plain tally about... STRESSED OUT? TRY THIS !!! With a new school yc xi -etting into lull swing now. you may find yourself constantly on the run. Running to and from classes, work, school, and social events may produce undesirable and unpleasant side effects such as headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and fatique. A good way to offset all this excess tension is to build up a habit of relaxation. With Progressive Muscle Relaxation you can learn to relax the large muscle groups in your body, thus helping to relieve yourself of tension and stress build-up. The method requires you to tense (tighten up and hold the tension) and then relax the muscle. Everytime you do this, concentrate on the difference in body sensations and feelings between the tension and relaxation. Identifying these feelings will help you become aware of any tense muscles which you can relax. Try to practice this exercise two times daily to build up your habit ol relaxation: Right hand and forearm - 2 times Left hand and forearm - 2 times Biceps - bend elbow - once Triceps - arms stretch out - once Forehead - wrinkle up • once Forehead - wrinkle down - once Eyes - close tightly - once Tongue - press up to tool ol mouth • once Neck - head pressed back - once Neck - head pressed back - rolking head to the left and to the right - 2 times Shoulders - shrugged up - 2 times Chest - deep breath, hold it, exhale slowly - 2 times Stomach - hold it in - 2 times Stomach - hold It out - 2 times Lower back - arch it up (not too lari) - 2 times Thighs - press down on heels - 2 times Calves - toes forward - 2 times Shins - toes up and back - 2 tunes Linda Thiel Stress Management Peer Health Advisor ruwAat youn. sthtss Everyday we are confronted with a variety of situations that can induce stress As college students we seem to have more than our share research papers, mid-terms, living away from home, little or no sleep, relationship problems, and fear of failure Those can all work together to compound stress It’s important to recognize the first signs of stress and work towards alleviating these stresses Headaches, increased irritability, upset stomach, and inabilty to sleep, are all warning signals your body gives you. To begin reducing these stressors you can learn to budget your time, and stop procrastinating! It's also important to allow yourself free time to relax and perhaps schedule your day’s activities In other words, GET ORGANIZEDI Also, of equal importance. Is to eat a we'l balanced diet and to get enough sleep By implementing these strategies into your life, you cannot only succeed in reducing stress, you can maintain them as building blocks to a healthier lifestyle. Diane Lancaster Stress Management Peer Health Advisor rt.r/\$F DON'T TELL. ME i o nn.An S ir’s oni.y I MY trnsiom A THAT'S ^HOl DllsIC ME u i ocniien.