who could not be at the rally themselves and to
offer "praverful support for people of peace
She thinks it is ridii ulous to spend money on
wea|ions when it is needed for education and
Itangor was IwatitiftiI The browns and
oranges ol bill surrounded numerous water
Ixxlirs and gave the land a healthy glow
despite the i onslanl dll//.le
Milt when we arrived at the naval base itself,
we too became a little uneasy We stood on the
railroad trai ks in the same place w here the
while train" people had been arrested
luminous times these are I he same Irai ks that
• onlinue to carry trains loaded with ts|tiipmenl
tor the I ndent submarines
More than 500 people showed up to hear a
varietv of speakers .it the rally. Shellev
Douglass lives with her husltand |lm in a house
next to the tracks Their noil violent protest
group, (iruund Zero, hands out "no-nuke'
pamplels to workers as they enter the Ixese dailv
I km glass said the Trident submarine is a
"negation of lieauly " She talked about Ihe
elements and how Ibex .ire shared hv all people
These people oil ihe other side ot the Inaval
base| fence." she said. "Ihex are one w ith ns and
share Ihe elements w ith us "
On the fence hung a large sign with "Warn
ing Keslrii led Area" printed in big letters When
im sister and I moved i loser to read the line
print, someone veiled Irom lielimd "Slop! Don't
i ross the white line!" While line' Sure enough
between ourselves ailtl the fence ten feet away
was a white line litter we found out that anyone
who crosses the line is arrested (there was ■«
military offic ial sitting in a i ar next to the Icm el
Kiin Wahl, representing Agape {pail ol the
(hound Zero community), said people began
placing themselves in trout of trains that carry
mil lear weapons in l<!7 t
So we listened to the speakers and singers,
participated in a "peace pledge" and left for
home We missed Ihe vigil Siliulav night and Ihe
ail ol iivil disnlmdieni e scheduled lot Ihe next
day We dei ided we i mild not allnrd to miss
si linnl. going to jail and all
"Did you gel arrested?" is the ipieslion people
have been asking me siui e I got Imi k No lull
now I wear a hnltnii that says "Another Woman
lot Peat e " and I learned a lol Maybe being a
peal enik isn't so bad
(in 12 oz.354
mad 16 oz.454
Ig. 24 oz. .554
Comal 32 oz. .654
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