Your Student Health Center - sponsor ol WELL NOW oiler* health and medical car* tetVKes lo all lulty regiitered itudenfa at the U ol OR. We encourage you to utilize our tervice* and tav* youraell (or your parent*) lot* ol money on your health car* need* Hour* ol Servlet Rngular Chrnc (M F| Saturday Clinic Urgant Cara (M Sal) Sunday Urgant Cara 0 OOAM 4 30 PM 8 00AM • Noon 8 OOAM ■ 8 OOPM Noon - 8 OOPM ASK DR. WELLNESS II you have any questions regarding health lhal you’d Hka to ask. |ual write your question on a slip ol paper (no names necessary), and put ,t m the Or. Wellness1 Question Bo* located |ust outside the Health Education Center (In the Student Health Center) Or send to Dr Wellness1, Lifestyle Planning Program. University ol Oregon Eugene. OR 97403 Answers will be printed as space permits Optimize your U Health i Peer Health Advisers are students he*o*nq students They have been trainee to hetp you develop and maintain a healthy Mesfyie Peer Health Advisers special! xe m me lo«o*»mq areas •STRESS MANAGEMENT •STOPSMOKHG 'NUTRmON •FITNESS EXERCISE •WEIGHT ISSUES (Oiiw. Lkvj*| (CUllonl (Bovl (Ingunni (B«vl •BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION (ImOAl •DRUGS A NO ALCOHOL (EsieW. Gas tool Call: 686-4456 lor an »op(w»*« NO Ff C ijftsrni w»r«MNO mcviaam V##N»»«ITY or O*f«-i0H Mt«lfMC»Tl<* join the great american smokeout Nov. 21 STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF f 0plci 'Vaccinate** > Influenza vaccinations will be given at the Student Health Center every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 00 a m to 9 00 a m . beginning Oc tober 15 and continuing until the end of Fall term Only one injection Is needed for persons age 35 and older. Two injec Nona may be required ror persons unoer age 35. Students $2.50 Faculty and Staff $3 50 Annual flu Immunizations are recommend ed for the following: 1. Persons with increased risk of complica tion from lower repiratory infections. 2. Persons 65 years or older. 3. Persons with any of the following: heart disease, compromised lung func tlons. chronic kidney disease, diabetes, chronic severe anemia, and conditions which compromise Immune mechanisms. For more information, call the Student Health Center at (686>-4441 HEALTH EDUCATION CENTER HOURS: MON: 9:30-4:30 TUES: 8:30-2:30 WED: 8:30-2:30 THUR: 8:30-2:30 FRI: 9:30-11:30 WELL NOW... Putobsttwd two tim«» pw quartwr KATE SCHUYLER EOITORS: LIZ GOEKE JEFF THOMAS STUDENT HEALTH CENTER UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE. OR 97403 1 503 686 4401